The "Form field string" is a text string that is used to determine which fields are displayed on the dynamic form. The string must be in the order of <field>:<field>:<field>. Note the separation by colons.

The individual fields (except for type "radio", as defined later) must be of the form {require;}Name;type{;default}. Note the separation by semicolons. Also, note that the curly brackets indicate an optional field. If a field must be filled in to complete the form then the word "require" must appear at the start of the field definition (without the curly backets).

Fields of different types are available. Currently these types are supported:

To indicate a default value for a field, you simply add an additional definition with that default. The only valid default for type "checkbox" is "checked".

The type "radio" uses a field definition such as this: {require;}Name;radio;Name1,Value1|Name2,Value2{,checked}. Note the additional definition of options, where the options themselves are separated by a pipe character (|), and each option has a name, a value, and an option default of checked.

Examples (the quotation marks are for clarity and are not required):
