* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ACTIVATE', 'Activate'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ADD', 'Add'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_VOTES', 'Votes'); @define('PLUGIN_POLLBOX_TOTALVOTES', 'Total of %d votes.'); @define('PLUGIN_POLLBOX_VOTE', 'Vote'); @define('PLUGIN_POLLBOX_SHOWRESULTS', 'Show results.'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_TITLE_SIDEBAR', 'Shows the current poll in your sidebar'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ARCHIVE', 'Poll Archives'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_TITLE', 'Polls'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_TITLE_BLAHBLAH', 'Maintains your votings / polls'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_PERMALINK', 'Permalink'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_PAGETITLE', 'URL shorthand name (Backwards compatibility)'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_PERMALINK_BLAHBLAH', 'Defines permalink for the URL. Needs the absolute HTTP path and needs to end with .htm or .html!'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ARTICLEFORMAT', 'Format as article?'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ARTICLEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH', 'if yes the output is automatically formatted as an article (colors, borders, etc.) (default: yes)'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ARTICLEFORMAT_PAGETITLE', 'Page title in "Format as article" mode'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_ARTICLEFORMAT_PAGETITLE_BLAHBLAH', 'Using article format, you can choose which text to display where the blog DATE shows up for an article.'); @define('PLUGIN_POLL_SELECT', 'Select a voting to edit or create.'); ?>