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2014-01-04 12:58:43 +01:00
# SmartyPants - Smart typography for web sites
# PHP SmartyPants
# Copyright (c) 2004-2013 Michel Fortin
# <>
# Original SmartyPants
# Copyright (c) 2003-2004 John Gruber
# <>
namespace Michelf;
### Pre-Configured SmartyPants Modes ###
# SmartyPants does nothing at all
# "--" for em-dashes; no en-dash support
# "---" for em-dashes; "--" for en-dashes
# "--" for em-dashes; "---" for en-dashes
# SmartyPants Parser Class
class SmartyPants {
### Version ###
const SMARTYPANTSLIB_VERSION = "1.6.0-beta1";
### Standard Function Interface ###
public static function defaultTransform($text, $attr = SMARTYPANTS_ATTR_DEFAULT) {
# Initialize the parser and return the result of its transform method.
# This will work fine for derived classes too.
# Take parser class on which this function was called.
$parser_class = \get_called_class();
# try to take parser from the static parser list
static $parser_list;
$parser =& $parser_list[$parser_class][$attr];
# create the parser if not already set
if (!$parser)
$parser = new $parser_class($attr);
# Transform text using parser.
return $parser->transform($text);
### Configuration Variables ###
# Partial regex for matching tags to skip
public $tags_to_skip = 'pre|code|kbd|script|style|math';
# Options to specify which transformations to make:
protected $do_nothing = 0; # disable all transforms
protected $do_quotes = 0;
protected $do_backticks = 0; # 1 => double only, 2 => double & single
protected $do_dashes = 0; # 1, 2, or 3 for the three modes described above
protected $do_ellipses = 0;
protected $do_stupefy = 0;
protected $convert_quot = 0; # should we translate &quot; entities into normal quotes?
### Parser Implementation ###
public function __construct($attr = SMARTYPANTS_ATTR_DEFAULT) {
# Initialize a parser with certain attributes.
# Parser attributes:
# 0 : do nothing
# 1 : set all
# 2 : set all, using old school en- and em- dash shortcuts
# 3 : set all, using inverted old school en and em- dash shortcuts
# q : quotes
# b : backtick quotes (``double'' only)
# B : backtick quotes (``double'' and `single')
# d : dashes
# D : old school dashes
# i : inverted old school dashes
# e : ellipses
# w : convert &quot; entities to " for Dreamweaver users
if ($attr == "0") {
$this->do_nothing = 1;
else if ($attr == "1") {
# Do everything, turn all options on.
$this->do_quotes = 1;
$this->do_backticks = 1;
$this->do_dashes = 1;
$this->do_ellipses = 1;
else if ($attr == "2") {
# Do everything, turn all options on, use old school dash shorthand.
$this->do_quotes = 1;
$this->do_backticks = 1;
$this->do_dashes = 2;
$this->do_ellipses = 1;
else if ($attr == "3") {
# Do everything, turn all options on, use inverted old school dash shorthand.
$this->do_quotes = 1;
$this->do_backticks = 1;
$this->do_dashes = 3;
$this->do_ellipses = 1;
else if ($attr == "-1") {
# Special "stupefy" mode.
$this->do_stupefy = 1;
else {
$chars = preg_split('//', $attr);
foreach ($chars as $c){
if ($c == "q") { $this->do_quotes = 1; }
else if ($c == "b") { $this->do_backticks = 1; }
else if ($c == "B") { $this->do_backticks = 2; }
else if ($c == "d") { $this->do_dashes = 1; }
else if ($c == "D") { $this->do_dashes = 2; }
else if ($c == "i") { $this->do_dashes = 3; }
else if ($c == "e") { $this->do_ellipses = 1; }
else if ($c == "w") { $this->convert_quot = 1; }
else {
# Unknown attribute option, ignore.
public function transform($text) {
if ($this->do_nothing) {
return $text;
$tokens = $this->tokenizeHTML($text);
$result = '';
$in_pre = 0; # Keep track of when we're inside <pre> or <code> tags.
