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2011-12-13 12:29:05 +01:00
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is WURFL PHP Libraries.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Andrea Trasatti.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2004-2005
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Herouth Maoz.
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
* $Id: wurfl_class.php,v 1.2 2008/05/05 07:38:58 garvinhicking Exp $
* $RCSfile: wurfl_class.php,v $ v2.1 beta2 (Apr, 16 2005)
* Author: Andrea Trasatti ( atrasatti AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net )
* Multicache implementation: Herouth Maoz ( herouth AT spamcop DOT net )
* This is a working example of a class to read the WURFL xml, take a user agent
* and make something useful with it. Once you will have created an object with
* this class you have access to all its capabilities.
* More info can be found here in the PHP section:
* Questions or comments can be sent to
* "Andrea Trasatti" <atrasatti AT users DOT sourceforge DOT net>
* Please, support this software, send any suggestion and improvement to me
* or the mailing list and we will try to keep it updated and make it better
* every day.
* If you like it and use it, please let me know or contact the wmlprogramming
* mailing list:
if ( !defined('WURFL_CONFIG') )
if ( !defined('WURFL_CONFIG') )
if ( defined('WURFL_PARSER_FILE') )
* wurfl_class
* Example:
* $myDevice = new wurfl_class($wurfl, $wurfl_agents); // $wurfl is the parsed
* // XML, $wurfl_agents is the list of agents and id's. When you first
* // start the class simply pass them as empty variables and will be filled.
* // Pass the variables with all the values if you already have them.
* $myDevice->GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent('SIE-S45');
* if ( $myDevice->browser_is_wap )
* if ( $myDevice->capabilities['downloadfun']['downloadfun_support'] )
* echo "downloadfun supported";
* else
* echo "WAP is supported, downloadfun is not";
class wurfl_class {
* associative array created by wurfl_parser.php
* @var associative array
var $_wurfl="";
* associative array user_agent=>id
* @var associative array
var $_wurfl_agents="";
* device's complete user agent (just in case)
* @var string
var $user_agent="";
* best fitting user agent found in the xml
* @var string
var $wurfl_agent="";
* wurfl_id
* @var string
var $id="";
* if true, Openwave's GUI (mostly wml 1.3) is supported
* @var bool
var $GUI=false;
* device brand (manufacturer)
* @var string
var $brand='';
* device model
* @var string
var $model='';
* if this is a WAP device, this is set to true
* @var bool
var $browser_is_wap=false;
* associative array with all the device's capabilities.
* Example :
* $this->capabilities['downloadfun']['downloadfun_support']
* true if downloadfun is supported, otherwise false
* @var associative array
var $capabilities=array();
* Constructor, checks the user agent and sets the variables.
* @param $_ua device's user_agent
* @param $wurfl wurfl in array format as provided by wurfl_parser
* @param $wurfl_agents array set by wurfl_parser
* @param $_check_accept if true will check accept headers for wml, wap, xhtml.
