Serendipity: Available External Event Plugins TOC en Serendipitx SPARTACUS Babelfish: Translate blog entries (trash!) Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_babelfish<br />Babelfish</b><br />Translate blog entries (trash!)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:06:04 +0100 serendipity_event_babelfish Статични страници: Показва статични страници във вашия блог използвайки общия дизайн на блога. Добавя нова команда към административното меню. Event Plugins Marco Rinck, Garvin Hicking, David Rolston, Falk Doering, Stephan Manske, Pascal Uhlmann, Ian, Don Chambers <b>serendipity_event_staticpage<br />Статични страници</b><br />Показва статични страници във вашия блог използвайки общия дизайн на блога. Добавя нова команда към административното меню.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 Mon, 06 May 2013 02:31:19 +0200 serendipity_event_staticpage Validates authors login: Validates the login credentials of an author using the sidebar login form Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_loginform<br />Validates authors login</b><br />Validates the login credentials of an author using the sidebar login form<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_loginform Връзки към предишна/следваща статия: Поставя връзки към предишната и следващата статия в страницата на настоящата статия. Това позволява по-лесно разглеждане на статиите. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_event_entrypaging<br />Връзки към предишна/следваща статия</b><br />Поставя връзки към предишната и следващата статия в страницата на настоящата статия. Това позволява по-лесно разглеждане на статиите.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:18:38 +0100 serendipity_event_entrypaging Avatar Plugin: Show avatars inside comments. Gravatars, Pavatars, Favatars, Twitter, Identica and MyBlogLog avatars are supported. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_gravatar<br />Avatar Plugin</b><br />Show avatars inside comments. Gravatars, Pavatars, Favatars, Twitter, Identica and MyBlogLog avatars are supported.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sat, 30 Jun 2012 02:31:58 +0200 serendipity_event_gravatar HTML блок в HEAD тага на страницата: Тази приставка позволява вмъкване на HTML код в HEAD тага страницата. Можете да използвате това например за мета-тагове или включване на JavaScript скриптове. Забележка: Приставката е остаряла и може напълно да бъде заменена от serendipity_event_page_nugget. Event Plugins Jannis Hermanns <b>serendipity_event_head_nugget<br />HTML блок в HEAD тага на страницата</b><br />Тази приставка позволява вмъкване на HTML код в HEAD тага страницата. Можете да използвате това например за мета-тагове или включване на JavaScript скриптове. Забележка: Приставката е остаряла и може напълно да бъде заменена от serendipity_event_page_nugget.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:37:18 +0100 serendipity_event_head_nugget Разделяне на дълги статии: Позволява разделянето на дълги статии в няколко части (страници), които се извеждат последователно Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Tadashi Jokagi, Thomas Werner <b>serendipity_event_entrysplit<br />Разделяне на дълги статии</b><br />Позволява разделянето на дълги статии в няколко части (страници), които се извеждат последователно<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:38:23 +0100 serendipity_event_entrysplit Правила за публикуване на статии: Прилага няколко проверки на статията преди тя да бъде публикувана Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Gregor Voeltz <b>serendipity_event_entrycheck<br />Правила за публикуване на статии</b><br />Прилага няколко проверки на статията преди тя да бъде публикувана<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_entrycheck Маркиране на статии: Позволява свободно маркиране на статиите Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Jonathan Arkell, Grischa Brockhaus, Lars Strojny, Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_freetag<br />Маркиране на статии</b><br />Позволява свободно маркиране на статиите<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:31:28 +0100 serendipity_event_freetag Многоезични статии: Позволява създаването на версии на статиите на различни езици Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_event_multilingual<br />Многоезични статии</b><br />Позволява създаването на версии на статиите на различни езици<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Fri, 01 Feb 2013 02:31:14 +0100 serendipity_event_multilingual LJ/MySpace/Serendipity Update Plugin: Uses XMLRPC to post to your Livejournal/MySpace/Serendipity Event Plugins Kaustubh Srikanth, Ivan Makhonin <b>serendipity_event_ljupdate<br />LJ/MySpace/Serendipity Update Plugin</b><br />Uses XMLRPC to post to your Livejournal/MySpace/Serendipity<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_ljupdate Управление на проследяванията: Позволява подробен контрол върху проследяванията при създаване на статии Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_trackback<br />Управление на проследяванията</b><br />Позволява подробен контрол върху проследяванията при създаване на статии<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Wed, 04 Jul 2012 02:32:18 +0200 serendipity_event_trackback Показва лента с картинки - "усмивки": Показва лента за избор на картинки, изразяващи емоции (emoticons). Не работи с WYSIWYG редактор. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Jay Bertrandt, Ian <b>serendipity_event_emoticonchooser<br />Показва лента с картинки - "усмивки"</b><br />Показва лента за избор на картинки, изразяващи емоции (emoticons). Не работи с WYSIWYG редактор.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Tue, 07 May 2013 02:31:08 +0200 serendipity_event_emoticonchooser Amazon Media Button: Adds a button to allow search which are insertable into your entry Event Plugins Matthew Groeninger <b>serendipity_event_amazonchooser<br />Amazon Media Button</b><br />Adds a button to allow search which are insertable into your entry<br/>For: Serendipity 1.4 Tue, 07 May 2013 02:31:08 +0200 serendipity_event_amazonchooser External user authentication (LDAP)/tracking: Allows to use external ressource to validate logins. Logins will be cached in the Serendipity database framework. This plugin can also track logins inside the Database. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking/Justin Alcorn <b>serendipity_event_externalauth<br />External user authentication (LDAP)/tracking</b><br />Allows to use external ressource to validate logins. Logins will be cached in the Serendipity database framework. This plugin can also track logins inside the Database.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_externalauth Скриване на статии от нерегистрирани посетители на блога: Скрива всички статии, които са по-стари от определена възраст, така че те да бъдат виждани само от регистирани посетители и автори Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_outdate_entries<br />Скриване на статии от нерегистрирани посетители на блога</b><br />Скрива всички статии, които са по-стари от определена възраст, така че те да бъдат виждани само от регистирани посетители и автори<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 03 May 2012 02:32:06 +0200 serendipity_event_outdate_entries Връзка за изтриване на статия: Добавя връзка за изтриване на статията под нейното съдържание. Event Plugins Cameron MacFarland, Brett Profitt <b>serendipity_event_deletelink<br />Връзка за изтриване на статия</b><br />Добавя връзка за изтриване на статията под нейното съдържание.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:54:59 +0100 serendipity_event_deletelink Форматиране на текст: Markdown: Прилага текстово форматиране Markdown Event Plugins Serendipity Team and Jan Lehnardt <b>serendipity_event_markdown<br />Форматиране на текст: Markdown</b><br />Прилага текстово форматиране Markdown<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Tue, 20 Nov 2012 02:31:33 +0100 serendipity_event_markdown Photoblog Entries: Adds a single image to an entry. Event Plugins Cameron MacFarland <b>serendipity_event_photoblog<br />Photoblog Entries</b><br />Adds a single image to an entry.