$prev_token_last_char = ""; # This is a cheat, used to get some context
# for one-character tokens that consist of
# just a quote char. What we do is remember
# the last character of the previous text
# token, to use as context to curl single-
# character quote tokens correctly.
foreach ($tokens as $cur_token) {
if ($cur_token[0] == "tag") {
# Don't mess with quotes inside tags.
$result .= $cur_token[1];
if (preg_match('@<(/?)(?:'.$this->tags_to_skip.')[\s>]@', $cur_token[1], $matches)) {
$in_pre = isset($matches[1]) && $matches[1] == '/' ? 0 : 1;
} else {
$t = $cur_token[1];
$last_char = substr($t, -1); # Remember last char of this token before processing.
if (! $in_pre) {
$t = $this->educate($t, $prev_token_last_char);
$prev_token_last_char = $last_char;
$result .= $t;
return $result;
protected function educate($t, $prev_token_last_char) {
$t = $this->processEscapes($t);
if ($this->convert_quot) {
$t = preg_replace('/&quot;/', '"', $t);
if ($this->do_dashes) {
if ($this->do_dashes == 1) $t = $this->educateDashes($t);
if ($this->do_dashes == 2) $t = $this->educateDashesOldSchool($t);
if ($this->do_dashes == 3) $t = $this->educateDashesOldSchoolInverted($t);
if ($this->do_ellipses) $t = $this->educateEllipses($t);
# Note: backticks need to be processed before quotes.
if ($this->do_backticks) {
$t = $this->educateBackticks($t);
if ($this->do_backticks == 2) $t = $this->educateSingleBackticks($t);
if ($this->do_quotes) {
if ($t == "'") {
# Special case: single-character ' token
if (preg_match('/\S/', $prev_token_last_char)) {
$t = "&#8217;";
else {
$t = "&#8216;";
else if ($t == '"') {
# Special case: single-character " token
if (preg_match('/\S/', $prev_token_last_char)) {
$t = "&#8221;";
else {
$t = "&#8220;";
else {
# Normal case:
$t = $this->educateQuotes($t);
if ($this->do_stupefy) $t = $this->stupefyEntities($t);
return $t;
protected function educateQuotes($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with "educated" curly quote HTML entities.
# Example input: "Isn't this fun?"
# Example output: &#8220;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8221;
# Make our own "punctuation" character class, because the POSIX-style
# [:PUNCT:] is only available in Perl 5.6 or later:
$punct_class = "[!\"#\\$\\%'()*+,-.\\/:;<=>?\\@\\[\\\\\]\\^_`{|}~]";
# Special case if the very first character is a quote
# followed by punctuation at a non-word-break. Close the quotes by brute force:
$_ = preg_replace(
array("/^'(?=$punct_class\\B)/", "/^\"(?=$punct_class\\B)/"),
array('&#8217;', '&#8221;'), $_);
# Special case for double sets of quotes, e.g.:
# <p>He said, "'Quoted' words in a larger quote."</p>
$_ = preg_replace(
array("/\"'(?=\w)/", "/'\"(?=\w)/"),
array('&#8220;&#8216;', '&#8216;&#8220;'), $_);
# Special case for decade abbreviations (the '80s):
$_ = preg_replace("/'(?=\\d{2}s)/", '&#8217;', $_);
$close_class = '[^\ \t\r\n\[\{\(\-]';
$dec_dashes = '&\#8211;|&\#8212;';
# Get most opening single quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
\\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
$dec_dashes | # or decimal entities
&\\#x201[34]; # or hex
' # the quote
(?=\\w) # followed by a word character
}x", '\1&#8216;', $_);
# Single closing quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
(?(1)| # If $1 captured, then do nothing;
(?=\\s | s\\b) # otherwise, positive lookahead for a whitespace
) # char or an 's' at a word ending position. This
# is a special case to handle something like:
# \"<i>Custer</i>'s Last Stand.\"
}xi", '\1&#8217;', $_);
# Any remaining single quotes should be opening ones:
$_ = str_replace("'", '&#8216;', $_);
# Get most opening double quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
\\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
$dec_dashes | # or decimal entities
&\\#x201[34]; # or hex
\" # the quote
(?=\\w) # followed by a word character
}x", '\1&#8220;', $_);
# Double closing quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
(?(1)|(?=\\s)) # If $1 captured, then do nothing;
