if (IN_serendipity !== true) { die ("Don't hack!"); } // Probe for a language include with constants. Still include defines later on, if some constants were missing $probelang = dirname(__FILE__) . '/' . $serendipity['charset'] . 'lang_' . $serendipity['lang'] . '.inc.php'; if (file_exists($probelang)) { include $probelang; } include dirname(__FILE__) . '/lang_en.inc.php'; class serendipity_plugin_weather extends serendipity_plugin { /** * serendipity_plugin_weather::introspect() * * @param $propbag * @return */ function introspect(&$propbag) { global $serendipity; $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_NAME); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DESC); $propbag->add('requirements', array( 'serendipity' => '0.7', 'smarty' => '2.6.7', 'php' => '4.1.0' )); $propbag->add('version', '1.5'); $propbag->add('configuration', array('title', 'metar', 'timezone', 'caching', 'cache_directory', 'pixel_directory', 'units')); $propbag->add('groups', array('FRONTEND_EXTERNAL_SERVICES')); } // function /** * serendipity_plugin_weather::introspect_config_item() * * @param $name * @param $propbag * @return */ function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) { global $serendipity; switch ($name) { case 'title': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_TITLE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_TITLE_BLAHBLAH); break; case 'metar': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_METAR); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_METAR_BLAHBLAH); break; case 'timezone': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_TIMEZONE); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_TIMEZONE_BLAHBLAH); break; case 'units': $select = array(); $select["metric"] = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_UNITS_NAME_METRIC; $select["standard"] = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_UNITS_NAME_IMPERIAL; $propbag->add('type', 'select'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_UNITS); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_UNITS_BLAHBLAH); $propbag->add('select_values', $select); break; case 'caching': $propbag->add('type', 'boolean'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_CACHE_ENTRIES); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_CACHE_ENTRIES_DESC); $propbag->add('default', false); break; case 'cache_directory': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_CACHE_DIRECTORY); $propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_CACHE_DIRECTORY_DESC); $propbag->add('default', '/tmp'); break; case 'pixel_directory': $propbag->add('type', 'string'); $propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_PIXEL_DIRECTORY); $propbag->add('description', ''); $propbag->add('default', $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_plugin_weather/dot/pixel/icons/serendipity_weather_plugin'); break; default: return false; } // switch return true; } // function /** * serendipity_plugin_weather::generate_content() * * @param $title * @return */ function generate_content(&$title) { global $serendipity; $title = $this->get_config('title'); $metar_site = $this->get_config('metar','EDDK'); $timezone = $this->get_config('timezone',0); $unitString = $this->get_config('units','metric'); $caching = $this->get_config('caching',0); $directory = $this->get_config('cache_directory','/tmp'); $pixdir = $this->get_config('pixel_directory'); if(@include_once('Services/Weather.php')){ $metar = &Services_Weather::service('METAR', array('debug' => 0)); if (Services_Weather::isError($metar)) { echo ('Weather Error: ' . $metar->getMessage()); } // Set the unit format for the data $metar->setUnitsFormat($unitString); // Set the time/date format // Do we have the date/time format set somewhere in s9y? then we should take this here // $metar->setDateTimeFormat('d.m.Y', 'H:i'); // $metar_data->setDateTimeFormat('j M Y', 'H:i'); if($caching){ if (@include_once("Cache.php")) { $status = $metar->setCache('file', array('cache_dir' => $serendipity['serendipityPath'].$directory)); } else { echo 'Caching is enabled but PEAR:Cache does not seem to be installed.'; } } if (Services_Weather::isError($status)) { echo 'Error: ' . $status->getMessage(); } switch($unitString) { case "metric": $units = array('wind' => 'km/h', 'vis' => 'km', 'height' => 'km', 'temp' => '°C', 'pres' => 'mb', 'rain' => 'mm'); break; case "standard": $units = array('wind' => 'mph', 'vis' => 'mi', 'height' => 'mi', 'temp' => '°F', 'pres' => 'in', 'rain' => 'in'); break; } $weather_data = $metar->getWeather($metar_site); if (Services_Weather::isError($weather_data)) { echo 'Error: ' . $weather_data->getMessage(); } $location_data = $metar->getLocation($metar_site); if (Services_Weather::isError($location_data)) { echo 'Error: ' . $location_data->getMessage(); } $forecast_data = $metar->getForecast($metar_site); if (Services_Weather::isError($forecast_data)) { echo 'Error: ' . $forecast_data->getMessage(); } // Do all that icon-stuff // FIXXME: URL-Prefix $windDir = $weather_data["windDirection"]; switch ($windDir) { case 'S': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/sss.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_S; break; case 'SSW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/ssw.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_SSW; break; case 'SSE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/sse.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_SSE; break; case 'SW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/sw.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_SW; break; case 'WSW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/sww.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_WSW; break; case 'E': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/eee.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_E; break; case 'ESE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/see.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_ESE; break; case 'ENE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nee.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_ENE; break; case 'N': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nnn.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_N; break; case 'NNW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nnw.