diff --git a/package_RSSevent.xml b/package_RSSevent.xml index 1c50aca1..41137fce 100755 --- a/package_RSSevent.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_bg.xml b/package_RSSevent_bg.xml index ad3d07f6..db3bcaa1 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_bg.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_bg.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Форма за обратна връзка</b><br />Показва форма за изпращане на e-mail в блога като статична страница. Тя може да бъде достигната или чрез постоянна връзка, указана тук при конфигурирането на приставката или чрез 'index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform'. Можете да промените външния вид на формата като поставите файл 'plugin_contactform.tpl' в директорията на вашата тема и я модифицирате там. Captchas от приставка Spamblock (ако са позволени) ще бъдат приложени.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Форма за обратна връзка</b><br />Показва форма за изпращане на e-mail в блога като статична страница. Тя може да бъде достигната или чрез постоянна връзка, указана тук при конфигурирането на приставката или чрез 'index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform'. Можете да промените външния вид на формата като поставите файл 'plugin_contactform.tpl' в директорията на вашата тема и я модифицирате там. Captchas от приставка Spamblock (ако са позволени) ще бъдат приложени.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_cn.xml b/package_RSSevent_cn.xml index 07d8eec4..a70b0a84 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_cn.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_cn.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_cs.xml b/package_RSSevent_cs.xml index ee7f7053..3e517955 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_cs.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_cs.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Návštěvní kniha</b><br />Zobrazuje návštěvní knihu jako stránku blogu. Vzhled je totožný s ostatními stránkami.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktní formulář</b><br />Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktní formulář</b><br />Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_cz.xml b/package_RSSevent_cz.xml index ee7f7053..3e517955 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_cz.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_cz.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Návštěvní kniha</b><br />Zobrazuje návštěvní knihu jako stránku blogu. Vzhled je totožný s ostatními stránkami.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktní formulář</b><br />Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktní formulář</b><br />Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_da.xml b/package_RSSevent_da.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_da.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_da.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_de.xml b/package_RSSevent_de.xml index 766fdb81..b798a9a8 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_de.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_de.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Gästebuch</b><br />Zeigt ein Gästebuch innerhalb des Blogs mit dem gewählten Design und allen Formatierungen an.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktformular</b><br />Stellt ein E-Mail Kontaktformular auf Ihrem Blog als statische Seite dar. Darauf kann entweder mittels des eigenen Permalinks oder mittels index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform aufgerufen werden. Die Darstellung kann durch Smarty Templates angepasst werden, indem die Datei plugin_contactform.tpl in Ihren Templateordner kopiert und modifiziert wird. Captchas des Spamblock-Plugins (falls aktiviert) werden angewendet.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Kontaktformular</b><br />Stellt ein E-Mail Kontaktformular auf Ihrem Blog als statische Seite dar. Darauf kann entweder mittels des eigenen Permalinks oder mittels index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform aufgerufen werden. Die Darstellung kann durch Smarty Templates angepasst werden, indem die Datei plugin_contactform.tpl in Ihren Templateordner kopiert und modifiziert wird. Captchas des Spamblock-Plugins (falls aktiviert) werden angewendet.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_en.xml b/package_RSSevent_en.xml index 1c50aca1..41137fce 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_en.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_en.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_es.xml b/package_RSSevent_es.xml index efc10f47..a2fd56d9 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_es.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_es.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_fa.xml b/package_RSSevent_fa.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_fa.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_fa.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_fi.xml b/package_RSSevent_fi.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_fi.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_fi.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_fr.xml b/package_RSSevent_fr.xml index 313a63cc..1837aad8 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_fr.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_fr.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Formulaire de contact</b><br />Ajoute une page contact statique à votre blog. On peut y accéder par le rétrolien ou par index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vous pouvez modifier l'aspect de la page contact en copiant plugin_contactform.tpl dans votre répertoire de template et en l'y modifiant. Les captchas contre le spam seront appliqués si le plugin est installé.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Formulaire de contact</b><br />Ajoute une page contact statique à votre blog. On peut y accéder par le rétrolien ou par index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vous pouvez modifier l'aspect de la page contact en copiant plugin_contactform.tpl dans votre répertoire de template et en l'y modifiant. Les captchas contre le spam seront appliqués si le plugin est installé.