# if not, then make sure the next char is whitespace.
}x", '\1&#8221;', $_);
# Any remaining quotes should be opening ones.
$_ = str_replace('"', '&#8220;', $_);
return $_;
protected function educateBackticks($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with ``backticks'' -style double quotes
# translated into HTML curly quote entities.
# Example input: ``Isn't this fun?''
# Example output: &#8220;Isn't this fun?&#8221;
$_ = str_replace(array("``", "''",),
array('&#8220;', '&#8221;'), $_);
return $_;
protected function educateSingleBackticks($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with `backticks' -style single quotes
# translated into HTML curly quote entities.
# Example input: `Isn't this fun?'
# Example output: &#8216;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8217;
$_ = str_replace(array("`", "'",),
array('&#8216;', '&#8217;'), $_);
return $_;
protected function educateDashes($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with each instance of "--" translated to
# an em-dash HTML entity.
$_ = str_replace('--', '&#8212;', $_);
return $_;
protected function educateDashesOldSchool($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with each instance of "--" translated to
# an en-dash HTML entity, and each "---" translated to
# an em-dash HTML entity.
# em en
$_ = str_replace(array("---", "--",),
array('&#8212;', '&#8211;'), $_);
return $_;
protected function educateDashesOldSchoolInverted($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with each instance of "--" translated to
# an em-dash HTML entity, and each "---" translated to
# an en-dash HTML entity. Two reasons why: First, unlike the
# en- and em-dash syntax supported by
# EducateDashesOldSchool(), it's compatible with existing
# entries written before SmartyPants 1.1, back when "--" was
# only used for em-dashes. Second, em-dashes are more
# common than en-dashes, and so it sort of makes sense that
# the shortcut should be shorter to type. (Thanks to Aaron
# Swartz for the idea.)
# en em
$_ = str_replace(array("---", "--",),
array('&#8211;', '&#8212;'), $_);
return $_;
protected function educateEllipses($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with each instance of "..." translated to
# an ellipsis HTML entity. Also converts the case where
# there are spaces between the dots.
# Example input: Huh...?
# Example output: Huh&#8230;?
$_ = str_replace(array("...", ". . .",), '&#8230;', $_);
return $_;
protected function stupefyEntities($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with each SmartyPants HTML entity translated to
# its ASCII counterpart.
# Example input: &#8220;Hello &#8212; world.&#8221;
# Example output: "Hello -- world."
# en-dash em-dash
$_ = str_replace(array('&#8211;', '&#8212;'),
array('-', '--'), $_);
# single quote open close
$_ = str_replace(array('&#8216;', '&#8217;'), "'", $_);
# double quote open close
$_ = str_replace(array('&#8220;', '&#8221;'), '"', $_);
$_ = str_replace('&#8230;', '...', $_); # ellipsis
return $_;
protected function processEscapes($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with after processing the following backslash
# escape sequences. This is useful if you want to force a "dumb"
# quote or other character to appear.
# Escape Value
# ------ -----
# \\ &#92;
# \" &#34;
# \' &#39;
# \. &#46;
# \- &#45;
# \` &#96;
$_ = str_replace(
array('\\\\', '\"', "\'", '\.', '\-', '\`'),
array('&#92;', '&#34;', '&#39;', '&#46;', '&#45;', '&#96;'), $_);
return $_;
