* EN-Revision: Revision of lang_en.inc.php */ @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TITLE', 'Contact Form'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TITLE_BLAHBLAH', 'Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_PERMALINK', 'Permalink'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_PAGETITLE', 'URL shorthand name (Backwards compatibility)'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_PERMALINK_BLAHBLAH', 'Defines permalink for the URL. Needs the absolute HTTP path and needs to end with .htm or .html!'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_EMAIL', 'Target E-Mail address'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_INTRO', 'Introductory Text (optional)'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_MESSAGE', 'Message'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SENT', 'Text after message has been sent'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SENT_HTML', 'Your message has been successfully mailed!'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ERROR_HTML', 'An error occured while posting the message!'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ERROR_DATA', 'Name, E-Mail and your message must not be an empty string.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMIC_ERROR_DATA', 'A required field is missing.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ARTICLEFORMAT', 'Format as article?'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ARTICLEFORMAT_BLAHBLAH', 'if yes the output is automatically formatted as an article (colors, borders, etc.) (default: yes)'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL','Use the dynamic tpl?'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_DESC','This setting allows you to choose the form type you wish to use. You can use the standard form, a small business form, a more detailed form or an entirely custom form created from a manually entered string.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS','Form field string'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_STANDARD','Standard'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_SMALLBIZ','Small Business'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_DETAILED','Detailed Form'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICTPL_FULLDYNAMIC','Custom'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_FNAME','First Name'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_LNAME','Last Name'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ADDRESS','Address'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS_DESC','This is the string that is parsed to determine which fields will appear on the form, whether they are required, and the default settings.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_DYNAMICFIELDS_DESC_NOTE','

The "Form field string" is a text string that is used to determine which fields are displayed on the dynamic form. The string must be in the order of <field>:<field>:<field>. Note the separation by colons.

The individual fields (except for type "radio", as defined later) must be of the form {require;}Name;type{;default}. Note the separation by semicolons. Also, note that the curly brackets indicate an optional field. If a field must be filled in to complete the form then the word "require" must appear at the start of the field definition (without the curly backets).

Fields of different types are available. Currently these types are supported:

To indicate a default value for a field, you simply add an additional definition with that default. The only valid default for type "checkbox" is "checked".

The type "radio" uses a field definition such as this: {require;}Name;radio;Name1,Value1|Name2,Value2{,checked}. Note the additional definition of options, where the options themselves are separated by a pipe character (|), and each option has a name, a value, and an option default of checked.

Examples (the quotation marks are for clarity and are not required):

If you use field types other than the predefined ones, you can specify a custom template file and use Smarty syntax to check for custom field types yourself, similar to how other types are already checked in the default template file.

'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TEMPLATE', 'Template file name'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_TEMPLATE_DESC', 'Only enter the filename of a custom template file that will be used to render this contact form. You can upload custom files to either the directory of this plugin, or your current template directory.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT', 'E-Mail subject'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ISSUECOUNTER', 'Use issue counter?'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_ISSUECOUNTER_DESC', 'When enabled, each sent contactform gets a unique ID.'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_MAIL_ISSUECOUNTER', 'Ticket: %s'); @define('PLUGIN_CONTACTFORM_SUBJECT_DESC', 'Enter the subject of the e-mail that gets sent to your address. You can place a %s variable that will contain the title of the contact form.');