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_hu.xml b/package_RSSevent_hu.xml index e0cd476d..223ed3e3 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_hu.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_hu.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_is.xml b/package_RSSevent_is.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_is.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_is.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_it.xml b/package_RSSevent_it.xml index 9bcf6ba0..a4ccc1e9 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_it.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_it.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Modulo di contatto</b><br />Mostra un modulo di contatto e-mail sul tuo blog come pagina statica, cui si può accedere sia da permalink personalizzato che da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Puoi personalizzare l'aspetto del modulo inserendo il file plugin_contactform.tpl nella tua directory dei template e modificandolo là. I captchas del plugin Spamblock (se attivi) verranno applicati.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Modulo di contatto</b><br />Mostra un modulo di contatto e-mail sul tuo blog come pagina statica, cui si può accedere sia da permalink personalizzato che da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Puoi personalizzare l'aspetto del modulo inserendo il file plugin_contactform.tpl nella tua directory dei template e modificandolo là. I captchas del plugin Spamblock (se attivi) verranno applicati.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_ja.xml b/package_RSSevent_ja.xml index d653939b..287b2072 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_ja.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_ja.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />お問合せフォーム</b><br />静的ページとしてブログに電子メールお問合せフォームを表示します。It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. spam ブロックプラグインの Captcha が(もし有効なら)適用されるでしょう。<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />お問合せフォーム</b><br />静的ページとしてブログに電子メールお問合せフォームを表示します。It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. spam ブロックプラグインの Captcha が(もし有効なら)適用されるでしょう。<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_ko.xml b/package_RSSevent_ko.xml index 908ce299..a6fd29ba 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_ko.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_ko.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_nl.xml b/package_RSSevent_nl.xml index af730edd..61cda72d 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_nl.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_nl.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contactformulier</b><br />Geeft een contactformulier weer op uw blog als een statische pagina. Het kan zowel worden opgeroepen via een zelfgemaakte permalink of door index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Het uiterlijk van het contactformulier kan worden aangepast door het plugin_contactform.tpl-bestand in de template map te plaatsen en vervolgens te bewerken. Captchas van de Spamblock plugin worden ondersteund (indien geactiveerd).<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contactformulier</b><br />Geeft een contactformulier weer op uw blog als een statische pagina. Het kan zowel worden opgeroepen via een zelfgemaakte permalink of door index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Het uiterlijk van het contactformulier kan worden aangepast door het plugin_contactform.tpl-bestand in de template map te plaatsen en vervolgens te bewerken. Captchas van de Spamblock plugin worden ondersteund (indien geactiveerd).<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_no.xml b/package_RSSevent_no.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_no.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_no.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_pl.xml b/package_RSSevent_pl.xml index 4ea3483c..540d11b8 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_pl.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_pl.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Księga gości</b><br />Pokazuje księgę gości w ramach twojego blogu, stosując normalny jego wygląd.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Formularz kontaktu</b><br />Pokazuje na Twojej stronie formularz kontaktu e-mailem jako stronę statyczną. Wyświetlić formularz można korzystając z własnego permalinku lub przez podanie adresu index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Możesz zmodyfikować wygląd formularza przez umieszczenie w katalogu stylu, z którego korzystasz pliku the plugin_contactform.tpl i zmodyfikowania go według własnych potrzeb. Captcha oferowane przez wtyczkę Ochrona przed spamem będą stosowane (o ile będą włączone).<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Formularz kontaktu</b><br />Pokazuje na Twojej stronie formularz kontaktu e-mailem jako stronę statyczną. Wyświetlić formularz można korzystając z własnego permalinku lub przez podanie adresu index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Możesz zmodyfikować wygląd formularza przez umieszczenie w katalogu stylu, z którego korzystasz pliku the plugin_contactform.tpl i zmodyfikowania go według własnych potrzeb. Captcha oferowane przez wtyczkę Ochrona przed spamem będą stosowane (o ile będą włączone).<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_pt.xml b/package_RSSevent_pt.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_pt.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_pt.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_pt_PT.xml b/package_RSSevent_pt_PT.xml index 67ab55f8..0d73d658 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_pt_PT.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_pt_PT.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_ro.xml b/package_RSSevent_ro.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_ro.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_ro.