protected function tokenizeHTML($str) {
# Parameter: String containing HTML markup.
# Returns: An array of the tokens comprising the input
# string. Each token is either a tag (possibly with nested,
# tags contained therein, such as <a href="<MTFoo>">, or a
# run of text between tags. Each element of the array is a
# two-element array; the first is either 'tag' or 'text';
# the second is the actual value.
# Regular expression derived from the _tokenize() subroutine in
# Brad Choate's MTRegex plugin.
# <>
$index = 0;
$tokens = array();
$match = '(?s:<!--.*?-->)|'. # comment
'(?s:<\?.*?\?>)|'. # processing instruction
# regular tags
$parts = preg_split("{($match)}", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
foreach ($parts as $part) {
if (++$index % 2 && $part != '')
$tokens[] = array('text', $part);
$tokens[] = array('tag', $part);
return $tokens;
# SmartyPants Typographer Parser Class
class _SmartyPantsTypographer_TmpImpl extends \Michelf\SmartyPants {
### Configuration Variables ###
# Options to specify which transformations to make:
public $do_comma_quotes = 0;
public $do_guillemets = 0;
public $do_space_emdash = 0;
public $do_space_endash = 0;
public $do_space_colon = 0;
public $do_space_semicolon = 0;
public $do_space_marks = 0;
public $do_space_frenchquote = 0;
public $do_space_thousand = 0;
public $do_space_unit = 0;
# Smart quote characters:
# Opening and closing smart double-quotes.
public $smart_doublequote_open = '&#8220;';
public $smart_doublequote_close = '&#8221;';
public $smart_singlequote_open = '&#8216;';
public $smart_singlequote_close = '&#8217;'; # Also apostrophe.
# Space characters for different places:
# Space around em-dashes. "He_—_or she_—_should change that."
public $space_emdash = " ";
# Space around en-dashes. "He__or she__should change that."
public $space_endash = " ";
# Space before a colon. "He said_: here it is."
public $space_colon = "&#160;";
# Space before a semicolon. "That's what I said_; that's what he said."
public $space_semicolon = "&#160;";
# Space before a question mark and an exclamation mark: "¡_Holà_! What_?"
public $space_marks = "&#160;";
# Space inside french quotes. "Voici la «_chose_» qui m'a attaqué."
public $space_frenchquote = "&#160;";
# Space as thousand separator. "On compte 10_000 maisons sur cette liste."
public $space_thousand = "&#160;";
# Space before a unit abreviation. "This 12_kg of matter costs 10_$."
public $space_unit = "&#160;";
# Expression of a space (breakable or not):
public $space = '(?: | |&nbsp;|&#0*160;|&#x0*[aA]0;)';
