John Doe")'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_CONTACTSTYLE', 'Contact style'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_CONTACTSTYLE_DESC', 'style to use for your contact information. Start text with "." to provide a CSS id, with a "#" to provide a class or use inline styling directly'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_COPYRIGHT', 'Copyright'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_COPYRIGHT_DESC', 'Tiny text, best used for copyright or legal statement (copyright symbol: "©")'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_COPYRIGHTSTYLE', 'Copyright Style'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_COPYRIGHTSTYLE_DESC', 'style to use for your contact information. Start text with "." to provide a CSS id, with a "#" to provide a class or use inline styling directly'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_DELIMITER', 'Delimiter'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_DELIMITERSTYLE', 'Delimiter Styling'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_DELIMITERSTYLE_DESC', 'Styling for the delimiter. The delimiter is a text flow control elment. It forces the rest of the box or the page to continue below the logo. Normally you do not need to change this style. Only do if you change your image style as well.'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_SEQUENCE', 'Sequence'); @define('PLUGIN_SIDEBARLOGO_SEQUENCE_DESC', 'Define the sequence of your SideBar Logo elements and enable or disable them (Default is logo, description, delimiter).'); ?>