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_ru.xml b/package_RSSevent_ru.xml index 55831095..aa97ca3e 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_ru.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_ru.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_sa.xml b/package_RSSevent_sa.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_sa.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_sa.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_se.xml b/package_RSSevent_se.xml index 903ab7f4..3e3a7924 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_se.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_se.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Gästbok</b><br />Visa en gästbol i din blog med ditt vanlig blog-utseende.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_ta.xml b/package_RSSevent_ta.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_ta.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_ta.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_tn.xml b/package_RSSevent_tn.xml index 3442d583..87ed00fc 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_tn.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_tn.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_tr.xml b/package_RSSevent_tr.xml index b79d85c3..414113ff 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_tr.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_tr.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />İletişim Formu</b><br />Sitenizde bir e-posta ile iletişim formu gösterir. Özelleştirilmiş bir kalıcı bağlantı URL adresi ile ya da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform adresiyle de erişilebilir. İletişim Formunun görünüşünü özelleştirebilirsiniz. plugin_contactform.tpl dosyasını şablon dizinize kopyalayıp istediğiniz gibi düzenleyebilirsiniz. Captcha koruması Spamblock eklentisiyle (eğer etkinse) iletişim formunuza eklenecektir.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />İletişim Formu</b><br />Sitenizde bir e-posta ile iletişim formu gösterir. Özelleştirilmiş bir kalıcı bağlantı URL adresi ile ya da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform adresiyle de erişilebilir. İletişim Formunun görünüşünü özelleştirebilirsiniz. plugin_contactform.tpl dosyasını şablon dizinize kopyalayıp istediğiniz gibi düzenleyebilirsiniz. Captcha koruması Spamblock eklentisiyle (eğer etkinse) iletişim formunuza eklenecektir.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_tw.xml b/package_RSSevent_tw.xml index d345fd14..5054251b 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_tw.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_tw.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSevent_zh.xml b/package_RSSevent_zh.xml index 7ea5a7d0..4bea431e 100644 --- a/package_RSSevent_zh.xml +++ b/package_RSSevent_zh.xml @@ -266,7 +266,7 @@ Event Plugins Ian <b>serendipity_event_guestbook<br />Guestbook</b><br />Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.7.0 -Mon, 11 May 2015 02:31:33 +0200 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_event_guestbook @@ -463,8 +463,8 @@ https://github.com/s9y/additional_plugins/tree/master/serendipity_event_contactform Event Plugins Garvin Hicking -<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Sun, 30 Nov 2014 02:32:13 +0100 +<b>serendipity_event_contactform<br />Contact Form</b><br />Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied.<br/>For: Serendipity 1.3 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:03 +0200 serendipity_event_contactform diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar.xml b/package_RSSsidebar.xml index 7fcb64a4..2be12a19 100755 --- a/package_RSSsidebar.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_bg.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_bg.xml index 3cb915a4..75d8e6c3 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_bg.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_bg.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Книга за гости</b><br />Показва последните съобщения в книгата за гости в странична приставка<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_cn.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_cn.xml index 152a7ec2..0c862a71 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_cn.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_cn.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_cs.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_cs.xml index 46aaa3f4..1f99d6f5 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_cs.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_cs.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Návštěvní kniha - postranní blok</b><br />Zobrazuje nejnovější vzkazy z návštěvní knihy v bloku v postranním sloupci<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_cz.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_cz.xml index 46aaa3f4..1f99d6f5 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_cz.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_cz.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Návštěvní kniha - postranní blok</b><br />Zobrazuje nejnovější vzkazy z návštěvní knihy v bloku v postranním sloupci<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_da.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_da.xml index c9a7c5b9..cfaff78b 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_da.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_da.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_de.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_de.xml index 2948ccba..3d6b9ef9 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_de.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_de.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Gästebuch-Seitenleiste</b><br />Zeige die letzten Einträge des Gästebuchs<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_en.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_en.xml index 7fcb64a4..2be12a19 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_en.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_en.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_es.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_es.xml index 2f453553..1589eb76 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_es.