### Parser Implementation ###
public function __construct($attr = SMARTYPANTS_ATTR_DEFAULT) {
# Initialize a SmartyPantsTypographer_Parser with certain attributes.
# Parser attributes:
# 0 : do nothing
# 1 : set all, except dash spacing
# 2 : set all, except dash spacing, using old school en- and em- dash shortcuts
# 3 : set all, except dash spacing, using inverted old school en and em- dash shortcuts
# Punctuation:
# q -> quotes
# b -> backtick quotes (``double'' only)
# B -> backtick quotes (``double'' and `single')
# c -> comma quotes (,,double`` only)
# g -> guillemets (<<double>> only)
# d -> dashes
# D -> old school dashes
# i -> inverted old school dashes
# e -> ellipses
# w -> convert &quot; entities to " for Dreamweaver users
# Spacing:
# : -> colon spacing +-
# ; -> semicolon spacing +-
# m -> question and exclamation marks spacing +-
# h -> em-dash spacing +-
# H -> en-dash spacing +-
# f -> french quote spacing +-
# t -> thousand separator spacing -
# u -> unit spacing +-
# (you can add a plus sign after some of these options denoted by + to
# add the space when it is not already present, or you can add a minus
# sign to completly remove any space present)
# Initialize inherited SmartyPants parser.
if ($attr == "1" || $attr == "2" || $attr == "3") {
# Do everything, turn all options on.
$this->do_comma_quotes = 1;
$this->do_guillemets = 1;
$this->do_space_emdash = 1;
$this->do_space_endash = 1;
$this->do_space_colon = 1;
$this->do_space_semicolon = 1;
$this->do_space_marks = 1;
$this->do_space_frenchquote = 1;
$this->do_space_thousand = 1;
$this->do_space_unit = 1;
else if ($attr == "-1") {
# Special "stupefy" mode.
$this->do_stupefy = 1;
else {
$chars = preg_split('//', $attr);
foreach ($chars as $c){
if ($c == "c") { $current =& $this->do_comma_quotes; }
else if ($c == "g") { $current =& $this->do_guillemets; }
else if ($c == ":") { $current =& $this->do_space_colon; }
else if ($c == ";") { $current =& $this->do_space_semicolon; }
else if ($c == "m") { $current =& $this->do_space_marks; }
else if ($c == "h") { $current =& $this->do_space_emdash; }
else if ($c == "H") { $current =& $this->do_space_endash; }
else if ($c == "f") { $current =& $this->do_space_frenchquote; }
else if ($c == "t") { $current =& $this->do_space_thousand; }
else if ($c == "u") { $current =& $this->do_space_unit; }
else if ($c == "+") {
$current = 2;
else if ($c == "-") {
$current = -1;
else {
# Unknown attribute option, ignore.
$current = 1;
function educate($t, $prev_token_last_char) {
$t = parent::educate($t, $prev_token_last_char);
if ($this->do_comma_quotes) $t = $this->educateCommaQuotes($t);
if ($this->do_guillemets) $t = $this->educateGuillemets($t);
if ($this->do_space_emdash) $t = $this->spaceEmDash($t);
if ($this->do_space_endash) $t = $this->spaceEnDash($t);
if ($this->do_space_colon) $t = $this->spaceColon($t);
if ($this->do_space_semicolon) $t = $this->spaceSemicolon($t);
if ($this->do_space_marks) $t = $this->spaceMarks($t);
if ($this->do_space_frenchquote) $t = $this->spaceFrenchQuotes($t);
if ($this->do_space_thousand) $t = $this->spaceThousandSeparator($t);
if ($this->do_space_unit) $t = $this->spaceUnit($t);
return $t;
protected function educateQuotes($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with "educated" curly quote HTML entities.
# Example input: "Isn't this fun?"
# Example output: &#8220;Isn&#8217;t this fun?&#8221;
$dq_open = $this->smart_doublequote_open;
$dq_close = $this->smart_doublequote_close;
$sq_open = $this->smart_singlequote_open;
$sq_close = $this->smart_singlequote_close;
# Make our own "punctuation" character class, because the POSIX-style
# [:PUNCT:] is only available in Perl 5.6 or later:
$punct_class = "[!\"#\\$\\%'()*+,-.\\/:;<=>?\\@\\[\\\\\]\\^_`{|}~]";
# Special case if the very first character is a quote
# followed by punctuation at a non-word-break. Close the quotes by brute force:
$_ = preg_replace(
array("/^'(?=$punct_class\\B)/", "/^\"(?=$punct_class\\B)/"),
array($sq_close, $dq_close), $_);
# Special case for double sets of quotes, e.g.:
# <p>He said, "'Quoted' words in a larger quote."</p>
$_ = preg_replace(
array("/\"'(?=\w)/", "/'\"(?=\w)/"),
array($dq_open.$sq_open, $sq_open.$dq_open), $_);
# Special case for decade abbreviations (the '80s):
$_ = preg_replace("/'(?=\\d{2}s)/", $sq_close, $_);
$close_class = '[^\ \t\r\n\[\{\(\-]';
$dec_dashes = '&\#8211;|&\#8212;';
# Get most opening single quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
\\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
$dec_dashes | # or decimal entities
&\\#x201[34]; # or hex
' # the quote
(?=\\w) # followed by a word character
}x", '\1'.$sq_open, $_);
# Single closing quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
(?(1)| # If $1 captured, then do nothing;
(?=\\s | s\\b) # otherwise, positive lookahead for a whitespace
) # char or an 's' at a word ending position. This
# is a special case to handle something like:
# \"<i>Custer</i>'s Last Stand.\"
}xi", '\1'.$sq_close, $_);
# Any remaining single quotes should be opening ones:
$_ = str_replace("'", $sq_open, $_);
# Get most opening double quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
\\s | # a whitespace char, or
&nbsp; | # a non-breaking space entity, or
-- | # dashes, or
&[mn]dash; | # named dash entities
$dec_dashes | # or decimal entities
&\\#x201[34]; # or hex
\" # the quote
(?=\\w) # followed by a word character
}x", '\1'.$dq_open, $_);
# Double closing quotes:
$_ = preg_replace("{
(?(1)|(?=\\s)) # If $1 captured, then do nothing;
