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<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-2">
<title>Dokumentace: Podcast</title>
<h1>Dokumentace k pluginu 'Podcast'<br />
<p>Dokumentaci k tomuto pluginu p<>elo<6C>il do <20>e<EFBFBD>tiny Vladim<69>r Ajgl (vlada [zavinac] ajgl [tecka] cz) dne 23.6.2012. Od t<> doby mohl b<>t plugin pozm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n nebo mohly b<>t roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> jeho funkce. Zkontrolujte pro jistotu i <a href="ChangeLog">aktu<EFBFBD>ln<EFBFBD> anglick<63> "ChangeLog"</a>.
<h2>Popis pluginu</h2>
<p>P<EFBFBD>id<EFBFBD>v<EFBFBD> "podcastovac<61>" mo<6D>nosti (RSS zapouzd<7A>en<65>, p<>ehr<68>va<76> videa a/nebo hudby)
* Increased debug verbosity
* Use XML compliant controls=1 syntax
* media links having a (configurable) CSS class style are ignored (not replaced by players or added to RSS).
1.33: Small lang update
* Added check for s9y >= 1.6 for the itunes meta compatibility
* Fixed problem when the extended attributes podcast field was used
which lead to duplicate player items
* Bundle flowplayer
* Bundle getid3 library
* customizable players
* HTML5 audio/video player customization
* Added ?podcast_format=XXX URL option to rss.php
* Add CacheLite cachedir specification
Version 1.22
* Fix problem with double // beginning javascript
Version 1.21 (garvinhicking)
* Fix issue with local PEAR bundling
Version 1.18 (garvinhicking)
* mediaplayer.* note added
* changed default plugin http path
Version 1.17 (brockhaus):
* Ensure enclosures in feed, even if nothing is displayed in the
entry. Added an option to disable this feature.
Version 1.16 (brockhaus):
* FLV player is not displayed because of missing JavaScript, if the
blogs entries are cached. Now the JavaScript optimization is
optional, defaulting to false.
Version 1.15 (brockhaus):
* FLV player was not displayed in admins preview, as the needed
javascript is not added by the backend. In that case the JS is
added to the body of the previewed article.
Version 1.14 (brockhaus):
* Because of license reasons I removed the JW-FLV player itself from
the plugin distribution and added an installation information into
the plugins configuration.
* Adds JW-FLV JavaScript file to the header only, if an article
containing a JW-FLV player is shown on the page.
Version 1.13 (brockhaus):
* Added JW-FLV-Player for playing flash FLV videos.
Version 1.12 (garvinhicking)
* renamed serendipity_event_podcast_player.php to
podcast_player.php. Only s9y plugins are allowed to be
prefixed serendipity_event_XXX.
Version 1.11 (brockhaus):
* Media files added via the extended article attributes were not
always added to the Feed as enclosures.
* Try to make it working rudimentarily even if getid3 lib is not
installed, found or working correctly.
* If plugin version change, the cached fileinfos are recalculated
* Added much more debug logging.
Version 1.10 (brockhaus):
* If an podcast was found in one article it was added as enclosure
to all following items in the RSS feed.
Version 1.9 (brockhaus):
* Made RSS enclosure parsing independend from existing <embed> tags.
* Removed <embed> tags from player code to make generated code XHTML
* Added XSPF flash player for MP3 files.
Version 1.8 (brockhaus):
* Global "Use Player" setting was ignored while podcasting with the
extended attributes. Now a link is added to the configured place
in the article instead of a player.
* Encoding of fileurls made trouble, when article editor encoded
url already (tinyEd). Now only spaces found will be encoded.
* RSS compatibility: RSS secification supports only one enclosure.
It is possible now to configure, that only the first media file
found per entry will be enclosured to the RSS feed.
