{* Ein Kommentar mit Smarty Wie in PHP wird dieser dann von dem Smarty-System ignoriert. Der Browser bekommt dann diesen Kommentar auch nicht zu sehen, obwohl er direkt im Template steht. file: plugin_eventcal_cal.tpl - 2011-01-19, ian *} {if $is_eventcal_articleformat == true}


{if $is_eventcal_headline == true}


{if $plugin_eventcal_cal_preface}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_error}{if $is_eventcal_cal_admin_clear == true}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_message}
{foreach from=$plugin_eventcal_message item=message}
{/if} {if $admin_delete == true}


{/if} {if $admin_dodelete == true && $rip_entry}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_cal_debug_fdc}
  function: {$is_eventcal_cal_debug_fdc}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_cal_debug_fcwe}
  function: {$is_eventcal_cal_debug_fcwe}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_cal_debug_fs1}
  function: {$is_eventcal_cal_debug_fs1}
{/if} {if $is_eventcal_icalswitch == true}

{foreach key="icsktype" item="icsvtype" from=$plugin_eventcal_ical_types} {/foreach}
{if $icsktype == 'ml'} To: {$CONST.EMAIL} {else} {/if}
{/if}{* icalswitch end *} {if $plugin_eventcal_cal_monthviewnav} {/if}{* monthviewnav end *} {if $is_eventcal_cal_admin_clear != true} {/if}{* admin clear end *} {* now we include the seperate build single event day entry - plugin_eventcal_entry.tpl *} {if $plugin_eventcal_cal_buildsetable} {$plugin_eventcal_cal_buildsetable} {/if} {* now we include the the open/close form button and the open/close lookout for unapproved events table *} {if $is_eventcal_cal_buildbuttons == true} {if $is_eventcal_cal_buildbuttonadd == true} {if $is_eventcal_cal_admin_clear != true} {/if}{* admin clear end *} {* now we include the open form table - plugin_eventcal_add.tpl *} {if $plugin_eventcal_cal_buildaddtable} {$plugin_eventcal_cal_buildaddtable} {/if} {/if}{* buildbuttonadd end *} {if $is_eventcal_cal_buildbuttonapp == true} {if $is_eventcal_cal_admin_clear != true} {/if}{* admin clear end *} {* now we include the lookout for unapproved events table - plugin_eventcal_app.tpl *} {if $plugin_eventcal_cal_buildapptable} {$plugin_eventcal_cal_buildapptable} {/if} {/if}{* buildbuttonapp end *} {/if}{* buildbuttons end *} {* placeholder admin links *}
{if $plugin_eventcal_cal_sedweek} {else} {/if}
{if $plugin_eventcal_cal_sed} {foreach item=r from=$plugin_eventcal_cal_sed} {/foreach} {foreach from=$plugin_eventcal_cal_sed item="week"} {if $week.days} {foreach from=$week.days item="day"} {/foreach} {/if} {/foreach}
{if $day.today == 'today'}
{elseif $day.today == 'blank'}blank{else} {/if}
{$day.label|@default:' '}
{if !$day.arrdata} {/if} {foreach from=$day.arrdata item=r}{* start=1 *} {$r.sdesc}
{/if}{* sed end *} {* now we include the weekly event table if there is - plugin_eventcal_calweek.tpl *} {if $plugin_eventcal_cal_buildweektable} {$plugin_eventcal_cal_buildweektable} {/if}
{if $is_eventcal_ical && !$plugin_eventcal_cal_sedweek} {* now we create the monthly ical link, depending on config settings *} {if $plugin_eventcal_icsdl == 'ud'} {else} {/if} {/if}
Single Events Multi Events Monthly Events Weekly Events ical month feedical month feed

{if $is_eventcal_articleformat == true}
{/if}{* articleformat end *}