* Note: any i-mode device might be cut out
* @access public
function wurfl_class($wurfl=Array(), $wurfl_agents=Array()) {
$this->_wurfl = $wurfl;
$this->_wurfl_agents = $wurfl_agents;
$this->_toLog('constructor', 'Class Initiated', LOG_NOTICE);
* Given the device's id reads all its capabilities
* @param $_id wurfl_id di un telefonino
* @access private
function _GetFullCapabilities($_id) {
$this->_toLog('_GetFullCapabilities', "searching for $_id", LOG_INFO);
$$_id = $this->_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId($_id);
$_curr_device = $$_id;
$_fallback_list[] = $_id;
while ( $_curr_device['fall_back'] != 'generic' && $_curr_device['fall_back'] != 'root' ) {
$_fallback_list[] = $_curr_device['fall_back'];
$this->_toLog('_GetFullCapabilities', 'parent device:'.$_curr_device['fall_back'].' now going to read its capabilities', LOG_INFO);
$$_curr_device['fall_back'] = $this->_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId($_curr_device['fall_back']);
$_curr_device = $$_curr_device['fall_back'];
$this->_toLog('_GetFullCapabilities', 'reading capabilities of \'generic\' device', LOG_INFO);
$generic = $this->_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId('generic');
$_fallback_list[] = 'generic';
$_final = $generic;
for ( $i=sizeof($_fallback_list)-2; $i>= 0; $i-- ) {
$curr_device = $_fallback_list[$i];
//echo "capabilities di $curr_device<br>\n";
while ( list($key, $val) = each($$curr_device) ) {
if ( is_array($val) ) {
//echo "array_merge per $key:<br>";
//echo "<pre>\n";
//echo "</pre>\n";
$_final[$key] = array_merge($_final[$key], $val);
} else {
//echo "scrivo $key=$val<br>\n";
$_final[$key] = $val;
$this->capabilities = $_final;
* Given a device id reads its capabilities
* @param $_id device's wurfl_id
* @access private
function _GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId($_id) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', "reading id:$_id", LOG_INFO);
if ( $_id == 'upgui_generic' ) {
$this->GUI = true;
if ( in_array($_id, $this->_wurfl_agents) ) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', 'I have it in wurfl_agents cache, done', LOG_INFO);
// If the device for this id does not exist, and we use multicache,
// attempt to load the cache entry that matches the current id.
if ( ! isset( $this->_wurfl['devices'][$_id] ) && WURFL_USE_MULTICACHE ) {
for ($i=0;$i<3;$i++) {
if ( is_file(MULTICACHE_TOUCH) )
if ( $i>=3 ) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', "CACHE CORRUPTED! ".MULTICACHE_TOUCH." on my way", LOG_WARNING);
die("Updating cache stuck");
$fname = MULTICACHE_DIR . "/" . urlencode( $_id ) . MULTICACHE_SUFFIX;
$genericfname = MULTICACHE_DIR . "/generic" . MULTICACHE_SUFFIX;
if ( !is_file($fname) && is_file($genericfname) ) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', "the id $_id is not present in Multicache files, using the generic: CACHE CORRUPTED!", LOG_WARNING);
$fname = $genericfname;
} else if ( !is_file($fname) && !is_file($genericfname) ) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', "the id $_id is not present in Multicache files, nor the generic: CACHE CORRUPTED!", LOG_ERR);
die("the id $_id is not present in Multicache");
@include( $fname );
$this->_wurfl['devices'][$_id] = $_cached_devices[$_id];
return $this->_wurfl['devices'][$_id];
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromId', "the id $_id is not present in wurfl_agents", LOG_ERR);
die("the id $_id is not present in wurfl_agents");
// I should never get here!!
return false;
* Given the user_agent reads the device's capabilities
* @param $_user_agent device's user_agent
* @access private
* @return boolean
function GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent($_user_agent, $_check_accept=false) {
// Would be cool to log user agent and headers to future use to feed WURFL
// Resetting properties
$this->user_agent = '';
$this->wurfl_agent = '';
$this->id = '';
$this->GUI = false;
$this->brand = '';
$this->model = '';
$this->browser_is_wap = false;
$this->capabilities = array();
// removing the possible Openwave MAG tag
$_user_agent = trim(ereg_replace("UP.Link.*", "", $_user_agent));
if ( ( stristr($_user_agent, 'Opera') && stristr($_user_agent, 'Windows') )
|| ( stristr($_user_agent, 'Opera') && stristr($_user_agent, 'Linux') )
|| stristr($_user_agent, 'Gecko')
|| ( (stristr($_user_agent, 'MSIE 6') || stristr($_user_agent, 'MSIE 5') ) && !stristr($_user_agent, 'MIDP') && !stristr($_user_agent, 'Windows CE') && !stristr($_user_agent, 'Symbian') )
) {
// This is a web browser. Not even searching
$this->_toLog('constructor', 'Web browser', LOG_INFO);