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_photoblog Thumbnail Page: Shows a thumbnail page. Address is index.php?serendipity[page]=thumbs Event Plugins Cameron MacFarland <b>serendipity_event_thumbnails<br />Thumbnail Page</b><br />Shows a thumbnail page. Address is index.php?serendipity[page]=thumbs<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 00:58:07 +0100 serendipity_event_thumbnails Gallery Display: Allows anonymous users to view Serendipity media gallery Event Plugins Arnan de Gans, Matthew Groeninger, and Stefan Willoughby <b>serendipity_event_usergallery<br />Gallery Display</b><br />Allows anonymous users to view Serendipity media gallery<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Fri, 14 Sep 2012 02:32:11 +0200 serendipity_event_usergallery User Self-Registration: Allows blog visitors to create their own author account. Together with the Event-plugin (index.php?serendipity[subpage]=adduser) you can choose whether only registered users may post comments. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_adduser<br />User Self-Registration</b><br />Allows blog visitors to create their own author account. Together with the Event-plugin (index.php?serendipity[subpage]=adduser) you can choose whether only registered users may post comments.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Tue, 30 Apr 2013 02:31:30 +0200 serendipity_event_adduser PHPOpenTracker: Logs accesses to the blog using PHPOpenTracker. Requires installed phpOpenTracker, please see readme.txt for further information. Event Plugins Rene Schmidt <b>serendipity_event_phpopentracker<br />PHPOpenTracker</b><br />Logs accesses to the blog using PHPOpenTracker. Requires installed phpOpenTracker, please see readme.txt for further information.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_phpopentracker Easy Podcasting Plugin: Adds "podcasting" capabilities hinzu (RSS enclosure, Video/Sound-Player) Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus, Hannes Gassert, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_podcast<br />Easy Podcasting Plugin</b><br />Adds "podcasting" capabilities hinzu (RSS enclosure, Video/Sound-Player)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Wed, 18 Jul 2012 02:32:55 +0200 serendipity_event_podcast Layout-Plugin: Маркап за връзки: Позволява смяна на маркапа (изобразяването) на връзките в телата на статиите Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_layout_linkmarkup<br />Layout-Plugin: Маркап за връзки</b><br />Позволява смяна на маркапа (изобразяването) на връзките в телата на статиите<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:16:38 +0100 serendipity_event_layout_linkmarkup Layout-Plugin: Quote-Markup: Allows to change the markup of quotes in the entrybody Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_layout_quotemarkup<br />Layout-Plugin: Quote-Markup</b><br />Allows to change the markup of quotes in the entrybody<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:17:25 +0100 serendipity_event_layout_quotemarkup Списък от връзки: Менажер на връзките - показва връзки към други сайтове в странична приставка. Event Plugins Matthew Groeninger, Omid Mottaghi Rad <b>serendipity_event_linklist<br />Списък от връзки</b><br />Менажер на връзките - показва връзки към други сайтове в странична приставка.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_linklist Y!Q Related Search: Finds related pages using Yahoo's context sensitive search technology Event Plugins Rasmus Lerdorf <b>serendipity_event_yq<br />Y!Q Related Search</b><br />Finds related pages using Yahoo's context sensitive search technology<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_yq Guestbook: Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Event Plugins Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sat, 15 Sep 2012 02:33:18 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook My Mood: Allows you to add your current mood or moods to entries. Event Plugins Brett Profitt <b>serendipity_event_mymood<br />My Mood</b><br />Allows you to add your current mood or moods to entries.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:32:13 +0100 serendipity_event_mymood Постоянни връзки към статии: Дефинира постоянни връзки, които могат да се използват за достъп до избрани статии. Разрешени са варианти, които НЕ СЕ използват вече в структурата /archives/ . Но всяка друга (виртуална) директория е позволена. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_custom_permalinks<br />Постоянни връзки към статии</b><br />Дефинира постоянни връзки, които могат да се използват за достъп до избрани статии. Разрешени са варианти, които НЕ СЕ използват вече в структурата /archives/ . Но всяка друга (виртуална) директория е позволена.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:32:49 +0100 serendipity_event_custom_permalinks Transforms HTML for comments: Allows to insert HTML tags in comments (instead of stripping the tags, they are now converted to entities). Needs to be first of all markup plugins in the event queue! Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_unstrip_tags<br />Transforms HTML for comments</b><br />Allows to insert HTML tags in comments (instead of stripping the tags, they are now converted to entities). Needs to be first of all markup plugins in the event queue!<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_unstrip_tags Филтриране на статии: Позволява посетителите да филтрират статиите по различни критерии Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_filter_entries<br />Филтриране на статии</b><br />Позволява посетителите да филтрират статиите по различни критерии<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sat, 28 Jul 2012 02:33:16 +0200 serendipity_event_filter_entries Форматиране на текст: GeSHi: Синтактично оцветяване на програмни текстове. Приложение: [geshi lang=lang_name [,ln={y|n}]] програмен текст (без HTML) [/geshi]. Поддържани езици: actionscript, ada, apache, asm, asp, bash, c, c_mac, caddcl, cadlisp, cpp, csharp (C#), css, delphi, html4strict, java, javascript, lisp, lua, mpasm, nsis, objc, oobas, oracle8, pascal, perl, php, python, qbasic, smarty, vb, vbnet, visualfoxpro, xml Event Plugins David Rolston <b>serendipity_event_geshi<br />Форматиране на текст: GeSHi</b><br />Синтактично оцветяване на програмни текстове. Приложение: [geshi lang=lang_name [,ln={y|n}]] програмен текст (без HTML) [/geshi]. Поддържани езици: actionscript, ada, apache, asm, asp, bash, c, c_mac, caddcl, cadlisp, cpp, csharp (C#), css, delphi, html4strict, java, javascript, lisp, lua, mpasm, nsis, objc, oobas, oracle8, pascal, perl, php, python, qbasic, smarty, vb, vbnet, visualfoxpro, xml<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_geshi SMF Markup: SMF Markup Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_smfmarkup<br />SMF Markup</b><br />SMF Markup<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:51 +0200 serendipity_event_smfmarkup Adds CC to all sent emails: (Notice: Make sure that the all of your authors have the option to receiv comment notification emails activated, or else no mails will be created that can be CCed Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_mailcc<br />Adds CC to all sent emails</b><br />(Notice: Make sure that the all of your authors have the option to receiv comment notification emails activated, or else no mails will be created that can be CCed<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:51 +0200 serendipity_event_mailcc StalkerBuster (TM,C,R): Denies access to baddies. Write line-separated list of blocked cookies to a stalkerbuster.php file in your root. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_stalkerbuster<br />StalkerBuster (TM,C,R)</b><br />Denies access to baddies. Write line-separated list of blocked cookies to a stalkerbuster.php file in your root.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:51 +0200 serendipity_event_stalkerbuster Spam: Challenge/Response: Event Plugins Nobody <b>serendipity_event_challengeresponse<br />Spam: Challenge/Response</b><br /><br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:44:38 +0100 serendipity_event_challengeresponse Външно PHP приложение: Показва външно PHP приложение в блога, интегрирано в неговия дизайн и форматиране. ИЗПОЛЗВАЙТЕ ТАЗИ ПРИСТАВКА С ВНИМАНИЕ, ЗАЩОТО МОЖЕТЕ ДА ЗАСТРАШИТЕ СИГУРНОСТТА НА БЛОГА С НЕЯ (ТЯ МОЖЕ ДА ИЗПЪЛНЯВА ВСЯКАКЪВ PHP ФАЙЛ). МОЖЕТЕ ДА ИЗПОЛЗВАТЕ ПРИСТАВКАТА САМО КАТО АДМИНИСТРАТОР! Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_externalphp<br />Външно PHP приложение</b><br />Показва външно PHP приложение в блога, интегрирано в неговия дизайн и форматиране. ИЗПОЛЗВАЙТЕ ТАЗИ ПРИСТАВКА С ВНИМАНИЕ, ЗАЩОТО МОЖЕТЕ ДА ЗАСТРАШИТЕ СИГУРНОСТТА НА БЛОГА С НЕЯ (ТЯ МОЖЕ ДА ИЗПЪЛНЯВА ВСЯКАКЪВ PHP ФАЙЛ). МОЖЕТЕ ДА ИЗПОЛЗВАТЕ ПРИСТАВКАТА САМО КАТО АДМИНИСТРАТОР!