array('\.google\.','q|query','query'), 'Yahoo' => array('\.yahoo\.com','p','p'), 'Bing' => array('\.bing\.','q','q'), 'Scroogle' => array('\.scroogle\.org','Gw','Gw'), 'T-Online' => array('suche\.t-online\.de','q','q'), 'Freenet' => array('suche\.freenet\.de','query','query'), 'ixquick' => array('ixquick\.com','query','query'), '' => array('suche\.web\.de','su','su'), '1und1' => array('search\.1und1\.de','su','su'), 'MySpace' => array('searchservice\.myspace\.com','qry','qry'), 'Metager2' => array('metager2\.de','q','q') ); $serendipity_plugin_google_last_query_ref_search = array( 'Google' => "(host like '' and path like '/search')", 'Yahoo' => "(host like '' and path like '/search%')", 'Bing' => "(host like '' and path like '/search')", 'Scroogle' => "(host like '' and path like '/cgi-bin/nbbw.cgi' and query like 'Gw=%')", 'T-Online' => "(host like '' and path like '/fast-cgi/tsc')", 'Freenet' => "(host like '' and path like '/suche')", 'ixquick' => "(host like '' and path like '/do/' and query like 'query=%')", '' => "(host like '' and path like '/search/%' and query like 'su=%')", '1und1' => "(host like '' and path like '/search/%' and query like 'su=%')", 'MySpace' => "(host like '' and query like 'qry=%')", 'Metager2' => "(host like '' and query like 'q=%')" ); $serendipity_plugin_google_last_query_vis_search = array( 'Google' => "(ref like '' and ref like '%search?%')", 'Yahoo' => "(ref like '')", 'Bing' => "(ref like '')", 'Scroogle' => "(ref like '')", 'T-Online' => "(ref like '')", 'Freenet' => "(ref like '')", 'ixquick' => "(ref like '')", '' => "(ref like '')", '1und1' => "(ref like '')", 'MySpace' => "(ref like '' and ref like '%qry=%')", 'Metager2' => "(ref like '')" );