$this->capabilities['product_info']['brand_name'] = 'Generic Web browser';
$this->capabilities['product_info']['model_name'] = '1.0';
$this->capabilities['product_info']['is_wireless_device'] = false;
$this->capabilities['product_info']['device_claims_web_support'] = true;
return true;
} else if ( $_check_accept == true ) {
if (
!eregi('wml', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
&& !eregi('wap', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
&& !eregi('xhtml', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT'])
) {
$this->_toLog('constructor', 'This browser does not support wml, nor wap, nor xhtml, we will never know if it was an i-mode browser', LOG_WARNING);
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'searching for '.$_user_agent, LOG_INFO);
if ( trim($_user_agent) == '' || !$_user_agent ) {
// NO USER AGENT??? This is not a WAP device
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'No user agent', LOG_ERR);
return false;
if ( WURFL_USE_CACHE === true ) {
// if I find the device in my cache I'm done
if ( $this->browser_is_wap === true ) {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'Device found in local cache, the id is '.$this->id, LOG_INFO);
if ( count($this->capabilities) == 0 )
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'capabilities found in cache', LOG_INFO);
return true;
} else if ( count($this->_wurfl) == 0 ) {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'cache enabled, WURFL is not loaded, now loading', LOG_INFO);
if ( $this->_cacheIsValid() ) {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'loading WURFL from cache', LOG_INFO);
list($cache_stat, $this->_wurfl, $this->_wurfl_agents) = load_cache();
} else {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'loading WURFL from XML', LOG_INFO);
$xml_info = parse();
$cache_stat = $xml_info[0];
$this->_wurfl = $xml_info[1];
$this->_wurfl_agents = $xml_info[2];
} else if ( WURFL_AUTOLOAD === false ) {
// if not using cache and for some reason AUTOLOAD is off, I need to load it
if ( count($this->_wurfl) == 0 ) {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'WURFL is not loaded, now loading', LOG_INFO);
$xml_info = parse();
$cache_stat = $xml_info[0];
$this->_wurfl = $xml_info[1];
$this->_wurfl_agents = $xml_info[2];
} else {
// If I'm here it means cache is disabled and autoload is on
global $wurfl, $wurfl_agents;
$this->_wurfl = $wurfl;
$this->_wurfl_agents = $wurfl_agents;
$_ua = $_user_agent;
$_ua_len = strlen($_ua);
$_wurfl_user_agents = array_keys($this->_wurfl_agents);
// Searching in wurfl_agents
// The user_agent should not become shorter than 4 characters
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'Searching in the agent database', LOG_INFO);
// I request to set a short list of UA's among which I should search an unknown user agent
$_short_ua_len = 4;
$_set_short_wurfl_ua = true;
$_last_good_short_ua = array();
while ( $_ua_len > 4 ) {
$_short_wurfl_ua = array();
$_tmp_short_ua = substr($_ua, 0, $_short_ua_len); // The current user agent's first chars
// DEBUG fast search echo "_tmp_short_ua=$_tmp_short_ua ";
foreach ( $_wurfl_user_agents as $_x ) {
// If it was requested to generate a short list of user agents AND the first
// characters of the searched user agent and the user agent in WURFL match,
// I add the current ID to the short list
if ( $_set_short_wurfl_ua === true && substr($_x, 0, $_short_ua_len) == $_tmp_short_ua )
$_short_wurfl_ua[] = $_x;
if ( substr($_x, 0, $_ua_len) == $_ua ) {
$this->user_agent = $_user_agent;
$this->wurfl_agent = $_x;
$this->id = $this->_wurfl_agents[$_x];
// calling FullCapabilities to define $this->capabilities
$this->browser_is_wap = true;
$this->brand = $this->capabilities['product_info']['brand_name'];
$this->model = $this->capabilities['product_info']['model_name'];
return true;
// If the list of user agents that match the first 4 chars of the current user
// agent is empty I can quit searching
if ( $_short_ua_len == 4 && count($_short_wurfl_ua) == 0 ) {
// DEBUG fast search echo "no match even for the first 4 chars<br>\n";
} else if ( count($_short_wurfl_ua) == 0 ) {
// I restore the last good list of short user agents
$_wurfl_user_agents = $_last_good_short_ua;
// DEBUG fast search echo "restoring last_good_short_ua";
// I won't continue building a new short user agent list (longer
// than this)
$_set_short_wurfl_ua = false;
} else {
// This is the last list of user agents that matched the first part of
// the agent
$_last_good_short_ua = $_short_wurfl_ua;
// Next round I search for a short_ua 1 char longer
// I will search the user agent among a shorter list at the next round!!