<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:44:42 +0100 serendipity_event_externalphp Markup: Smarty Parsing: Parses Smarty instructions inside the article text Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_smartymarkup<br />Markup: Smarty Parsing</b><br />Parses Smarty instructions inside the article text<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_smartymarkup Music of the Moment: Real time music status from iTunes using iTunesBlogger: Event Plugins Tys von Gaza <b>serendipity_event_motm<br />Music of the Moment</b><br />Real time music status from iTunes using iTunesBlogger:<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:47:35 +0100 serendipity_event_motm RSS Aggregator: Display entries from multiple RSS feeds ("Planet"). IMPORTANT NOTE: Updating and "feeding" your Aggregator must currently still happen manually via Cronjobs or similar. Call this URL with your custom timing interval: index.php?/plugin/aggregator Event Plugins Evan Nemerson, Garvin Hicking, Kristian Koehntopp, Thomas Schulz, Claus Schmidt <b>serendipity_event_aggregator<br />RSS Aggregator</b><br />Display entries from multiple RSS feeds ("Planet"). IMPORTANT NOTE: Updating and "feeding" your Aggregator must currently still happen manually via Cronjobs or similar. Call this URL with your custom timing interval: index.php?/plugin/aggregator<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_aggregator Template Header/Logo Image: Switch header image or logo for templates Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Sebastian Mayeres, Jude Anthony <b>serendipity_event_kubrickheader<br />Template Header/Logo Image</b><br />Switch header image or logo for templates<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_kubrickheader Показва съобщения с датите на последните промени на статиите: Показва кога (дата и час) са направени последните промени на статиите, веднага след тяхното съдържание. При непроменяните статии се извежда текст, поясняващ, че те не са променяни. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_entrylastmodified<br />Показва съобщения с датите на последните промени на статиите</b><br />Показва кога (дата и час) са направени последните промени на статиите, веднага след тяхното съдържание. При непроменяните статии се извежда текст, поясняващ, че те не са променяни.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:51:48 +0100 serendipity_event_entrylastmodified GeoURL: GeoURL асоциира URL на блога с географски координати. Повече информация има на Event Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_event_geourl<br />GeoURL</b><br />GeoURL асоциира URL на блога с географски координати. Повече информация има на<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_geourl MimeTex/LaTeX TeX Interpreter: Create Gifs from TeX expressions using MimeTex or LaTeX Event Plugins Matthew Groeninger <b>serendipity_event_mimetex<br />MimeTex/LaTeX TeX Interpreter</b><br />Create Gifs from TeX expressions using MimeTex or LaTeX<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_mimetex Typeset/Extended Buttons for non-WYSIWYG editors: Adds buttons for various encoded typeset entities and other extended actions. Event Plugins Matthew Groeninger, Malte Diers <b>serendipity_event_typesetbuttons<br />Typeset/Extended Buttons for non-WYSIWYG editors</b><br />Adds buttons for various encoded typeset entities and other extended actions.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_typesetbuttons POPfetcher: Fetches and publishes email and attachments from a POP3 email account (with special cell phone support) Event Plugins Jason Levitt <b>serendipity_event_popfetcher<br />POPfetcher</b><br />Fetches and publishes email and attachments from a POP3 email account (with special cell phone support)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_popfetcher Toggle Sidebar state (collapsed/uncollapsed): Shrinks Sidebars to just their titles. Extra configuration in Entries -> Manage Sidebars in the Admin Suite. Event Plugins Tys von Gaza, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_sidebarhider<br />Toggle Sidebar state (collapsed/uncollapsed)</b><br />Shrinks Sidebars to just their titles. Extra configuration in Entries -> Manage Sidebars in the Admin Suite.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 01:57:37 +0100 serendipity_event_sidebarhider Picasa: Показва Picasa албуми, експортирани като XML Event Plugins Thomas Nesges, Greg Greenway <b>serendipity_event_picasa<br />Picasa</b><br />Показва Picasa албуми, експортирани като XML<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_picasa Форма за обратна връзка: Показва форма за изпращане на e-mail в блога като статична страница. Тя може да бъде достигната или чрез постоянна връзка, указана тук при конфигурирането на приставката или чрез 'index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform'. Можете да промените външния вид на формата като поставите файл 'plugin_contactform.tpl' в директорията на вашата тема и я модифицирате там. Captchas от приставка Spamblock (ако са позволени) ще бъдат приложени. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Форма за обратна връзка</b><br />Показва форма за изпращане на e-mail в блога като статична страница. Тя може да бъде достигната или чрез постоянна връзка, указана тук при конфигурирането на приставката или чрез 'index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform'. Можете да промените външния вид на формата като поставите файл 'plugin_contactform.tpl' в директорията на вашата тема и я модифицирате там. Captchas от приставка Spamblock (ако са позволени) ще бъдат приложени.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Fri, 24 Feb 2012 02:32:55 +0100 serendipity_event_contactform Изпращане на статията по e-mail: Дава възможност за изпращане на статия по e-mail на приятел. Трябва да се има предвид, че тази приставка може да предизвика автоматичен трафик, ако се използва от роботи. Event Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_event_mailentry<br />Изпращане на статията по e-mail</b><br />Дава възможност за изпращане на статия по e-mail на приятел. Трябва да се има предвид, че тази приставка може да предизвика автоматичен трафик, ако се използва от роботи.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_mailentry HTML Link Metatags: Inserts link rel="start|up|prev|next|canonical" metatags into your frontend for better navigation. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_linktoolbar<br />HTML Link Metatags</b><br />Inserts link rel="start|up|prev|next|canonical" metatags into your frontend for better navigation.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:03:57 +0100 serendipity_event_linktoolbar Layout-Plugin: Изглед за принтер: По-добър изглед за печат на Вашите статии Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_layout_printerfriendly<br />Layout-Plugin: Изглед за принтер</b><br />По-добър изглед за печат на Вашите статии<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:05:13 +0100 serendipity_event_layout_printerfriendly flickr Photostream CSS: This plugin is an extension to the flickr Photostream sidebar plugin and adds style information (CSS). Event Plugins Michael Kaiser <b>serendipity_event_flickrcss<br />flickr Photostream CSS</b><br />This plugin is an extension to the flickr Photostream sidebar plugin and adds style information (CSS).<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:24 +0200 serendipity_event_flickrcss Експорт на блога в PDF файл: Дава възможност на потребителите да записват блога в PDF формат Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Olivier PLATHEY, Steven Wittens <b>serendipity_event_blogpdf<br />Експорт на блога в PDF файл</b><br />Дава възможност на потребителите да записват блога в PDF формат<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_blogpdf Подобни статии/връзки: Вмъква връзки към подобни (свързани с тази статия) други статии или WEB страници. За постигане на гъвкавост можете да редактирате файл "plugin_relatedlinks.tpl" (Smarty-Template), за да настроите как да изглежда статията. Забележка: Тази приставка извежда връзките само в детайлен / пълен вид на статията. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_relatedlinks<br />Подобни статии/връзки</b><br />Вмъква връзки към подобни (свързани с тази статия) други статии или WEB страници. За постигане на гъвкавост можете да редактирате файл "plugin_relatedlinks.tpl" (Smarty-Template), за да настроите как да изглежда статията. Забележка: Тази приставка извежда връзките само в детайлен / пълен вид на статията.