{* backend.dlm.subpage.tpl last modified 2010-09-23 *} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2 && $dlmcfs.catfiles === true} {* Show all files in category *}

+/- {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DLS_IN_THIS_CAT}[ {$dlmgbl[0].cat.payload} ]: {$dlmgbl[0].cat.num}

{if is_array( $dlmcfs.filelist )} {foreach from=$dlmcfs.filelist item="file"} {* this is defined in dlm config *} {/foreach} {else} {/if}
{$dlmgbl.filename_field} {$dlmgbl.filenums_field} {$dlmgbl.filesize_field} {$dlmgbl.filedate_field}
{$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DEL_FILE} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DOWNLOAD_FILE} {$file.mime.TYPE} {$file.realfilename} {$file.dlcount} {$file.filesize} {$file.filedate}
{if $dlmcfs.ddiv === false}{/if} {/if} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2 && $dlmtfp.thisftp === true} {* Show all ftp/trash files in income dir *}


{* // TRASH BOX - show, if multi files from file folder were erased (eg moved to this ftp folder) *} {if true === ( $dlmtfp.ct || $dlmtfp.movedtoftp )}
{/if} {* this info text constant contains brs while there are 3 lines of information to understand *}


{if is_array( $dlmtfp.ftpfiles )} {foreach from=$dlmtfp.ftpfiles item="ifile"} {/foreach} {else} {/if}
{$dlmgbl.filename_field} {$dlmgbl.filesize_field} {$dlmgbl.filedate_field}
{$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DEL_FILE} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_IMPORT_FILE} {$ifile.filemime.TYPE} {$ifile.filename} {$ifile.filesize} {$ifile.filedate}
{if $dlmtfp.ddiv === false}{/if} {/if} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2 && $dlmtsl.thissml === true} {* Show all media library files in /uploads dir *}


{* Erm ... shouldn't this be a form?!? No, this is single file movement only! We do not need multi file movement in media library. *}


{if $dlmtsl.issmlarr === true} {* header of serendipity directories in media library *} {if !empty( $dlmtsl.extrapath )} {/if} {* array of serendipity directories in media library *} {foreach from=$dlmtsl.smldirs item="smlda"} {/foreach} {* array of serendipity files in media library *} {foreach from=$dlmtsl.smlfiles item="smlfa"} {/foreach} {else} {/if}
{$dlmgbl.filename_field} {$dlmgbl.filesize_field} {$dlmgbl.filedate_field}
{$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_IMPORT_FILE} {$smlfa.filemime.TYPE} {$smlfa.filename} {$smlfa.filesize} {$smlfa.filedate}
{if $dlmtsl.ddiv === false}{/if} {/if} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2 && $dlmhcs.hascats === true} {* Show all subcategories of root level *}


{if is_array( $dlmhcs.catlist )}
*} {section name="cat" loop=$dlmhcs.catlist} {* exclude cat[payload] = root being generated here! *} {if $dlmhcs.catlist[cat].cat.payload != 'root'} {/if} {/section}
{if $dlmhcs.catlist[cat].cat.subcats <= 0} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DEL_CAT} {else} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_DEL_CAT_NOT_ALLOWD} {/if} {if $dlmhcs.catlist[cat].cat.hidden != 1} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_HIDE_TREE} {else} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_UNHIDE_TREE} {/if} {foreach from=$dlmhcs.catlist[cat].imgname item="s"}tree {/foreach} {if $dlmhcs.catlist[cat].cat.hidden != 1} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_OPEN_CAT} {else} {$CONST.PLUGIN_DOWNLOADMANAGER_OPEN_CAT} {/if} {* this input element changes the catname on the fly *} {$dlmhcs.catlist[cat].filenum}


{if $dlmhcs.ddiv === false}{/if} {/if} {if $dlmgbl.thispage == 2 && $dlmapx.appendix === true} {* Append helptip and trash box button to clean trash in ftp/trash directory *}
{if $dlmapx.cleanme === true}
{else} {/if}

+/- DLM Help:
