array( 'Name' => "Quality", 'Description' => "1: VGA Basic, 2: VGA Normal, 3: VGA Fine, 4: SXGA Basic, 5: SXGA Normal, 6: SXGA Fine", 'Type' => "Lookup", 1 => "VGA (640x480) Basic", 2 => "VGA (640x480) Normal", 3 => "VGA (640x480) Fine", 4 => "SXGA (1280x960) Basic", 5 => "SXGA (1280x960) Normal", 6 => "SXGA (1280x960) Fine", 7 => "Unknown, Possibly XGA (1024x768) Basic", 8 => "Unknown, Possibly XGA (1024x768) Basic", 9 => "Unknown, Possibly XGA (1024x768) Basic", 10 => "UXGA (1600x1200) Basic", 11 => "UXGA (1600x1200) Normal", 12 => "UXGA (1600x1200) Fine" ), 4 => array( 'Name' => "Colour Mode", 'Description' => "1: Colour, 2: Monochrome.", 'Type' => "Lookup", 1 => "Colour", 2 => "Monochrome" ), 5 => array( 'Name' => "Image Adjustment", 'Description' => "0: Normal, 1: Bright+, 2: Bright-, 3: Contrast+, 4: Contrast-.", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0 => "Normal", 1 => "Bright+", 2 => "Bright-", 3 => "Contrast+", 4 => "Contrast-" ), 6 => array( 'Name' => "CCD Sensitivity", 'Description' => "0: ISO80, 2: ISO160, 4: ISO320, 5: ISO100", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0 => "ISO 80", 2 => "ISO 160", 4 => "ISO 320", 5 => "ISO 100" ), 7 => array( 'Name' => "White Balance", 'Description' => "0: Auto, 1: Preset, 2: Daylight, 3: Incandescense, 4: Fluorescence, 5: Cloudy, 6: SpeedLight", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0 => "Auto", 1 => "Preset", 2 => "Daylight", 3 => "Incandescense", 4 => "Flourescence", 5 => "Cloudy", 6 => "Speedlight" ), 8 => array( 'Name' => "Focus", 'Description' => "If infinite focus, value is '1/0'.", 'Type' => "Numeric" ), 10 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Zoom", 'Description' => "'160/100' means 1.6x digital zoom, '0/100' means no digital zoom (optical zoom only).", 'Type' => "Numeric" ), 11 => array( 'Name' => "Converter", 'Description' => "If Fisheye Converter is used, value is 1", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0 => "No Converter Used", 1 => "Fish-eye Converter Used" ) ); /****************************************************************************** * End of Global Variable: IFD_Tag_Definitions, Nikon Type 1 ******************************************************************************/ /****************************************************************************** * Global Variable: IFD_Tag_Definitions, Nikon Type 3 * * Contents: This global variable provides definitions of the known Nikon Type 3 * Makernote tags, indexed by their tag number. * ******************************************************************************/ $GLOBALS[ "IFD_Tag_Definitions" ]["Nikon Type 3"] = array( 1 => array( 'Name' => "Nikon Makernote Version", 'Type' => "Special" ), 2 => array( 'Name' => "ISO Speed Used", 'Type' => "Special" ), 3 => array( 'Name' => "Colour Mode", 'Type' => "String" ), 4 => array( 'Name' => "Quality", 'Type' => "String" ), 5 => array( 'Name' => "White Balance", 'Type' => "String" ), 6 => array( 'Name' => "Sharpening", 'Type' => "String" ), 7 => array( 'Name' => "Focus Mode", 'Type' => "String" ), 8 => array( 'Name' => "Flash Setting", 'Type' => "String" ), 9 => array( 'Name' => "Auto Flash Mode", 'Type' => "String" ), 11 => array( 'Name' => "White Balance Bias Value", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => "(Units Approx: 100 Mired per increment)" ), 12 => array( 'Name' => "White Balance Red, Blue Coefficients?", 'Type' => "Numeric" ), 15 => array( 'Name' => "ISO Selection?", 'Type' => "String" ), 18 => array( 'Name' => "Flash Compensation", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0x06 => "+1.0 EV", 0x04 => "+0.7 EV", 0x03 => "+0.5 EV", 0x02 => "+0.3 EV", 0x00 => "0.0 