When using extended smarty output, the following code illustrates how the smarty-variables could be used when dropped into the entries.tpl: {if isset($entry.freetag.extended) && $entry.freetag.extended == 1} {if $entry.freetag.tags.tags}
{$entry.freetag.tags.description} {foreach from=$entry.freetag.tags.tags item="tag"} {$tag} {/foreach}
{if $is_single_entry or $is_preview} {$entry.freetag.related.description} {/if} {/if} {else} {$entry.freetag} {/if} Using this subquery you can convert existing categories to tags: INSERT INTO serendipity_entrytags (entryid, tag) SELECT serendipity_entries.id, serendipity_category.category_name FROM serendipity_entries, serendipity_category, serendipity_entrycat WHERE serendipity_entrycat.entryid = serendipity_entries.id AND serendipity_category.categoryid = serendipity_entrycat.categoryid; [quoted from: http://pixelated-dreams.com/archives/229-Spring-Cleaning.html] Or using this script you can convert existing categories to tags: \n", htmlspecialchars($row['category_name']), (int)$row['id'], htmlspecialchars($row['title']) ); } The following code illustrates on how to change your templates entries.tpl file in case of enabled option 'tags-as-list': {serendipity_hookPlugin hook="entries_header" addData="$entry_id"} {if $taglist}


{foreach from=$entries item="dategroup"} {foreach from=$dategroup.entries item="entry"}
({$dategroup.date|date_format:"%d.%m.%Y"}) {$entry.title|default:$entry.id}
{/foreach} {/foreach}
{else} --- OLD CODE START-and keep -- {foreach from=$entries item="dategroup"} {foreach from=$dategroup.entries item="entry"} {assign var="entry" value=$entry scope="parent"} *** LONG CODE FOR THE entries output article *** {/foreach} {foreachelse} {if not $plugin_clean_page} {/if} {/foreach} --- OLD CODE END and keep--- {/if}{* not taglist end *} --- OLD CODE FOOTER INFO START and keep --- {if $footer_info or $footer_prev_page or $footer_next_page} *** inside CODE *** {/if} --- OLD CODE FOOTER INFO END and keep --- {serendipity_hookPlugin hook="entries_footer"}