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:13:20 +0100 serendipity_event_relatedlinks Задачи/Проекти: Поддържа списък от проекти и степента на изпълнението им. Event Plugins Steven Tonnesen <b>serendipity_event_todolist<br />Задачи/Проекти</b><br />Поддържа списък от проекти и степента на изпълнението им.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_todolist Spam Protector (RBL): Will reject comments made from hosts which are listed in RBLs. Pay attention that this may affect proxy-users or dial-up users. Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_spamblock_rbl<br />Spam Protector (RBL)</b><br />Will reject comments made from hosts which are listed in RBLs. Pay attention that this may affect proxy-users or dial-up users.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.2 Tue, 05 Jun 2012 02:31:51 +0200 serendipity_event_spamblock_rbl Spam Protector (SURBL): Reject comments that contain blacklisted URLs Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_spamblock_surbl<br />Spam Protector (SURBL)</b><br />Reject comments that contain blacklisted URLs<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:21:07 +0100 serendipity_event_spamblock_surbl Просто кеширане на страници: [ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЕН СТАДИЙ] Кешира/пре-генерира страници. Забележка: Пречи на динамичните възможности на блога и може да не работи добре с динамичните приставки. За сметка на това предоставя скорост, ако не блогът не зависи от динамика в реално време. (Този плъгин трябва да бъде поставен колкото може по-напред в списъка на събитийните приставки. Само динамични приставки като karmavoting трябва да бъдат позиционирани преди тази приставка.) Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_cachesimple<br />Просто кеширане на страници</b><br />[ЕКСПЕРИМЕНТАЛЕН СТАДИЙ] Кешира/пре-генерира страници. Забележка: Пречи на динамичните възможности на блога и може да не работи добре с динамичните приставки. За сметка на това предоставя скорост, ако не блогът не зависи от динамика в реално време. (Този плъгин трябва да бъде поставен колкото може по-напред в списъка на събитийните приставки. Само динамични приставки като karmavoting трябва да бъдат позиционирани преди тази приставка.)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_cachesimple Polls: Maintains your votings / polls Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_pollbox<br />Polls</b><br />Maintains your votings / polls<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:23:01 +0100 serendipity_event_pollbox Markup: Wordwrap long text: Inserts breaks for lengthy entries/comments Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_wordwrap<br />Markup: Wordwrap long text</b><br />Inserts breaks for lengthy entries/comments<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_wordwrap Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Vladimir Ajgl, Adam Charnock Sat, 18 Aug 2012 02:32:01 +0200 serendipity_event_imageselectorplus Форматиране на текст: Кавички: Преобразува правите кавички в наклонени. Event Plugins Jonathan Spalink and Matthew Groeninger <b>serendipity_event_typoquote<br />Форматиране на текст: Кавички</b><br />Преобразува правите кавички в наклонени.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_typoquote Потребителски профили: Показва профил на автора с възможност за вграждане на негова снимка. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Falk Doering <b>serendipity_event_userprofiles<br />Потребителски профили</b><br />Показва профил на автора с възможност за вграждане на негова снимка.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:29:40 +0100 serendipity_event_userprofiles Customizable Entries Archive: Shows a sortable view of all past articles for the visitor. The link to this page should be inserted into a HTML nugget. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_customarchive<br />Customizable Entries Archive</b><br />Shows a sortable view of all past articles for the visitor. The link to this page should be inserted into a HTML nugget.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:30:44 +0100 serendipity_event_customarchive Моят календар: Поддържа персонален календар Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Markus Gerstel, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_mycalendar<br />Моят календар</b><br />Поддържа персонален календар<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:31:10 +0100 serendipity_event_mycalendar Coppermine селектор: Избира картинки от галерия Coppermine при редактиране на статии Event Plugins Matthew Maude (modified by Jim Davies) <b>serendipity_event_cpgselector<br />Coppermine селектор</b><br />Избира картинки от галерия Coppermine при редактиране на статии<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_cpgselector Асоцииране на категориите: Дава възможност за асоцииране на няколко категории с дадена статия Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_assigncategories<br />Асоцииране на категориите</b><br />Дава възможност за асоцииране на няколко категории с дадена статия<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:34:53 +0100 serendipity_event_assigncategories Sitemap Generator (for Crawlers): Creates a sitemap.xml.gz, which can be used by miscellaneous Web-Crawlers. (Google, MSN, Yahoo and Ask) Event Plugins Boris <b>serendipity_event_google_sitemap<br />Sitemap Generator (for Crawlers)</b><br />Creates a sitemap.xml.gz, which can be used by miscellaneous Web-Crawlers. (Google, MSN, Yahoo and Ask)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:36:28 +0100 serendipity_event_google_sitemap Random Blog Description: Shows a random description in the header. (Seperate database table has currently to be maintained manually) Event Plugins Florian Anderiasch <b>serendipity_event_randomblogdescription<br />Random Blog Description</b><br />Shows a random description in the header. (Seperate database table has currently to be maintained manually)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_randomblogdescription Uses TinyMCE as WYSIWYG editor: Utilizes the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9 or later. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_tinymce<br />Uses TinyMCE as WYSIWYG editor</b><br />Utilizes the TinyMCE WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9 or later. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_tinymce Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs: This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_xsstrust<br />Options for trustworthy editing on multi-user blogs</b><br />This plugin can specify, which authors on a multi-user blog you have enough trust in and do not expect hacking attempts. All other users are treated as possibly evil and cannot create HTML entries.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Fri, 19 Oct 2012 02:31:51 +0200 serendipity_event_xsstrust HTML блок: Поставя HTML блок на различни места в страницата или вътре в нейния HEAD таг Event Plugins Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_event_page_nugget<br />HTML блок</b><br />Поставя HTML блок на различни места в страницата или вътре в нейния HEAD таг<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:48:10 +0100 serendipity_event_page_nugget Markup: Включване на статия/шаблон/блок в статия: Тази приставка дава възможност за включване на елементи от статия в друга статия. Използвайте този код: [s9y-include-entry:XXX:YYY]. Заменете XXX идентификатора на статията (цяло число), а YYY с идентификатор на частта за включване (например "body", "title", "extended", ...). Освен това в административния панел е включено нова команда в менюто за поддръжка на шаблони (заготовки на статии) и блокове, които можете да включвате във Вашите статии. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_includeentry<br />Markup: Включване на статия/шаблон/блок в статия</b><br />Тази приставка дава възможност за включване на елементи от статия в друга статия. Използвайте този код: [s9y-include-entry:XXX:YYY]. Заменете XXX идентификатора на статията (цяло число), а YYY с идентификатор на частта за включване (например "body", "title", "extended", ...). Освен това в административния панел е включено нова команда в менюто за поддръжка на шаблони (заготовки на статии) и блокове, които можете да включвате във Вашите статии.