EV", 0xfe => "-0.3 EV", 0xfd => "-0.5 EV", 0xfc => "-0.7 EV", 0xfa => "-1.0 EV", 0xf8 => "-1.3 EV", 0xf7 => "-1.5 EV", 0xf6 => "-1.7 EV", 0xf4 => "-2.0 EV", 0xf2 => "-2.3 EV", 0xf1 => "-2.5 EV", 0xf0 => "-2.7 EV", 0xee => "-3.0 EV" ), 19 => array( 'Name' => "ISO Speed Requested", 'Type' => "Special", 'Units' => "(May be different to Speed Used when Auto ISO is on)" ), 22 => array( 'Name' => "Photo corner coordinates", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => "Pixels" ), 24 => array( 'Name' => "Flash Bracket Compensation Applied", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0x06 => "+1.0 EV", 0x04 => "+0.7 EV", 0x03 => "+0.5 EV", 0x02 => "+0.3 EV", 0x00 => "0.0 EV", 0xfe => "-0.3 EV", 0xfd => "-0.5 EV", 0xfc => "-0.7 EV", 0xfa => "-1.0 EV", 0xf8 => "-1.3 EV", 0xf7 => "-1.5 EV", 0xf6 => "-1.7 EV", 0xf4 => "-2.0 EV", 0xf2 => "-2.3 EV", 0xf1 => "-2.5 EV", 0xf0 => "-2.7 EV", 0xee => "-3.0 EV" ), 25 => array( 'Name' => "AE Bracket Compensation Applied", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => "EV" ), 128 => array( 'Name' => "Image Adjustment?", 'Type' => "String" ), 129 => array( 'Name' => "Tone Compensation (Contrast)", 'Type' => "String" ), 130 => array( 'Name' => "Auxiliary Lens (Adapter)", 'Type' => "String" ), 131 => array( 'Name' => "Lens Type?", 'Type' => "Lookup", 6 => "Nikon D series Lens", 14 => "Nikon G series Lens" ), 132 => array( 'Name' => "Lens Min/Max Focal Length, Min/Max Aperture", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => " mm, mm, F#, F#" ), 133 => array( 'Name' => "Manual Focus Distance?", 'Type' => "Numeric"), 134 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Zoom Factor?", 'Type' => "Numeric" ), 135 => array( 'Name' => "Flash Used", 'Type' => "Lookup", 0 => "Flash Not Used", 9 => "Flash Fired" ), 136 => array( 'Name' => "Auto Focus Area", 'Description' => "byte 1 : AF Mode: 00 = single area, 01 = Dynamic Area, 02 = Closest Subject\n byte 2 : AF Area Selected : 00 = Centre, 01 = Top, 02 = Bottom, 03 = Left, 04 = Right\n byte 3 : Unknown, always zero\n byte 4 : Properly focused Area(s) : bit 0 = Centre, bit 1 = Top, bit 2 = Bottom, bit 3 = Left, bit 4 = Right", 'Type' => "Special" ), 137 => array( 'Name' => "Bracketing & Shooting Mode", 'Description' => "bit 0&1 (0 = single frame, 1 = continuous,2=timer, 3=remote timer? 4 = remote?\n bit 4, Bracketing on or off\n bit 6, white Balance Bracketing on", 'Type' => "Special" ), 141 => array( 'Name' => "Colour Mode", 'Description' =>"1a = Portrait sRGB, 2 = Adobe RGB, 3a = Landscape sRGB", 'Type' => "String" ), 143 => array( 'Name' => "Scene Mode?", 'Type' => "Numeric" ), 144 => array( 'Name' => "Lighting Type", 'Type' => "String" ), 146 => array( 'Name' => "Hue Adjustment", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => "Degrees" ), 148 => array( 'Name' => "Saturation?", 'Type' => "Lookup", -3 => "Black and White", -2 => "-2", -1 => "-1", 0 => "Normal", 1 => "+1", 2 => "+2" ), 149 => array( 'Name' => "Noise Reduction", 'Type' => "String" ), 167 => array( 'Name' => "Total Number of Shutter Releases for Camera", 'Type' => "Numeric", 'Units' => "Shutter Releases" ), 169 => array( 'Name' => "Image optimisation", 'Type' => "String" ), 170 => array( 'Name' => "Saturation", 'Type' => "String" ), 171 => array( 'Name' => "Digital Vari-Program", 'Type' => "String" ) // Tags that exist but are unknown: 10, 13, 14, 16, 17, 23, 24, 138, 139, 145, // 151, 152, 160, 162 163, 165, 166, 168 ); /****************************************************************************** * End of Global Variable: IFD_Tag_Definitions, Nikon Type 3 ******************************************************************************/ ?>