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_es.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_fa.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_fa.xml index 76408380..815eb7ed 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_fa.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_fa.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_fi.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_fi.xml index c73090d2..7c95f10e 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_fi.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_fi.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_fr.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_fr.xml index 9019e8b2..9fcac350 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_fr.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_fr.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_hu.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_hu.xml index 3c1288a5..39b778a0 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_hu.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_hu.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_is.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_is.xml index e9d310d0..e051a864 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_is.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_is.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_it.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_it.xml index 80fdfe76..8e52fa07 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_it.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_it.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_ja.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_ja.xml index 4755d6c9..ea0dc9dc 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_ja.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_ja.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />ゲストブックサイドバー</b><br />サイドバーに最新のゲストブックの項目を表示します。<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_ko.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_ko.xml index 67c808f1..8e927b59 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_ko.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_ko.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />옆줄 방명록</b><br />옆줄에 최신 방명록 내용을 보여줌<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_nl.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_nl.xml index b91cb024..55ab8d9c 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_nl.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_nl.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Toont de laatste items uit het gastenboek in de sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_no.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_no.xml index 319318f4..16e97030 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_no.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_no.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_pl.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_pl.xml index 9404efa4..f5d30c19 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_pl.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_pl.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_pt.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_pt.xml index 3540d672..00b583a4 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_pt.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_pt.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_pt_PT.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_pt_PT.xml index 8ee486c9..3a78c60b 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_pt_PT.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_pt_PT.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_ro.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_ro.xml index 8dfa8e45..fde81cbf 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_ro.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_ro.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_ru.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_ru.xml index 2829cdd3..85930382 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_ru.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_ru.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_sa.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_sa.xml index 2530c5d9..693b6c9f 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_sa.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_sa.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_se.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_se.xml index d7992060..fa8e93ec 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_se.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_se.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Gästbokens sidmeny</b><br />Visa de senaste gästboksinläggen i sidmenyn<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_ta.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_ta.xml index 1a4afdf8..a6a1b95b 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_ta.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_ta.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_tn.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_tn.xml index a5828b50..550a6071 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_tn.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_tn.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_tr.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_tr.xml index 415d2fcd..7c69a9fb 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_tr.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_tr.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_tw.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_tw.xml index 3fe7e111..5a13887a 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_tw.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_tw.