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 07 Mar 2013 02:31:04 +0100 serendipity_event_includeentry Свойства/шаблони за категории: Тази приставка Ви позволява да сменяте шаблона и някои други свойства в зависимост от избраната катергория Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Judebert <b>serendipity_event_categorytemplates<br />Свойства/шаблони за категории</b><br />Тази приставка Ви позволява да сменяте шаблона и някои други свойства в зависимост от избраната катергория<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:53:28 +0100 serendipity_event_categorytemplates Post via XML-RPC: Allows to post/edit entries via the XML-RPC API (MT, Blogger, WordPress Endpoints) Event Plugins Serendipity Team <b>serendipity_event_xmlrpc<br />Post via XML-RPC</b><br />Allows to post/edit entries via the XML-RPC API (MT, Blogger, WordPress Endpoints)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_xmlrpc WrapURL: : Wraps another page in an IFRAME to be displayed in the body Event Plugins Rob Antonishen, Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_event_wrapurl<br />WrapURL: </b><br />Wraps another page in an IFRAME to be displayed in the body<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:56:14 +0100 serendipity_event_wrapurl Comics: Run webcomics in your blog Event Plugins Wesley Hwang-Chung <b>serendipity_event_comics<br />Comics</b><br />Run webcomics in your blog<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 02:57:42 +0100 serendipity_event_comics Uses FCKeditor as WYSIWYG editor: Utilizes the FCKeditor WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin. Event Plugins Ziyad Saeed, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_fckeditor<br />Uses FCKeditor as WYSIWYG editor</b><br />Utilizes the FCKeditor WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_fckeditor Uses XINHA as WYSIWYG editor: Warning! Xinha is experimental. Utilizes the XINHA WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin. Event Plugins Ziyad Saeed, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_xinha<br />Uses XINHA as WYSIWYG editor</b><br />Warning! Xinha is experimental. Utilizes the XINHA WYSIWYG editor. Requires Serendipity 0.9. After installation, read the installation guide in the configuration screen for this plugin.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_xinha Показва RSS емисия в административната страница: Показва RSS емисия в административната страница, веднага след влизането в системата. Event Plugins Sebastian Nohn <b>serendipity_event_backendrss<br />Показва RSS емисия в административната страница</b><br />Показва RSS емисия в административната страница, веднага след влизането в системата.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_backendrss Downloadmanager: Provides full downloadmanager capabilities to your s9y. When uninstalling, all related tables will be dropped! Event Plugins Alexander 'dma147' Mieland, Grischa Brockhaus, Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_event_downloadmanager<br />Downloadmanager</b><br />Provides full downloadmanager capabilities to your s9y. When uninstalling, all related tables will be dropped!<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_downloadmanager Tooltips: Activate Tooltips Text and Images. Event Plugins Enrico Stahn <b>serendipity_event_tooltips<br />Tooltips</b><br />Activate Tooltips Text and Images.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_tooltips Markup: Gallery Image: Inserts a Gallery album or image using markup text. Event Plugins Rob Antonishen, Alexander Mieland <b>serendipity_event_galleryimage<br />Markup: Gallery Image</b><br />Inserts a Gallery album or image using markup text.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_galleryimage HTTP-Authentication: Authenticates users via HTTP auth using their s9y user login data. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_httpauth<br />HTTP-Authentication</b><br />Authenticates users via HTTP auth using their s9y user login data.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:15:08 +0100 serendipity_event_httpauth Показва статии от блога чрез JavaScript: Тази приставка извежда статии от блога през JavaScript, така че те могат да бъдат включвани в други, външни сайтове. (Вижте файл README в директорията на приставката.) Event Plugins Alexander 'dma147' Mieland,, <b>serendipity_event_backend<br />Показва статии от блога чрез JavaScript</b><br />Тази приставка извежда статии от блога през JavaScript, така че те могат да бъдат включвани в други, външни сайтове. (Вижте файл README в директорията на приставката.)<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_backend Geotag: Allows entries to be geotagged with coordinates Event Plugins Zoran Kovacevic, Grischa Brockhaus, Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_event_geotag<br />Geotag</b><br />Allows entries to be geotagged with coordinates<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Mon, 09 Jul 2012 02:31:53 +0200 serendipity_event_geotag Backup Interface: Provides the ability to automatically make backups from your s9y, the database-tables, the whole database and the files. Only MySQL(i) databases are currently supported. WARNING: This plugin does not work well with large databases or directories. Event Plugins Alexander 'dma147' Mieland,, <b>serendipity_event_backup<br />Backup Interface</b><br />Provides the ability to automatically make backups from your s9y, the database-tables, the whole database and the files. Only MySQL(i) databases are currently supported. WARNING: This plugin does not work well with large databases or directories.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_backup Discussion forum / phpBB comment mirroring: Provides a complete discussion forum to your users. Can alternatively provide to mirror comments into a phpBB installation. Event Plugins Alexander 'dma147' Mieland,, <b>serendipity_event_forum<br />Discussion forum / phpBB comment mirroring</b><br />Provides a complete discussion forum to your users. Can alternatively provide to mirror comments into a phpBB installation.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Wed, 24 Apr 2013 02:31:05 +0200 serendipity_event_forum Речник: Потребителски речник на термини и дефиниции за тях. Термините се открояват в текста, а дефинициите се извеждат като подсказки. Event Plugins Rob Antonishen <b>serendipity_event_glossary<br />Речник</b><br />Потребителски речник на термини и дефиниции за тях. Термините се открояват в текста, а дефинициите се извеждат като подсказки.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_glossary Start Page Category: Allows you to show only one category on the frontpage Event Plugins Stefan Willoughby, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_startcat<br />Start Page Category</b><br />Allows you to show only one category on the frontpage<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_startcat Показва дали статиите са прочетени от посетителите: Показва дали статиите са прочетени от посетителите Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_markread<br />Показва дали статиите са прочетени от посетителите</b><br />Показва дали статиите са прочетени от посетителите<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:32:04 +0100 serendipity_event_markread Забравена парола: Сменя паролата на избран потребител Event Plugins Omid Mottaghi <b>serendipity_event_forgotpassword<br />Забравена парола</b><br />Сменя паролата на избран потребител<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9.1 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_forgotpassword Форматиране на текст: RegexpMarkup: Форматиране на текст чрез потребителски файлове с регулярни изрази. Вижте примерите в поддиректория "regexps" на тази приставка. Event Plugins Rob Antonishen <b>serendipity_event_regexpmarkup<br />Форматиране на текст: RegexpMarkup</b><br />Форматиране на текст чрез потребителски файлове с регулярни изрази. Вижте примерите в поддиректория "regexps" на тази приставка.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_regexpmarkup Newsbox: Group a category's entries in a frontpage box instead of the usual article listing. Supports nested newsboxes. Event Plugins Jude Anthony <b>serendipity_event_newsbox<br />Newsbox</b><br />Group a category's entries in a frontpage box instead of the usual article listing. Supports nested newsboxes.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0-alpha1 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:36:59 +0100 serendipity_event_newsbox Community Rating: You can rate products, movies or anything else and display your rating within your associated entries. Also enables you to share your ratings with other users of these plugins. This plugin requires you to edit template files, please read the README file. