cke 1.3.1 revert parts until better solution

eventData can only be executed here, if not pushing this via js var into a 'backend_header' set global nugget function, which works in general, but not in the execution part
This commit is contained in:
Ian 2013-08-10 15:04:04 +02:00
parent 2ddda9a342
commit 068c92143a

View file

@ -307,55 +307,6 @@ class serendipity_event_ckeditor extends serendipity_event
// this is nugget only area, spawned by head! (textareas of staticpage nuggets, html nugget plugins, etc.)
// called via Spawnnugget(), set by real plugins like staticpages and cores in case of $ev['skip_nuggets'] === false
function Spawnnuggets(item) {
// console.log(item);
if (document.getElementById('nuggets' + item)) {
CKEDITOR.replace('nuggets' + item, {
// Reset toolbar Groups settings
// toolbarGroups: null
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'nuggets'+item +',mediaembed'; // no spaces allowed!
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('nuggets' + item, {
init: function(editor) {
if (isset($eventData) && (is_array($eventData['buttons']) && !empty($eventData['buttons']))) {
foreach ($eventData['buttons'] as $button) {
editor.addCommand( '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>', {
exec: function( editor ) {
<?php echo str_replace(array('function() { ',' }'), '', $button['javascript']); ?>;
editor.ui.addButton('<?php echo $button['id']; ?>', {
label: '<?php echo $button['name']; ?>',
title: '<?php echo $button['name']; ?> Plugin',
icon: '<?php echo $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/' . $button['img_path']; ?>',
iconName: '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>_icon',
command: '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>'
} // end foreach - follow-up ML button into 'other' toolbar needs no textarea GET name, since the right instance dropping is done by this plugin
} // end isset $eventData
editor.addCommand( 'openML', {
exec : function( editor ) {'serendipity_admin_image_selector.php', 'ImageSel', 'width=800,height=600,toolbar=no,scrollbars=1,scrollbars,resize=1,resizable=1');
editor.ui.addButton('openML', {
label: 'S9yMedia',
title: 'Serendipity Media Library',
icon: '<?php echo $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_ckeditor/img/mls9y.png'; ?>',
iconName: 'openML_icon',
command: 'openML'
@ -473,6 +424,57 @@ class serendipity_event_ckeditor extends serendipity_event
if (isset($eventData['item']) && !empty($eventData['item'])) {
<script type="text/javascript">
// this is nugget only area, spawned by head! (textareas of staticpage nuggets, html nugget plugins, etc.)
// called via Spawnnugget(), set by real plugins like staticpages and cores in case of $ev['skip_nuggets'] === false
// eventData can only be executed here, if not pushing this via js var into a 'backend_header' set global nugget function
function Spawnnuggets(item) {
// console.log(item);
if (document.getElementById('nuggets' + item)) {
CKEDITOR.replace('nuggets' + item, {
// Reset toolbar Groups settings
// toolbarGroups: null
CKEDITOR.config.extraPlugins = 'nuggets'+item +',mediaembed'; // no spaces allowed!
CKEDITOR.plugins.add('nuggets' + item, {
init: function(editor) {
if (isset($eventData['buttons']) && (is_array($eventData['buttons']) && !empty($eventData['buttons']))) {
foreach ($eventData['buttons'] as $button) {
editor.addCommand( '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>', {
exec: function( editor ) {
<?php echo str_replace(array('function() { ',' }',$serendipity['defaultBaseURL']), '', $button['javascript']); ?>;
editor.ui.addButton('<?php echo $button['id']; ?>', {
label: '<?php echo $button['name']; ?>',
title: '<?php echo $button['name']; ?> Plugin',
icon: '<?php echo $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/' . $button['img_path']; ?>',
iconName: '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>_icon',
command: '<?php echo $button['id']; ?>'
} // end foreach - follow-up ML button into 'other' toolbar needs no textarea GET name, since the right instance dropping is done by this plugin
} // end isset $eventData['buttons']
editor.addCommand( 'openML', {
exec : function( editor ) {'serendipity_admin_image_selector.php', 'ImageSel', 'width=800,height=600,toolbar=no,scrollbars=1,scrollbars,resize=1,resizable=1');
editor.ui.addButton('openML', {
label: 'S9yMedia',
title: 'Serendipity Media Library',
icon: '<?php echo $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_ckeditor/img/mls9y.png'; ?>',
iconName: 'openML_icon',
command: 'openML'
// Avoid TypeError: parent.self.opener.serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody is not a function in serendipity_html_nugget_plugin textarea (nuggets3) in S9y 1.7 Series
function serendipity_imageSelector_addToBody (str, textarea) {
var oEditor = isinstance; // WHOW this was easy...!!!!