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_RSSsidebar_zh.xml b/package_RSSsidebar_zh.xml index 152a7ec2..0c862a71 100644 --- a/package_RSSsidebar_zh.xml +++ b/package_RSSsidebar_zh.xml @@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ Sidebar Plugins Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ian <b>serendipity_plugin_guestbook<br />Guestbook Sidebar</b><br />Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar<br/>For: Serendipity 0.7 -Tue, 30 Dec 2014 02:31:35 +0100 +Wed, 01 Jul 2015 02:31:09 +0200 serendipity_plugin_guestbook diff --git a/package_event.xml b/package_event.xml index f90be140..f2eea457 100755 --- a/package_event.xml +++ b/package_event.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_bg.xml b/package_event_bg.xml index df5b3539..591bc4b1 100644 --- a/package_event_bg.xml +++ b/package_event_bg.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Показва форма за изпращане на e-mail в блога като статична страница. Тя може да бъде достигната или чрез постоянна връзка, указана тук при конфигурирането на приставката или чрез 'index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform'. Можете да промените външния вид на формата като поставите файл 'plugin_contactform.tpl' в директорията на вашата тема и я модифицирате там. Captchas от приставка Spamblock (ако са позволени) ще бъдат приложени. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_cn.xml b/package_event_cn.xml index 52d8f9f8..6b782832 100644 --- a/package_event_cn.xml +++ b/package_event_cn.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_cs.xml b/package_event_cs.xml index 42cbea6a..39cf6bef 100644 --- a/package_event_cs.xml +++ b/package_event_cs.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Zobrazuje návštěvní knihu jako stránku blogu. Vzhled je totožný s ostatními stránkami. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_cz.xml b/package_event_cz.xml index 42cbea6a..39cf6bef 100644 --- a/package_event_cz.xml +++ b/package_event_cz.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Zobrazuje návštěvní knihu jako stránku blogu. Vzhled je totožný s ostatními stránkami. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Zobrazuje kontaktní formulář k poslání e-mailu jako statickou stránku. Přístup k fromuláři buď pomocí stálého odkazu (permalinku) nebo na adrese index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vzhled fromuláře si můžete upravit podle svého vložením souboru plugin_contactform.tpl do adresáře s Vaší šablonou. Kryptogramy z pluginu SpamBlock budou použity, pokud je SpamBlock nainstalován. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_da.xml b/package_event_da.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_da.xml +++ b/package_event_da.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_de.xml b/package_event_de.xml index 774c96cb..3f87cb2e 100644 --- a/package_event_de.xml +++ b/package_event_de.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Zeigt ein Gästebuch innerhalb des Blogs mit dem gewählten Design und allen Formatierungen an. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Stellt ein E-Mail Kontaktformular auf Ihrem Blog als statische Seite dar. Darauf kann entweder mittels des eigenen Permalinks oder mittels index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform aufgerufen werden. Die Darstellung kann durch Smarty Templates angepasst werden, indem die Datei plugin_contactform.tpl in Ihren Templateordner kopiert und modifiziert wird. Captchas des Spamblock-Plugins (falls aktiviert) werden angewendet. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_en.xml b/package_event_en.xml index f90be140..f2eea457 100644 --- a/package_event_en.xml +++ b/package_event_en.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_es.xml b/package_event_es.xml index 08ace9db..76be1d0e 100644 --- a/package_event_es.xml +++ b/package_event_es.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_fa.xml b/package_event_fa.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_fa.xml +++ b/package_event_fa.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_fi.xml b/package_event_fi.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_fi.xml +++ b/package_event_fi.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_fr.xml b/package_event_fr.xml index 5e7976ee..12913fab 100644 --- a/package_event_fr.xml +++ b/package_event_fr.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Ajoute une page contact statique à votre blog. On peut y accéder par le rétrolien ou par index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Vous pouvez modifier l'aspect de la page contact en copiant plugin_contactform.tpl dans votre répertoire de template et en l'y modifiant. Les captchas contre le spam seront appliqués si le plugin est installé. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_hu.xml b/package_event_hu.xml index cb570447..b4e424b8 100644 --- a/package_event_hu.xml +++ b/package_event_hu.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_is.xml b/package_event_is.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_is.xml +++ b/package_event_is.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_it.xml b/package_event_it.xml index 3f2c327f..2e494ed1 100644 --- a/package_event_it.xml +++ b/package_event_it.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Mostra un modulo di contatto e-mail sul tuo blog come pagina statica, cui si può accedere sia da permalink personalizzato che da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Puoi personalizzare l'aspetto del modulo inserendo il file plugin_contactform.tpl nella tua directory dei template e modificandolo là. I captchas del plugin Spamblock (se attivi) verranno applicati. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_ja.xml b/package_event_ja.xml index 7dbec3ab..52ca68d1 100644 --- a/package_event_ja.xml +++ b/package_event_ja.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ 静的ページとしてブログに電子メールお問合せフォームを表示します。It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. spam ブロックプラグインの Captcha が(もし有効なら)適用されるでしょう。 Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_ko.xml b/package_event_ko.xml index 7a89c810..d62fdc99 100644 --- a/package_event_ko.xml +++ b/package_event_ko.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_nl.xml b/package_event_nl.xml index c43dcd04..a5b65325 100644 --- a/package_event_nl.xml +++ b/package_event_nl.