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Lewe Zipfel <b>serendipity_event_communityrating<br />Community Rating</b><br />You can rate products, movies or anything else and display your rating within your associated entries. Also enables you to share your ratings with other users of these plugins. This plugin requires you to edit template files, please read the README file.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:37:30 +0100 serendipity_event_communityrating Enhanced Comment Area: Uses JavaScript to show a live preview and markup-buttons Event Plugins Malte Paskuda, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_livecomment<br />Enhanced Comment Area</b><br />Uses JavaScript to show a live preview and markup-buttons<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_livecomment Често задавани въпроси: Редактира списък от често задавани въпроси. Event Plugins Falk Doering <b>serendipity_event_faq<br />Често задавани въпроси</b><br />Редактира списък от често задавани въпроси.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 03:43:48 +0100 serendipity_event_faq Lightbox/Thickbox JS/Greybox: Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. Lightbox pops up images, while Thickbox can also display HTML popup links. Both scripts work like this: They search through your entries, and replace every 'a href="XXX"' link and then replace that link to use the internal display. So if you want your thumbnail images to popup large, you need to insert your images as links to the large version. Using thickbox, you can put a 'class="thickbox"' attribute into your 'a href' links so that they will popup in a window. Event Plugins Thomas Nesges, Andy Hopkins, Lokesh Dhakar, Cody Lindley, Stephan Manske, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_lightbox<br />Lightbox/Thickbox JS/Greybox</b><br />Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to to overlay images on the current page. It's a snap to setup and works on all modern browsers. Lightbox pops up images, while Thickbox can also display HTML popup links. Both scripts work like this: They search through your entries, and replace every 'a href="XXX"' link and then replace that link to use the internal display. So if you want your thumbnail images to popup large, you need to insert your images as links to the large version. Using thickbox, you can put a 'class="thickbox"' attribute into your 'a href' links so that they will popup in a window.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_lightbox Версии на статиите: Съхранява версии на статиите и може да възстановява стари версии при необходимост. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_versioning<br />Версии на статиите</b><br />Съхранява версии на статиите и може да възстановява стари версии при необходимост.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Wed, 01 Aug 2012 02:32:27 +0200 serendipity_event_versioning Phoneblogz: This plugin allows to fetch messages from Phoneblogz. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, <b>serendipity_event_phoneblogz<br />Phoneblogz</b><br />This plugin allows to fetch messages from Phoneblogz.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_phoneblogz Import from Flickr: Import images from into the media library Event Plugins Jay Bertrand <b>serendipity_event_flickr<br />Import from Flickr</b><br />Import images from into the media library<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_flickr Wiki връзки в статиите: Можете да поставяте нови/съществуващи връзки към вашите статии чрез [[title]], към статични страници чрез ((title)) и връзки към двете чрез {{title}}. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_wikilinks<br />Wiki връзки в статиите</b><br />Можете да поставяте нови/съществуващи връзки към вашите статии чрез [[title]], към статични страници чрез ((title)) и връзки към двете чрез {{title}}.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Wed, 28 Dec 2011 02:32:01 +0100 serendipity_event_wikilinks HTML валидатор: Валидира статиите за XML съвместимост Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_htmlvalidator<br />HTML валидатор</b><br />Валидира статиите за XML съвместимост<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_htmlvalidator Показва връзки към услуги като Digg, Technorati, и т.н. отнасящи се до статията.: Вие можете да премахвате или добавяте други услуги чрез редактиране на файл 'plugin_findmore.tpl'. Въщо така имайте предвид, че можете да използвате HTML/JS код в entries.tpl template вместо тази приставка. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Kodewulf <b>serendipity_event_findmore<br />Показва връзки към услуги като Digg, Technorati, и т.н. отнасящи се до статията.</b><br />Вие можете да премахвате или добавяте други услуги чрез редактиране на файл 'plugin_findmore.tpl'. Въщо така имайте предвид, че можете да използвате HTML/JS код в entries.tpl template вместо тази приставка.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Fri, 17 Feb 2012 02:32:22 +0100 serendipity_event_findmore Gallery2 Embed: : Embeds Gallery2 within Serendipity. You must be running the Gallery 2.1 core. Gallery 2.1 RC2a or newer REQUIRED. Event Plugins Aaron Axelsen <b>serendipity_event_g2embed<br />Gallery2 Embed: </b><br />Embeds Gallery2 within Serendipity. You must be running the Gallery 2.1 core. Gallery 2.1 RC2a or newer REQUIRED.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9.1 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:06:46 +0100 serendipity_event_g2embed Autosave entries: Saves entries in background while editing Event Plugins Jay Bertrand <b>serendipity_event_autosave<br />Autosave entries</b><br />Saves entries in background while editing<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:08:23 +0100 serendipity_event_autosave getID3() поддръжка за извличане на свойствата на медийни файлове.: Използва библиотека getID3() за извличане на свойствата на филми/аудио. getID3() не се разпространява с тази приставка. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_getid3<br />getID3() поддръжка за извличане на свойствата на медийни файлове.</b><br />Използва библиотека getID3() за извличане на свойствата на филми/аудио. getID3() не се разпространява с тази приставка.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.1 Fri, 19 Oct 2012 02:31:45 +0200 serendipity_event_getid3 Търси в коментарите при бързо търсене: Ако тази приставка е инсталирана, бързото търсене ще се изпълнява и в коментарите Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_commentsearch<br />Търси в коментарите при бързо търсене</b><br />Ако тази приставка е инсталирана, бързото търсене ще се изпълнява и в коментарите<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Wed, 01 Feb 2012 02:31:56 +0100 serendipity_event_commentsearch Предложения за статии: Дава възможност на нерегистрирани автори да предлагат статии за публикуване. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_suggest<br />Предложения за статии</b><br />Дава възможност на нерегистрирани автори да предлагат статии за публикуване.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:13:01 +0100 serendipity_event_suggest Ad: Вгражда рекламни банери в страниците на блога. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_textlinkads<br /> Ad</b><br />Вгражда рекламни банери в страниците на блога.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:13:59 +0100 serendipity_event_textlinkads Cronjob scheduler: This plugin periodically executes plugins that provide/require periodic tasks. See the configuration of this plugin for details. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_cronjob<br />Cronjob scheduler</b><br />This plugin periodically executes plugins that provide/require periodic tasks. See the configuration of this plugin for details.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_cronjob HTML META-Tags: Sets HTML meta keywords/description tags and title element for single entry pages and default meta keywords/description tags for non-single entry pages. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Judebert, Don Chambers <b>serendipity_event_metadesc<br />HTML META-Tags</b><br />Sets HTML meta keywords/description tags and title element for single entry pages and default meta keywords/description tags for non-single entry pages.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 08 Nov 2012 02:32:37 +0100 serendipity_event_metadesc Microformats: This plugin provides an easy way to publish reviews (or events); it supports the respective microformats. Event Plugins Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_event_microformats<br />Microformats</b><br />This plugin provides an easy way to publish reviews (or events); it supports the respective microformats.