$_wurfl_user_agents = $_short_wurfl_ua;
// DEBUG fast search echo "short list has ".count($_short_wurfl_ua)." elements";
// shortening the agent by one each time
$_ua = substr($_ua, 0, -1);
// DEBUG fast search echo "<br>\n";
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', "I couldn't find the device in my list, the headers are my last chance", LOG_WARNING);
if ( strstr($_user_agent, 'UP.Browser/') && strstr($_user_agent, '(GUI)') ) {
$this->browser_is_wap = true;
$this->user_agent = $_user_agent;
$this->wurfl_agent = 'upgui_generic';
$this->id = 'upgui_generic';
} else if ( strstr($_user_agent, 'UP.Browser/') ) {
$this->browser_is_wap = true;
$this->user_agent = $_user_agent;
$this->wurfl_agent = 'uptext_generic';
$this->id = 'uptext_generic';
} else if ( eregi('wml', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) || eregi('wap', $_SERVER['HTTP_ACCEPT']) ) {
$this->browser_is_wap = true;
$this->user_agent = $_user_agent;
$this->wurfl_agent = 'generic';
$this->id = 'generic';
} else {
$this->_toLog('GetDeviceCapabilitiesFromAgent', 'This should not be a WAP device, quitting', LOG_WARNING);
$this->user_agent = $_user_agent;
$this->wurfl_agent = 'generic';
$this->id = 'generic';
return true;
// FullCapabilities defines $this->capabilities
return true;
* Given a capability name returns the value (true|false|<anythingelse>)
* @param $capability capability name as a string
* @access public
function getDeviceCapability($capability) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapability', 'Searching for '.$capability.' as a capability', LOG_INFO);
$deviceCapabilities = $this->capabilities;
foreach ( $deviceCapabilities as $group ) {
if ( !is_array($group) ) {
while ( list($key, $value)=each($group) ) {
if ($key==$capability) {
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapability', 'I found it, value is '.$value, LOG_INFO);
return $value;
$this->_toLog('_GetDeviceCapability', 'I could not find the requested capability, returning false', LOG_WARNING);
return false;
* Saves to file the correspondence between user_agent and wurfl_id
* @access private
function _WriteFastAgentToId() {
$_ua = $this->user_agent;
if ( is_file(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) && !is_writeable(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Unable to write '.WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE, LOG_ERR);
} else if ( !is_writeable(dirname(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE)) ) {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Unable to create file in '.dirname(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE), LOG_ERR);
$_ua = trim(ereg_replace("UP.Link.*", "", $_ua));
if ( !is_readable(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) {
if ( is_file(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Unable to read '.WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE, LOG_WARNING);
$cached_agents = Array();
} else {
// $cached_agents[0]['user_agent'] = 'SIE-S45/00'; //ua completo
// $cached_agents[0]['wurfl_agent'] = 'SIE-S45/00'; //ua nel WURFL
// $cached_agents[0]['id'] = 'sie_s45_ver1';
// $cached_agents[0]['is_wap'] = true;
// check if the device is already cached
foreach($cached_agents as $one) {
if ( $one['user_agent'] == $_ua ) {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', $_ua.' is already cached', LOG_INFO);
$new_item_id = count($cached_agents);
$cached_agents[$new_item_id]['user_agent'] = $_ua; // full UA
// $cached_agents[$new_item_id]['wurfl_agent'] = $this->wurfl_agent; // corresponding UA stored in WURFL
// $cached_agents[$new_item_id]['id'] = $this->id; // WURFL unique id
$cached_agents[$new_item_id]['is_wap'] = true;
$cached_agents[$new_item_id]['capabilities'] = $this->capabilities;