<h2>Historie verz<72> (ChangeLog)</h2>
<li>Verze 1. []</li>
<li>Verze 1. []</li>
<li>Verze 1.7 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>Plugin je odpojiteln<6C> (unstackable)</li>
<li>Soubory podcast<73>, kter<65> obsahovaly v n<>zvu mezery nebo speci<63>ln<6C> znaky, zp<7A>sobovaly probl<62>my v RSS kan<61>lu. Nyn<79> jsou encodov<6F>ny.</li>
<li>Odstran<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> atributy zapouzd<7A>en<65>, proto<74>e RSS valid<69>tory je ozna<6E>ovaly jako p<>vodce pot<6F><74><EFBFBD> v n<>kter<65>ch RSS <20>te<74>k<EFBFBD>ch.</li>
<li>Verze 1.6 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>Podcastov<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> pomoc<6F> roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65>ch vlastnost<73> p<><70>sp<73>vku nefungovalo spr<70>vn<76>, pokud bylo Serendipity instalov<6F>no na HTTPS serveru.</li>
<li>Verze 1.5 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>Podcastov<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> pomoc<6F> roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65>ch vlastnost<73> p<><70>sp<73>vku nefungovalo spr<70>vn<76>, pokud bylo Serendipity instalov<6F>no v podadres<65><73>i.</li>
<li>Minim<EFBFBD>ln<EFBFBD> zm<7A>na v<>konu podle p<><70>n<EFBFBD> u<>ivatele [Garvin]. :-)</li>
<li>Verze 1.4 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>M<EFBFBD>dia nalezen<65> v atributech roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> textov<6F> <20><>sti p<><70>sp<73>vku jsou tak<61> vlo<6C>ena do p<><70>sp<73>vku. (voliteln<6C>)</li>
<li>P<EFBFBD>ehr<EFBFBD>va<EFBFBD>e um<75> p<><70>zp<7A>sobit svoji velikost podle rozm<7A>r<EFBFBD> p<>ehr<68>van<61>ho videa.</li>
<li>Optimalizovan<EFBFBD> WMP v<>stup.</li>
<li>Verze 1.3 [garvinhicking]</li>
<li>kompatibilita s PHP4</li>
<li>Verze 1.2 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>Odkazov<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> na MP3 nefunguje ve v<>ech situac<61>ch. (v<>dy funguje pouze star<61> styl zad<61>n<EFBFBD> podcastu)</li>
<li>M<EFBFBD>dia v roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> textov<6F> <20><>sti p<><70>sp<73>vku byla zapouzd<7A>ena dvakr<6B>t.</li>
<li>Verze 1.1 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>Nahrazen<EFBFBD> syntaxe [podcast: ..] html odkazem, dokonce i kdy<64> nen<65> po<70>adov<6F>no <20><>dn<64> nahrazen<65> p<>ehr<68>va<76>em.</li>
<li>Nahrazen<EFBFBD> flashov<6F>ho mp3 p<>ehr<68>va<76>e malou verz<72> guicktime playeru, proto<74>e nefungoval v Internet Exploreru a zp<7A>soboval probl<62>my v RSS kan<61>lu.</li>
<li>roz<EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>en<EFBFBD> Podcast Enclosure: p<>id<69>no expect_md5 a expect_length</li>
<li>Verze 1.0 [brockhaus]</li>
<li>P<EFBFBD>esun star<61>ho [podcast: ..] stylu do nov<6F>ho k<>du pluginu (u<>ivatel [garvinhicking])</li>
<li>P<EFBFBD>id<EFBFBD>no nastaven<65> atribut<75> roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> textov<6F> <20><>sti p<><70>sp<73>vku</li>
<li>Kompletn<EFBFBD> p<>eps<70>n<EFBFBD> pluginu. Nyn<79> um<75> podcastov<6F>n<EFBFBD> videa, p<>id<69>v<EFBFBD>n<EFBFBD> podcast<73> k <20>l<EFBFBD>nk<6E>m je MNOHEM jednodu<64><75><EFBFBD>, mime-typ podcastu je rozpozn<7A>v<EFBFBD>m automaticky pomoc<6F> knihovny getid3 (<a href=""></a>), kter<65> by se m<>la nach<63>zet v Serendipity v adres<65><73>i bundled-libs.</li>
<li>Verze 0.9 [Hannes Gassert]</li>
<li>prvn<EFBFBD> release</li>