* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_TITLE', "Last Search (Google, Yahoo, Bing, Scroogle)"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_DESC', "Shows searched word of the last Google, Yahoo, Bing or Scoogle search, that lead to this blog."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_TITLE', "Title"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_TITLE_DESC', "Title shown at the sidebar"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_COUNT', "Count"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_COUNT_DESC', "How much searches should be shown?"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_VISITORTABLE', "Use visitor table"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_VISITORTABLE_DESC', "Normaly the referrers table is used. This table doesn't hold all references but only references leading to the blog a couple of times. The visitor table holds all visitors. If you use this table, the google searches will be shown immidiatly, if used. But watch out: The visitors Table is filled by the statistics plugin and only if the option for visitor tracking is enabled."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_NEWWINDOW', "Open link in new window"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_NEWWINDOW_DESC', "The searched words are linked to the related ggogle search. Do you want to have it opened in a new window?"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_HTTPREL', "Relativ HTTP path of the plugin"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_HTTPREL_DESC', "This defines the HTTP path of the plugin relative to the base server url. If you didn't change the permalink structure for plugins and your blog is not running in a subdirectory of the server, you are fine with the default setting."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_ICONS', "Show icons"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_ICONS_DESC', "Show icons for each result representing the search engine."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_TIME', "Show query time"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_TIME_DESC', "If enabled, the execution time of the query will be shown as mouseover the search entry."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_AUTHONLY', "Show auth. users only"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_AUTHONLY_DESC', "If enabled, the plugin will only display something, if the visitor is logged in."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_STATS', "Show search engine stats"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_STATS_DESC', "If enabled it will display how many queries are routed to the blog per search engine the last X days."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_STATDAYS', "Statistic days"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_STATDAYS_DESC', "These are the days back, the search engine stats are calculated. Don't choose a too big value, the bigger the value, the slower the plugin's display."); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_ENTRIES', "Show searches"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_SHOW_ENTRIES_DESC', "If disabled, no search queries will be shown (only stats, if enabled)"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_CACHEMINS', "Cache minutes"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_CACHEMINS_DESC', "Querying stats and searches should be cached. Specify the time in mins after the view is recalculated (0 = cache off)"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_ENGINES', "Searchengines"); @define('PLUGIN_GOOGLE_LAST_QUERY_PROP_ENGINES_DESC', "Mark all searchengines, you want the plugin to evaluate. The more you mark, the more time the calculation will consume of course.");