$new_item_id++; // increment by one so that it still reflects the array count
// cache resize in case it gets bigger than MAX_UA_CACHE
if ( $new_item_id > MAX_UA_CACHE ) {
$resized_agents = array_slice($cached_agents, ($new_item_id-MAX_UA_CACHE), MAX_UA_CACHE);
$cached_agents = $resized_agents;
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Cache resized to '.MAX_UA_CACHE.' elements', LOG_INFO);
// store in cache file
$filename = uniqid(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE, true);
$fp_cache = fopen($filename, 'w');
if ( !$fp_cache ) {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Unable to open temp file '.$filename.' for writing', LOG_WARNING);
} else {
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Created temp file '.$filename.' ', LOG_INFO);
fwrite($fp_cache, "<?php \n");
fwrite($fp_cache, '$cached_agents = '.var_export($cached_agents, true));
// If you like serialization better comment the above line, uncomment
// the following and the line in _ReadFastAgentToId
//fwrite($fp_cache, '$cached_agents = \''.rawurlencode(serialize($cached_agents))."';\n");
fwrite($fp_cache, "?>");
$rv = @rename($filename,WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE);
if( !$rv ){
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Unable to rename '.$filename.' to '. WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE, LOG_WARNING);
$this->_toLog('_WriteFastAgentToId', 'Done caching user_agent to wurfl_id', LOG_INFO);
* Reads the file with the correspondence between user_agent and wurfl_id
* @param $_ua device's user_agent
* @access private
function _ReadFastAgentToId($_ua) {
// check cache validity
if ( !$this->_cacheIsValid() ) {
return false;
// Load cache file
if ( is_file(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) || is_link(WURFL_AGENT2ID_FILE) ) {
// unserialization
//$a = rawurldecode(unserialize($cache_agents));
} else {
return false;
foreach ( $cached_agents as $device ) {
if ( $device['user_agent'] == $_ua ) {
$this->user_agent = $device['user_agent'];
$this->wurfl_agent = $device['capabilities']['user_agent'];
$this->id = $device['capabilities']['id'];
$this->browser_is_wap = $device['is_wap'];
$this->capabilities = $device['capabilities'];
$this->brand = $device['capabilities']['product_info']['brand_name'];
$this->model = $device['capabilities']['product_info']['model_name'];
$this->_toLog('_ReadFastAgentToId', 'Found '.$_ua.' with id='.$device['capabilities']['id'], LOG_INFO);
return true;
* Check filemtimes to see if the cache should be updated
* @access private
function _cacheIsValid() {
// First of all check configuration. If autoupdate is set to false always
// return true, otherwise check
return true;
// WURFL hasn't been loaded into memory, I'll do it now
$wurfl_stat = filemtime(WURFL_FILE);
if ( defined('WURFL_PATCH_FILE') && file_exists(WURFL_PATCH_FILE) ) {
$patch_stat = filemtime(WURFL_PATCH_FILE);
if ( $patch_stat > $wurfl_stat ) {
// if the patch file is newer than the WURFL I set wurfl_stat to that time
$wurfl_stat = $patch_stat;
$cache_stat = stat_cache();
if ( $wurfl_stat <= $cache_stat ) {
return true;
} else {
$this->_toLog('_cacheIsValid', 'cache file is outdated', LOG_INFO);
return false;
* This function checks and prepares the text to be logged
* @access private
function _toLog($func, $text, $requestedLogLevel=LOG_NOTICE){
if ( !defined('LOG_LEVEL') || LOG_LEVEL == 0 || ($requestedLogLevel-1) >= LOG_LEVEL ) {
if ( $requestedLogLevel == LOG_ERR ) {
$warn_banner = 'ERROR: ';
} else if ( $requestedLogLevel == LOG_WARNING ) {
$warn_banner = 'WARNING: ';
} else {
$warn_banner = '';
// Thanks laacz
$_textToLog = date('r')." [".php_uname('n')." ".getmypid()."]"."[$func] ".$warn_banner . $text;
$_logFP = fopen(WURFL_LOG_FILE, "a+");
fputs($_logFP, $_textToLog."\n");