# if not, then make sure the next char is whitespace.
}x", '\1'.$dq_close, $_);
# Any remaining quotes should be opening ones.
$_ = str_replace('"', $dq_open, $_);
return $_;
protected function educateCommaQuotes($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with ,,comma,, -style double quotes
# translated into HTML curly quote entities.
# Example input: ,,Isn't this fun?,,
# Example output: &#8222;Isn't this fun?&#8222;
# Note: this is meant to be used alongside with backtick quotes; there is
# no language that use only lower quotations alone mark like in the example.
$_ = str_replace(",,", '&#8222;', $_);
return $_;
protected function educateGuillemets($_) {
# Parameter: String.
# Returns: The string, with << guillemets >> -style quotes
# translated into HTML guillemets entities.
# Example input: << Isn't this fun? >>
# Example output: &#8222; Isn't this fun? &#8222;
$_ = preg_replace("/(?:<|&lt;){2}/", '&#171;', $_);
$_ = preg_replace("/(?:>|&gt;){2}/", '&#187;', $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceFrenchQuotes($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# inside french-style quotes, only french quotes.
# Example input: Quotes in « French », »German« and »Finnish» style.
# Example output: Quotes in «_French_», »German« and »Finnish» style.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_frenchquote == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_frenchquote != -1 ? $this->space_frenchquote : '' );
# Characters allowed immediatly outside quotes.
$outside_char = $this->space . '|\s|[.,:;!?\[\](){}|@*~=+-]|¡|¿';
$_ = preg_replace(
"\\1\\2$chr", $_);
$_ = preg_replace(
"$chr\\1\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceColon($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# before colons.
# Example input: Ingredients : fun.
# Example output: Ingredients_: fun.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_colon == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_colon != -1 ? $this->space_colon : '' );
$_ = preg_replace("/$this->space$opt(:)(\\s|$)/m",
"$chr\\1\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceSemicolon($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# before semicolons.
# Example input: There he goes ; there she goes.
# Example output: There he goes_; there she goes.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_semicolon == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_semicolon != -1 ? $this->space_semicolon : '' );
$_ = preg_replace("/$this->space(;)(?=\\s|$)/m",
" \\1", $_);
$_ = preg_replace("/((?:^|\\s)(?>[^&;\\s]+|&#?[a-zA-Z0-9]+;)*)".
" $opt(;)(?=\\s|$)/m",
"\\1$chr\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceMarks($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# around question and exclamation marks.
# Example input: ¡ Holà ! What ?
# Example output: ¡_Holà_! What_?
$opt = ( $this->do_space_marks == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_marks != -1 ? $this->space_marks : '' );
// Regular marks.
$_ = preg_replace("/$this->space$opt([?!]+)/", "$chr\\1", $_);
// Inverted marks.