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:31:22 +0100 serendipity_event_microformats QuickNotes: Displays information for authors on the administration panel Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_adminnotes<br />QuickNotes</b><br />Displays information for authors on the administration panel<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:21:50 +0100 serendipity_event_adminnotes Feedburner FeedFlare: Adds a FeedFlare tag to the footer of each entry. Event Plugins Jim Davies <b>serendipity_event_feedflare<br />Feedburner FeedFlare</b><br />Adds a FeedFlare tag to the footer of each entry.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:23:40 +0100 serendipity_event_feedflare Google Analytics: This plugin adds extendet Google Analytic funcionality to youre Page like tracking external links or download links. Event Plugins <a href="" target="_blank">kleinerChemiker</a> <b>serendipity_event_google_analytics<br />Google Analytics</b><br />This plugin adds extendet Google Analytic funcionality to youre Page like tracking external links or download links.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_google_analytics Advanced configuration types: Provides advanced plugin and theme configuration options for Serendipity versions before 1.2.2 (currently supporting 'sequence' widget) Event Plugins Judebert (<a href=""></a>) <b>serendipity_event_advtypes<br />Advanced configuration types</b><br />Provides advanced plugin and theme configuration options for Serendipity versions before 1.2.2 (currently supporting 'sequence' widget)<br/>For: Serendipity 1.1 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:30:21 +0100 serendipity_event_advtypes Recaptcha: Enabling a recaptcha for commenting articles (You need to apply for a key) Event Plugins Christian Brabandt (based on work of Garvin Hicking, Sebastian Nohn) <b>serendipity_event_recaptcha<br />Recaptcha</b><br />Enabling a recaptcha for commenting articles (You need to apply for a key)<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:32:51 +0100 serendipity_event_recaptcha Markup: Mobile Output: This plugin handles mobile devices and outputs optimized XHTML MP markup if it detects a mobile browser and a specially optimized site for iPhone and iPod Touch. It also scales images to fit the display size. Event Plugins Pelle Boese, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_mobile_output<br />Markup: Mobile Output</b><br />This plugin handles mobile devices and outputs optimized XHTML MP markup if it detects a mobile browser and a specially optimized site for iPhone and iPod Touch. It also scales images to fit the display size.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_mobile_output automatic linking: Automatically links quoted statues and judicature (references and source of information) with contents of Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, <b>serendipity_event_dejure<br /> automatic linking</b><br />Automatically links quoted statues and judicature (references and source of information) with contents of<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:38:27 +0100 serendipity_event_dejure OpenID Authentication: Allows authors to authenticate using an OpenID, their Google or Yahoo account. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus, Rob Richards <b>serendipity_event_openid<br />OpenID Authentication</b><br />Allows authors to authenticate using an OpenID, their Google or Yahoo account.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.2 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_openid Markup: Syntax Highlighter: This plugin is a JavaScript code highlighter based on the code of the same name by Alex Gorbatchev. This plugin takes less server-side resources than GeSHi and displays less markup in the actual HTML code. It's a lighter, cleaner alternative. This plugin requires the supporting theme to provide the following hooks: frontend_header, frontend_footer (and optionally backend_preview on the administrative theme only). Event Plugins Alex Gorbatchev (core), Brendon Kozlowski and J.M. Roth (plugin) <b>serendipity_event_dpsyntaxhighlighter<br />Markup: Syntax Highlighter</b><br />This plugin is a JavaScript code highlighter based on the code of the same name by Alex Gorbatchev. This plugin takes less server-side resources than GeSHi and displays less markup in the actual HTML code. It's a lighter, cleaner alternative. This plugin requires the supporting theme to provide the following hooks: frontend_header, frontend_footer (and optionally backend_preview on the administrative theme only).<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_dpsyntaxhighlighter Link SnapShots using This plugin shows page previews, while the user is hovering over a link. To reach this aim the SnapShot service at is used. is a free service, but be aware that *might* be able to collect data profiles about user IPs loading links from this blog site, although their privacy statement promise not to do so. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_snapshotlinks<br />Link SnapShots using</b><br />This plugin shows page previews, while the user is hovering over a link. To reach this aim the SnapShot service at is used. is a free service, but be aware that *might* be able to collect data profiles about user IPs loading links from this blog site, although their privacy statement promise not to do so.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_snapshotlinks Microblogging (Twitter,Identica): Adds a twitter/identica client to the admininistration interface, searches for tweetbacks and announces new articles to a microblogging account. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus, Peter Heimann <b>serendipity_event_twitter<br />Microblogging (Twitter,Identica)</b><br />Adds a twitter/identica client to the admininistration interface, searches for tweetbacks and announces new articles to a microblogging account.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Sun, 04 Nov 2012 02:34:50 +0100 serendipity_event_twitter Dashboard: Shows some summary information on the backend frontpage Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_dashboard<br />Dashboard</b><br />Shows some summary information on the backend frontpage<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 Thu, 07 Jun 2012 02:31:54 +0200 serendipity_event_dashboard SMTP Mail: Use a SMTP server to send your mails Event Plugins kleinerChemiker <b>serendipity_event_smtpmail<br />SMTP Mail</b><br />Use a SMTP server to send your mails<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 04:53:55 +0100 serendipity_event_smtpmail Implements jQuery: Provides jQuery for use in other plugins Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_jquery<br />Implements jQuery</b><br />Provides jQuery for use in other plugins<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:09 +0200 serendipity_event_jquery Extended Editor Buttons: Youtube etc.: Offers more buttons to the editing screen to implement easy access to HTML/JS snippets like Youtube etc. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_youtube<br />Extended Editor Buttons: Youtube etc.</b><br />Offers more buttons to the editing screen to implement easy access to HTML/JS snippets like Youtube etc.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_youtube Markup: Autotitle: Set the title-tag into the links of the entry. Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_autotitle<br />Markup: Autotitle</b><br />Set the title-tag into the links of the entry.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Fri, 25 Jan 2013 02:31:12 +0100 serendipity_event_autotitle Comment Edit: Let user's edit their comments after they posted them. Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_commentedit<br />Comment Edit</b><br />Let user's edit their comments after they posted them.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.5 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_commentedit Linktrimmer: Allows you to truncate any link for redirection on your own blog, like, etc. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_linktrimmer<br />Linktrimmer</b><br />Allows you to truncate any link for redirection on your own blog, like, etc.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.9 Tue, 07 May 2013 02:31:14 +0200 serendipity_event_linktrimmer Spamblock (Bayes): Detects Spam via an algorithmus which learns. Event Plugins kleinerChemiker, Malte Paskuda, based upon b8 by Tobias Leupold <b>serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes<br />Spamblock (Bayes)</b><br />Detects Spam via an algorithmus which learns.