title = $this->get_config('title', $this->title); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_NAME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_DESC); $propbag->add('stackable', false); $propbag->add('author', 'Piotr Borys'); $propbag->add('version', '1.5.1'); $propbag->add('requirements', array( 'serendipity' => '0.9', 'smarty' => '2.6.7', 'php' => '4.1.0' )); $propbag->add('configuration', array('gggateid', 'gggatepasswd', 'ggid')); $propbag->add('groups', array('FRONTEND_EXTERNAL_SERVICES')); } // this function is taken from a www2gg library, written by Piotr Mach function calculate_hash ($haslo, $klucz) { $x0=0; $x1=0; $y0=0; $y1=0; $z=0; $tmp=0; $y0 = ($klucz << 16) >> 16; $y1 = $klucz >> 16 ; for ($i=0; $i> 8); $x0 <<= 8; $y0 ^= $x0; $y1 ^= $x1; $x1 <<= 8; $x1 |= ($x0 >> 8); $x0 <<= 8; $y0 -= $x0; $y1 -= $x1; $x1 <<= 8; $x1 |= ($x0 >> 8); $x0 <<= 8; $y0 ^= $x0; $y1 ^= $x1; $z = $y0 & 0x1F; $y0 &= 0xFFFF; $y1 &= 0xFFFF; if ($z <= 16) { $tmp= ($y1 << $z) | ($y0 >> (16-$z)); $y0 = ($y1 >> (16-$z)) | ($y0 << $z); $y1 = $tmp; }else{ $tmp= $y0 << ($z-16); $y0 = ($y0 >> (32-$z)) | ( (($y1 << $z) >> $z) << ($z-16) ); $y1 = ($y1 >> (32-$z)) | $tmp; } $y0 &= 0xFFFF; $y1 &= 0xFFFF; } $hash = hexdec(sprintf("%04x%04x", $y1, $y0)); settype($hash, 'integer'); return $hash; } function cp1250_to_utf8($tekst) { $wynik = ''; for ($i=0; $i'); if ($serendipity['last_http_request']['responseCode'] != '200') { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOCONNTOAPPMSG . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n"; return false; } } else { require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'HTTP/Request.php'; serendipity_request_start(); $req = new HTTP_Request('http://appmsg.gadu-gadu.pl:80/appsvc/appmsg.asp?fmnumber=<'.$numer_gg.'>'); if (PEAR::isError($req->sendRequest()) || $req->getResponseCode() != '200') { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOCONNTOAPPMSG . $errno . " - " . $errstr . "\n"; serendipity_request_end(); return false; } else { $buf = $req->getResponseBody(); serendipity_request_end(); } } preg_match("/\s([\d\.]{8,16})\:([\d]{1,5})\s/", $buf, $adres); $host = $adres[1]; $port = $adres[2]; // // Connecting to a server // require_once S9Y_PEAR_PATH . 'Net/Socket.php'; $conn = new Net_Socket(); if (!$conn->connect($host, $port, null, 10)) { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNERROR . ": $errno - $errstr\n\n"; return false; } // // Getting data from a server - // receiving a key needed to calculate // a hash from your password // if (!$data = $conn->read(12)) { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_CONNUNEXPCLOSED . "\n\n"; $conn->disconnect(); return false; } $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar/Vklucz", $data); // Calculating a password hash $hash = $this->calculate_hash($haslo_gg, $tab['klucz']); $data = pack("VVVVVVvVvVvCCa".strlen(""), GG_LOGIN60, 0x20 + strlen(""), $numer_gg, $hash, GG_STATUS_AVAIL, 0x20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x14, 0xbe , ""); // Sending a password hash - logging to a GG server $conn->write($data); if (!$data1 = $conn->read(8)) { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_UNKNOWNERROR . "\n"; $conn->disconnect(); return false; } // Checking a login status $tab = unpack("Vlogin_status/Vrozmiar", $data1); if ($tab['login_status'] != GG_LOGIN_OK) { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_INCORRPASSWD . "\n\n"; $conn->disconnect(); return false; } // Sending a contact list with one contact $data = pack ("VVVC",GG_NOTIFY, 5, $szukany_numer, GG_USER_NORMAL); if (!$conn->write($data)) { $error = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_SENDCONTACTSERROR . "\n\n"; $conn->disconnect(); return false; } // Receiving a packet with the next packet specification $gg_opis = ''; $data = $conn->read(8); if (strlen($data) > 0) { $tab = unpack("Vtyp/Vrozmiar", $data); // Pobranie pakietu opisu // DEBUG: echo $tab['rozmiar']; $data = $conn->read($tab['rozmiar']); if ($tab['rozmiar'] > 14) { $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus/Iremoteip/Sremoteport/Cversion/Cimagesize/Cunknown/Cdescription_size/a*description", $data); // Getting a status description, and converting it from CP1250 (that's how it's encoded) to UTF8 $gg_opis = $this->cp1250_to_utf8($tablica['description']); // Getting a status itself $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status']; } else { $tablica = unpack("Iuin/Cstatus", $data); // Getting a status $gg_status_flaga = $tablica['status']; } if (empty($gg_opis)) $gg_opis = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOSTATUSDESC; // Choosing a status icon to display switch ($gg_status_flaga) { case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL: case GG_STATUS_NOT_AVAIL_DESCR: $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11'; break; case GG_STATUS_AVAIL: case GG_STATUS_AVAIL_DESCR: $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg12'; break; case GG_STATUS_BUSY: case GG_STATUS_BUSY_DESCR: $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg13'; break; default: $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11'; } } else { $gg_opis = PLUGIN_GGOPIS_MSG_NOSTATUSDESC; } // Closing a connection to the server $conn->disconnect(); return $gg_opis; } function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { switch($name) { case 'title': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', TITLE); $propbag->add('description', TITLE); $propbag->add('default', ''); break; case 'gggateid': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGGATEID); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGGATEID_DESC); $propbag->add('default', '1234'); break; case 'gggatepasswd': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGGATEPASSWD); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGGATEPASSWD_DESC); $propbag->add('default', 'haselko'); break; case 'ggid': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGID); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_GGOPIS_GGID_DESC); $propbag->add('default', '5678'); break; default: return false; } return true; } function send_message($adresat, $tresc) { } /* * TODO: make a sending message function :) function wyslij_wiadomosc($adresat, $tresc, $potwierdzenie = TRUE) { $tresc = txt::iso2cp($tresc); $seq = mt_rand(); $data = pack("VVVVVa".strlen($tresc)."C", GG_SEND_MSG, 0x0d + strlen($tresc), $adresat, $seq, ($potwierdzenie)?GG_CLASS_MSG:GG_CLASS_MSG | GG_CLASS_ACK, $tresc, 0); $this->Debug("Wysłano pakiet wiadomości : ".bin2hex($data), $data); $this->status_dostarczenia[$seq] = FALSE; //zmieni sie przy otrzymaniu potwierdzenia if (!fwrite($this->fp, $data)) return FALSE; return $seq; } */ function generate_content(&$title) { global $serendipity; $title = $this->get_config('title', $this->title); $url = serendipity_currentURL(true); $error = ''; $gggateid = $this->get_config('gggateid', '1234'); $gggatepasswd = $this->get_config('gggatepasswd', 'haselko'); $ggid = $this->get_config('ggid', '5678'); $gg_status_widocznosc = 'gg11'; $gg_status_opis = $this->get_gg_status($gggateid, $gggatepasswd, $ggid, $error, $gg_status_widocznosc); echo '
'; echo 'GG UIN: '.$ggid.'
'; echo "
"; echo $gg_status_opis; echo '
'; } }