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Geeft een contactformulier weer op uw blog als een statische pagina. Het kan zowel worden opgeroepen via een zelfgemaakte permalink of door index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Het uiterlijk van het contactformulier kan worden aangepast door het plugin_contactform.tpl-bestand in de template map te plaatsen en vervolgens te bewerken. Captchas van de Spamblock plugin worden ondersteund (indien geactiveerd). Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_no.xml b/package_event_no.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_no.xml +++ b/package_event_no.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_pl.xml b/package_event_pl.xml index 010c3ed4..d1796838 100644 --- a/package_event_pl.xml +++ b/package_event_pl.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Pokazuje księgę gości w ramach twojego blogu, stosując normalny jego wygląd. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Pokazuje na Twojej stronie formularz kontaktu e-mailem jako stronę statyczną. Wyświetlić formularz można korzystając z własnego permalinku lub przez podanie adresu index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. Możesz zmodyfikować wygląd formularza przez umieszczenie w katalogu stylu, z którego korzystasz pliku the plugin_contactform.tpl i zmodyfikowania go według własnych potrzeb. Captcha oferowane przez wtyczkę Ochrona przed spamem będą stosowane (o ile będą włączone). Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_pt.xml b/package_event_pt.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_pt.xml +++ b/package_event_pt.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_pt_PT.xml b/package_event_pt_PT.xml index d0db70ba..875e6368 100644 --- a/package_event_pt_PT.xml +++ b/package_event_pt_PT.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_ro.xml b/package_event_ro.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_ro.xml +++ b/package_event_ro.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_ru.xml b/package_event_ru.xml index 5ca3753f..ce202305 100644 --- a/package_event_ru.xml +++ b/package_event_ru.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_sa.xml b/package_event_sa.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_sa.xml +++ b/package_event_sa.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_se.xml b/package_event_se.xml index 5c970bc9..302a385b 100644 --- a/package_event_se.xml +++ b/package_event_se.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Visa en gästbol i din blog med ditt vanlig blog-utseende. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_ta.xml b/package_event_ta.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_ta.xml +++ b/package_event_ta.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_tn.xml b/package_event_tn.xml index 5a9f9dca..b3609acf 100644 --- a/package_event_tn.xml +++ b/package_event_tn.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_tr.xml b/package_event_tr.xml index d059bd99..d3ab167a 100644 --- a/package_event_tr.xml +++ b/package_event_tr.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Sitenizde bir e-posta ile iletişim formu gösterir. Özelleştirilmiş bir kalıcı bağlantı URL adresi ile ya da index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform adresiyle de erişilebilir. İletişim Formunun görünüşünü özelleştirebilirsiniz. plugin_contactform.tpl dosyasını şablon dizinize kopyalayıp istediğiniz gibi düzenleyebilirsiniz. Captcha koruması Spamblock eklentisiyle (eğer etkinse) iletişim formunuza eklenecektir. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_tw.xml b/package_event_tw.xml index c1b573f1..6e230989 100644 --- a/package_event_tw.xml +++ b/package_event_tw.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_event_zh.xml b/package_event_zh.xml index ee173765..738bc42f 100644 --- a/package_event_zh.xml +++ b/package_event_zh.xml @@ -2209,9 +2209,9 @@ Shows a guestbook inside your blog with your normal blog design. Ianlead - 3.55 + 3.56 1.7.0 - 2015-05-11 + 2015-07-01 @@ -3642,9 +3642,9 @@ Shows a email contactform on your blog as a static page. It can be accessed by either the custom permalink or by index.php?serendipity[subpage]=contactform. You can customize the look of the contact form by putting the plugin_contactform.tpl file into your template directory and modify it there. Captchas from the Spamblock plugin (if enabled) will be applied. Garvin Hickinglead - 1.16.1 - 0.7 - 2014-11-30 + 1.17 + 1.3 + 2015-07-01 serendipity_event_contactform.php diff --git a/package_sidebar.xml b/package_sidebar.xml index 028a6ac3..879e5950 100755 --- a/package_sidebar.xml +++ b/package_sidebar.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_bg.xml b/package_sidebar_bg.xml index 491e0c84..5c34a391 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_bg.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_bg.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Показва последните съобщения в книгата за гости в странична приставка Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_cn.xml b/package_sidebar_cn.xml index db040ae2..aa69117d 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_cn.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_cn.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_cs.xml b/package_sidebar_cs.xml index 89b525ce..82de5595 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_cs.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_cs.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Zobrazuje nejnovější vzkazy z návštěvní knihy v bloku v postranním sloupci Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_cz.xml b/package_sidebar_cz.xml index 89b525ce..82de5595 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_cz.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_cz.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Zobrazuje nejnovější vzkazy z návštěvní knihy v bloku v postranním sloupci Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_da.xml b/package_sidebar_da.xml index 4522ef5c..4a4b9ee0 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_da.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_da.