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 07 Jun 2012 02:32:10 +0200 serendipity_event_spamblock_bayes Event-Calendar (MySQL-only): Shows an event calendar inside your blogs with your normal blog design. It supports backend/frontend administration, multiple events and iCal export. Event Plugins Ian (Timbalu) <b>serendipity_event_cal<br />Event-Calendar (MySQL-only)</b><br />Shows an event calendar inside your blogs with your normal blog design. It supports backend/frontend administration, multiple events and iCal export.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.4 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_cal Prettify for S9Y: Use Prettify to brush content between PRE tags for simple syntax highlighting. Event Plugins Adam Krause <b>serendipity_event_prettify<br />Prettify for S9Y</b><br />Use Prettify to brush content between PRE tags for simple syntax highlighting.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.0 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_prettify Markup: clickable email adresses - but with antispam: Makes email addresses clickabe, but obfuscates them to block spam harvester bots Event Plugins Stephan Manske <b>serendipity_event_email_bot_obfuscator<br />Markup: clickable email adresses - but with antispam</b><br />Makes email addresses clickabe, but obfuscates them to block spam harvester bots<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:02 +0200 serendipity_event_email_bot_obfuscator oEmbed Plugin: oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on your blog. It allows blog articles to display embedded content (such as tweets, photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_oembed<br />oEmbed Plugin</b><br />oEmbed is a format for allowing an embedded representation of a URL on your blog. It allows blog articles to display embedded content (such as tweets, photos or videos) when a user posts a link to that resource, without having to parse the resource directly.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 04 Nov 2012 02:34:33 +0100 serendipity_event_oembed BrowserID Authentification: Allows authors to authenticate using the BrowserID service. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_browserid<br />BrowserID Authentification</b><br />Allows authors to authenticate using the BrowserID service.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.6 Mon, 26 Mar 2012 02:31:50 +0200 serendipity_event_browserid Realtime Comments: Load comments made from other users without reloading the page. Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_realtimecomments<br />Realtime Comments</b><br />Load comments made from other users without reloading the page.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:14 +0200 serendipity_event_realtimecomments Flattr: Flattr is a social micropayment platform that lets you show love for the things you like. This plugin embedds "Flattr"-Badges in blog entries and RSS feeds. You can specify flattr-specific options per-entry, with a default global fallback. Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Joachim Breitner <b>serendipity_event_flattr<br />Flattr</b><br />Flattr is a social micropayment platform that lets you show love for the things you like. This plugin embedds "Flattr"-Badges in blog entries and RSS feeds. You can specify flattr-specific options per-entry, with a default global fallback.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Fri, 19 Oct 2012 02:31:40 +0200 serendipity_event_flattr Template Editor: Edit the files of the currently used template directly form the adminarea. Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_template_editor<br />Template Editor</b><br />Edit the files of the currently used template directly form the adminarea.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:19 +0200 serendipity_event_template_editor Comment Spice: Spice up your comments area with goodies like commenters twitter or last posted article link and nofollows by rules. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_commentspice<br />Comment Spice</b><br />Spice up your comments area with goodies like commenters twitter or last posted article link and nofollows by rules.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 12 Aug 2012 02:31:59 +0200 serendipity_event_commentspice Autoupdate (Experimental): Experimental. When the dashboard-plugin detects an update, this plugin adds the option to update the blog directly with one click from within the adminarea. Event Plugins onli, Ian <b>serendipity_event_autoupdate<br />Autoupdate (Experimental)</b><br />Experimental. When the dashboard-plugin detects an update, this plugin adds the option to update the blog directly with one click from within the adminarea.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 28 Apr 2013 02:43:57 +0200 serendipity_event_autoupdate Spamblock Bee (Honeypot, Hidden Captcha): Implements simple comment antispam mechanisms, that are easy to configure but very effective. Event Plugins Grischa Brockhaus, Janek Bevendorff <b>serendipity_event_spamblock_bee<br />Spamblock Bee (Honeypot, Hidden Captcha)</b><br />Implements simple comment antispam mechanisms, that are easy to configure but very effective.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 27 Sep 2012 02:32:13 +0200 serendipity_event_spamblock_bee DBClean: Cleanup database Event Plugins Malte Paskuda <b>serendipity_event_dbclean<br />DBClean</b><br />Cleanup database<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_dbclean D64 LSR-Stopper: With this plugin you prevent links to media that support the German "Leistungsschutzrecht". Event Plugins Matthias Gutjahr <b>serendipity_event_lsrstopper<br />D64 LSR-Stopper</b><br />With this plugin you prevent links to media that support the German "Leistungsschutzrecht".<br/>For: Serendipity 1.6 Fri, 08 Mar 2013 02:31:08 +0100 serendipity_event_lsrstopper Proxy Real-IP: Sets the correct Visitors IP when useing a Proxy for your webserver. Should be the first plugin in the list. Event Plugins <a href="" target="_blank">kleinerChemiker</a> <b>serendipity_event_proxy_realip<br />Proxy Real-IP</b><br />Sets the correct Visitors IP when useing a Proxy for your webserver. Should be the first plugin in the list.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.6.2 Mon, 25 Mar 2013 02:31:07 +0100 serendipity_event_proxy_realip Facebook (Experimental!): Imports comments made on facebook postings (like through RSS Graffiti) back into the blog. Also embeds Facebook OpenGraph Meta-Tags into the blog. Note that adding "like"-Buttons to blog entries is achieved via the serendipity_event_findmore plugin! Event Plugins Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_facebook<br />Facebook (Experimental!)</b><br />Imports comments made on facebook postings (like through RSS Graffiti) back into the blog. Also embeds Facebook OpenGraph Meta-Tags into the blog. Note that adding "like"-Buttons to blog entries is achieved via the serendipity_event_findmore plugin! <br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:32:03 +0200 serendipity_event_facebook UTF-8 aware sorting: This plugin offers special UTF-8 alphabetic sorting as an extension so specific plugins like Freetag. It allows to sort by kyrillic and other foreign characters with a custom alphabet. Alphabet contributions are welcome (on the s9y forums). Event Plugins LazyBadger, Garvin Hicking <b>serendipity_event_sort<br />UTF-8 aware sorting</b><br />This plugin offers special UTF-8 alphabetic sorting as an extension so specific plugins like Freetag. It allows to sort by kyrillic and other foreign characters with a custom alphabet. Alphabet contributions are welcome (on the s9y forums).<br/>For: Serendipity 0.8 Sun, 25 Dec 2011 11:42:09 +0100 serendipity_event_sort Disqus comments: is a webservice that allows you to manage comments, with central logins. It stores and manages comments outside of your Serendipity installation, and is embedded using JavaScript. For more information see Event Plugins Garvin Hicking, Grischa Brockhaus <b>serendipity_event_disqus<br />Disqus comments</b><br /> is a webservice that allows you to manage comments, with central logins. It stores and manages comments outside of your Serendipity installation, and is embedded using JavaScript. For more information see<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 Thu, 14 Jun 2012 02:31:56 +0200 serendipity_event_disqus