$imarks = "(?:¡|&iexcl;|&#161;|&#x[Aa]1;|¿|&iquest;|&#191;|&#x[Bb][Ff];)";
$_ = preg_replace("/($imarks+)$this->space$opt/", "\\1$chr", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceEmDash($_) {
# Parameters: String, two replacement characters separated by a hyphen (`-`),
# and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# around dashes.
# Example input: Then — without any plan — the fun happend.
# Example output: Then_—_without any plan_—_the fun happend.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_emdash == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_emdash != -1 ? $this->space_emdash : '' );
$_ = preg_replace("/$this->space$opt(&#8212;|—)$this->space$opt/",
"$chr\\1$chr", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceEnDash($_) {
# Parameters: String, two replacement characters separated by a hyphen (`-`),
# and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# around dashes.
# Example input: Then — without any plan — the fun happend.
# Example output: Then_—_without any plan_—_the fun happend.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_endash == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_endash != -1 ? $this->space_endash : '' );
$_ = preg_replace("/$this->space$opt(&#8211;|)$this->space$opt/",
"$chr\\1$chr", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceThousandSeparator($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# inside numbers (thousand separator in french).
# Example input: Il y a 10 000 insectes amusants dans ton jardin.
# Example output: Il y a 10_000 insectes amusants dans ton jardin.
$chr = ( $this->do_space_thousand != -1 ? $this->space_thousand : '' );
$_ = preg_replace('/([0-9]) ([0-9])/', "\\1$chr\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected $units = '
### Metric units (with prefixes)
p |
µ | &micro; | &\#0*181; | &\#[xX]0*[Bb]5; |
Ω | Ohm | &Omega; | &\#0*937; | &\#[xX]0*3[Aa]9;
### Computers units (KB, Kb, TB, Kbps)
### Money
¢ | &cent; | &\#0*162; | &\#[xX]0*[Aa]2; |
£ | &pound; | &\#0*163; | &\#[xX]0*[Aa]3; |
¥ | &yen; | &\#0*165; | &\#[xX]0*[Aa]5; |
| &euro; | &\#0*8364; | &\#[xX]0*20[Aa][Cc]; |
### Other units
(?: ° | &deg; | &\#0*176; | &\#[xX]0*[Bb]0; ) [CF]? |
'; //x
protected function spaceUnit($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# before unit symbols.
# Example input: Get 3 mol of fun for 3 $.
# Example output: Get 3_mol of fun for 3_$.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_unit == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$chr = ( $this->do_space_unit != -1 ? $this->space_unit : '' );
$_ = preg_replace('/
(?:([0-9])[ ]'.$opt.') # Number followed by space.
('.$this->units.') # Unit.
(?![a-zA-Z0-9]) # Negative lookahead for other unit characters.
"\\1$chr\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected function spaceAbbr($_) {
# Parameters: String, replacement character, and forcing flag.
# Returns: The string, with appropriates spaces replaced
# around abbreviations.
# Example input: Fun i.e. something pleasant.
# Example output: Fun i.e._something pleasant.
$opt = ( $this->do_space_abbr == 2 ? '?' : '' );
$_ = preg_replace("/(^|\s)($this->abbr_after) $opt/m",
"\\1\\2$this->space_abbr", $_);
$_ = preg_replace("/( )$opt($this->abbr_sp_before)(?![a-zA-Z'])/m",
"\\1$this->space_abbr\\2", $_);
return $_;
protected function stupefyEntities($_) {
# Adding angle quotes and lower quotes to SmartyPants's stupefy mode.
$_ = parent::stupefyEntities($_);
$_ = str_replace(array('&#8222;', '&#171;', '&#187'), '"', $_);
return $_;
protected function processEscapes($_) {
# Adding a few more escapes to SmartyPants's escapes:
# Escape Value
# ------ -----
# \, &#44;
# \< &#60;
# \> &#62;
$_ = parent::processEscapes($_);
$_ = str_replace(
array('\,', '\<', '\>', '\&lt;', '\&gt;'),
array('&#44;', '&#60;', '&#62;', '&#60;', '&#62;'), $_);
return $_;