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_NNW; break; case 'NNE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nne.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_NNE; break; case 'NW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nw.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_NW; break; case 'NE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/ne.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_NE; break; case 'SE': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/se.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_SE; break; case 'W': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/www.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_W; break; case 'WNW': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/nww.png'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_WNW; break; case 'Variable': $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/vrb.gif'; $windDir = PLUGIN_SIDEBAR_WEATHER_DATA_V; break; default : $windDirIcon = $pixdir . '/wind_nodata.png'; $windDir = "No recorded data."; } // Turn the GMT time from the update into a local time $localTime = date('j M Y H:i', strtotime($weather_data['updateRaw']) + (3600*$timezone)); // Get local hour to determing if it is night $hour = date('H' , strtotime($weather_data['updateRaw']) + (3600*$tz)); if ($hour > 18 || $hour < 6) { $night = 'n_'; } else { $night = ''; } // Handle cloud data // We could be dealing with cloud at several levels, so find the heaviest // cover and go with that. $cloudData = $weather_data['clouds']; // See if we are dealing with an array of arrays or some information $cloudKeys = array_keys($cloudData); $testKey = $cloudKeys[0]; if (!is_array($cloudData["$testKey"])) { // we have information $amount = $cloudData['amount']; } else { // we have information on several levels - get highest $key = count($cloudKeys)-1; $useArray = $cloudData[$key]; $amount = $useArray['amount']; } switch ($amount) { case "Clear Below": case "clear sky": case "no significant cloud": case "clear below 12,000 ft": case "vertical visibility": $cloudLevel = "0cloud"; break; case "few": case "scattered": $cloudLevel = "1cloud"; break; case "Cumulonimbus": $cloudLevel = "2cloud"; break; case "Towering Cumulus": case "broken": $cloudLevel = "3cloud"; break; case "overcast": $cloudLevel = "4cloud"; $night = ""; break; default: $cloudLevel = "0cloud"; } // Determine weather conditions (rain, snow etc); // We need some way to translate this $conditions = $weather_data["condition"]; switch ($cloudLevel) { case "0cloud": if (strstr($conditions, "fog") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_fog"; } else { $condUse = ""; } break; case "1cloud": if (strstr($conditions, "fog") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_fog"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lightrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavyrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_modrain"; } else { $condUse = "_norain"; } break; case "2cloud": if (strstr($conditions, "fog") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_fog"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lightrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavyrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_modrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "snow") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_snow"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "thunderstorm") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_thunders"; } else { $condUse = "_norain"; } break; case "3cloud": if (strstr($conditions, "fog") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_fog"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lightrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavyrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_modrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "snow") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_snow"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "thunderstorm") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_thunders"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "hail") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_hail"; } else { $condUse = "_norain"; } break; case "4cloud": if (strstr($conditions, "fog") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_fog"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lightrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavyrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "rain") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_modrain"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "snow") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lightsnow"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "snow") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavysnow"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "snow") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_snow"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "thunderstorm") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_thunders"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "hail") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "light") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_lighthail"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "hail") !== FALSE && strstr($conditions, "heavy") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_heavyhail"; } elseif (strstr($conditions, "hail") !== FALSE) { $condUse = "_hail"; } else { $condUse = "_norain"; } break; default: $condUse = "_norain"; } // Construct icon name $conditionIcon = $pixdir . '/' . $night . $cloudLevel . $condUse . '.png'; $content = ''; $content .= '
'. $conditions . '
'; // FIXXME: Translate the Winddirection $content .= '
' . $windDir . ' at
' . $weather_data["wind"] . ' ' .$units['wind'] . '
'; $content .= '
'. $weather_data["temperature"].' '. $units['temp'].'
'; $content .= '
'. $weather_data["feltTemperature"].' '. $units['temp'] .'
'; $content .= '
' . $weather_data["humidity"] .' '. '%
'; $content .= '
' . $weather_data['pressure'] .' '. $units['pres'].'
'; $content .= '
' . $weather_data["visibility"] .' '. $units['vis'] . '
'; $content .= '
' . $localTime . '
'; } else { $content = 'Loading the PEAR Services/Weather module failed. Please insure that the module is installed.'; } echo $content; } // function } // class ?>