This could happen if there is safe_mode activated in your php.ini.
Please deactivate the php safe_mode to use this feature!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DELETE_IN_INCOMING_NOT_ALLOWED', 'I\'m not allowed to delete the file from your incoming directory! Please delete this one file manually and then set the file permissions that I can delete all further files for you.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DELETE_IN_DOWNLOADDIR_NOT_ALLOWED', 'I\'m not allowed to delete the file from your download directory! Please set the file permissions that I can delete this file.'); /*@define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_INCOMINGTABLE', 'Incoming directory:');*/ @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_INCOMINGTABLE_BLAHBLAH', 'Use this directory to upload files via FTP if you are not allowed to upload this file with the php-upload feature. This can happen if your file is too big than the maximum value in your php.ini or if file_uploads are deactivated in your php.ini. On the other hand you can erase all moved files completly (see blue trash symbol).
Current directory: '); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_THIS_FILE', 'Selected file'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_EDIT_FILE', 'Edit this file'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_MOVE_TO_CAT', 'Move file to'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_EDIT_FILE_DESC', 'File description'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_FILE_EDITED', 'File successfully edited and saved!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_FILE', 'Download this file'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_UPLOAD_FILE', 'Upload files'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_FILE', 'File'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_UPLOAD_NOT_ALLOWED', 'File uploads are not allowed!
Allow them in your php.ini (file_uploads)!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ERRORS_OCCOURED', 'Some errors occoured during file upload!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ERRORS_NOTCOPIED', 'These files could not be copied:'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ERRORS_TOOBIG', 'These files were too big:'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_NO_FILES_UPLOADED', 'No uploaded files found!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_MEDIA_LIBRARY', 'Files from media library'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_MEDIA_LIBRARY_BLAHBLAH', 'You can import already uploaded files from the media library to your downloadmanager.
Note: These files will not be moved, they will only be copied!
Current directory: '); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HIDE_TREE', 'Hide this and the complete subtree below this category...'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_UNHIDE_TREE', 'Unhide this and the complete subtree below this category...'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_OPEN_CAT', 'Click to open this categorie for uploading or modifying files...'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_SHOWDESC_INLIST', 'Show file description in filelists'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_SHOWDESC_INLIST_DESC', 'If you want to have a short file list, switch this off, if you want more information in the list, switch this on.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST', 'Download files directly in filelist'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST_DESC', 'The default behavior is to present an info page first before accessing the file. Here you can configure, if you want to have a direct download from the filelist. This can be accessd clicking file icon, file name or both.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST_NO', 'Infopage always'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST_ICON', 'Direct download on icon'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST_NAME', 'Direct download on filename'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_INLIST_BOTH', 'Direct download on both'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ADD_EXISTING', 'New versions of existing files do..'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ADD_EXISTING_DESC', 'If you uploaded a file that is already exisitng should a new file entry be created or should the old one be refreshed with the new file information?'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ADD_EXISTING_INSERT', 'create a new entry'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ADD_EXISTING_UPDATE', 'refresh the old entry'); /* changed with 0.22 and up - uncommented above */ @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_INCOMINGTABLE', 'Income ftp/trash directory:'); /* newly shipped with 0.22 and up */ @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BACKEND_TITLE', 'Downloadmanager v.%s - Backend Admin Menu'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_INTRO', 'Introductory Text (optional)'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_REGISTERED_ONLY', 'Generally: show data to registered users only'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_REGISTERED_ONLY_BLAHBLAH', 'Do you want the frontend to show categories and downloads to this blogs registered and logged in users only?'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_REGISTERED_ONLY_ERROR', 'The downloads are available only to this blogs registered users!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ROOTLEVEL_TITLE', 'files at root level (hidden in frontend!)'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ERRORS_UPGRADE_NOTCOPIED', 'We are sorry! An error occured. The files of
could not be moved to

Please move them manually and press this link, to inform this plugin about it!
Additionally remove the old directories manually too.
'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ALLFILES_COPIED_NEWDIR', 'Since you upgraded your downloadmanager plugin to v.0.24, all you files were copied to the new \'/.dlm/files\' and \'/.dlm/ftpin\' directories in serendipities \'/archives\' folder to avoid oldpath conflicts.

The config settings were set to hold the new path strings and are not alterable any more in future.
Please remove the old directories manually.
'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_ALLFILES_COPY_NEWDIR_REMEMBER', 'You have successfull changed this plugin to accept the new path settings only.

Please remember, to move your files manually to the new \'archives/.dlm/files\' and \'archives/.dlm/ftpin\' directories!
Additionally remove the old directories manually too.
'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BUTTON_MARK', 'mark all / unmark'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BUTTON_MARK_TITLE', 'erase all marked'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BUTTON_MOVE_TITLE', 'move all marked to category'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_CLEAR_TRASH', 'Clear bin in ftp/trash folder'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_NO_TRASH', 'No files to destroy in ftp/trash folder'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_EDIT_FILE_RENAME', 'Rename this file'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BACK_ROOT', 'Root category'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_BACK_CURRENT', 'Current category'); /* HELPTIP_CF = category folder; HELPTIP_IF = incoming folder; HELPTIP_FF = file folder; HELPTIP_MF = s9y media library folder; */ @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_CF_CHANGE', 'Change category name in cat field directly / Enter'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_VIEW', 'To view and handle ftp/trash folder, choose subcategory of root.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_FF_MULTI', 'All file erasing in ftp/trash folder will happen immediately!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_FF_SINGLE', 'The active red button single erasing will happen immediately!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_ERASE', 'All multi file erasing as marked, will be moved to the ftp/trash folder,
   to avoid unintentional destroying!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_FF_KEEP', 'Keep files, but do not show in frontend? Send them to root,
   or create a hidden subfolder! Keep in mind you have 2 config settings
   concerning registered and logged in users in frontend.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_FF_CHANGE', 'Change file name on file-links edit-subpage.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_LFTP', 'Load files per ftp into /serendipity/archives/.dlm/ftpin folder.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_TRASH', 'Use the blue trashbox to clean up the ftp/trash ftp folder after your work!'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_MOVE', 'Use the ftp/trash folder to easily move multiple files between folders!
      1. send files to ftp/trash via mark and erase;
      2. in categories, select another subfolder;
      3. open ftp/trash and move these files via mark and move.'); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_DESC', 'When uninstalling this plugin, all related tables will be dropped!'); /* @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_VIEW', ''); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_VIEW', ''); @define('PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HELPTIP_IF_VIEW', ''); */