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_de.xml b/package_sidebar_de.xml index 2a520f35..81e7a6d0 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_de.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_de.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Zeige die letzten Einträge des Gästebuchs Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_en.xml b/package_sidebar_en.xml index 028a6ac3..879e5950 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_en.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_en.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_es.xml b/package_sidebar_es.xml index 22f6e2df..14e5892a 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_es.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_es.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_fa.xml b/package_sidebar_fa.xml index b46ad561..8601a09b 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_fa.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_fa.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_fi.xml b/package_sidebar_fi.xml index e034ac50..ed73e706 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_fi.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_fi.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_fr.xml b/package_sidebar_fr.xml index 0b316d52..8747cfb1 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_fr.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_fr.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_hu.xml b/package_sidebar_hu.xml index 6346ee18..63659887 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_hu.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_hu.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_is.xml b/package_sidebar_is.xml index 65746b48..378b90f6 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_is.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_is.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_it.xml b/package_sidebar_it.xml index 28301013..d50eff83 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_it.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_it.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_ja.xml b/package_sidebar_ja.xml index 80a40b03..2644f711 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_ja.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_ja.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ サイドバーに最新のゲストブックの項目を表示します。 Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_ko.xml b/package_sidebar_ko.xml index 45fbcaf3..4f06c98c 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_ko.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_ko.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ 옆줄에 최신 방명록 내용을 보여줌 Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_nl.xml b/package_sidebar_nl.xml index a237265d..f527b0b8 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_nl.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_nl.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Toont de laatste items uit het gastenboek in de sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_no.xml b/package_sidebar_no.xml index aead4577..8a607e8d 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_no.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_no.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_pl.xml b/package_sidebar_pl.xml index 169fdc23..ab4fd830 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_pl.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_pl.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_pt.xml b/package_sidebar_pt.xml index 77c19f0e..201ca863 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_pt.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_pt.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_pt_PT.xml b/package_sidebar_pt_PT.xml index 56a80859..7f932395 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_pt_PT.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_pt_PT.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_ro.xml b/package_sidebar_ro.xml index f5713fa4..4b23b548 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_ro.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_ro.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_ru.xml b/package_sidebar_ru.xml index 86702eef..674a23d8 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_ru.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_ru.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_sa.xml b/package_sidebar_sa.xml index 0345aa0a..cc5adaef 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_sa.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_sa.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_se.xml b/package_sidebar_se.xml index 9b61cb5e..58b03150 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_se.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_se.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Visa de senaste gästboksinläggen i sidmenyn Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_ta.xml b/package_sidebar_ta.xml index ecad7c52..a69c9462 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_ta.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_ta.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_tn.xml b/package_sidebar_tn.xml index 2a340652..4aaa37ff 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_tn.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_tn.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_tr.xml b/package_sidebar_tr.xml index 4d93d8d4..cd191549 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_tr.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_tr.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_tw.xml b/package_sidebar_tw.xml index c8a5b7d4..4e9e8ac5 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_tw.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_tw.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01 diff --git a/package_sidebar_zh.xml b/package_sidebar_zh.xml index db040ae2..aa69117d 100644 --- a/package_sidebar_zh.xml +++ b/package_sidebar_zh.xml @@ -1256,9 +1256,9 @@ Display the latest guestbook items in the sidebar Jaap Boerma ( j@webbict.com ), Tadashi Jokagi <elf2000@users.sourceforge.net>, Ianlead - 1.23 + 1.24 0.7 - 2014-12-30 + 2015-07-01