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2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
if (IN_serendipity !== true) {
die ("Don't hack!");
class serendipity_event_social extends serendipity_event {
function introspect(&$propbag) {
global $serendipity;
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_NAME);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_DESC);
$propbag->add('stackable', false);
$propbag->add('author', 'onli, Matthias Mees, Thomas Hochstein');
$propbag->add('version', '0.14.1');
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
$propbag->add('requirements', array(
'serendipity' => '2.0'
$propbag->add('event_hooks', array('frontend_display:html:per_entry' => true,
'css' => true,
'frontend_footer' => true,
'frontend_header' => true,
'backend_display' => true,
'backend_publish' => true,
'backend_save' => true));
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
$propbag->add('groups', array('FRONTEND_EXTERNAL_SERVICES'));
2016-08-12 15:53:45 +02:00
$propbag->add('configuration', array('services', 'theme', 'overview', 'twitter_via', 'social_image', 'lang', 'backend'));
$propbag->add('legal', array(
'services' => array(
'Multiple' => array(
'url' => '',
'desc' => 'All supported social platforms can receive user data and metadata (IP, cookies)'
's9y Shariff' => array(
'url' => '',
'desc' => 'When enabled, this shariff backend will receive metadata of URL requests'
'frontend' => array(
'When sharing functions of the plugin are used by the visitor, those selected sharing services will receive the URL and the metadata of the visitor (IP, User Agent, Referrer, etc.).',
'backend' => array(
'cookies' => array(
'stores_user_input' => false,
'stores_ip' => false,
'uses_ip' => false,
'transmits_user_input' => true
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
function generate_content(&$title) {
$title = $this->title;
function introspect_config_item($name, &$propbag) {
global $serendipity;
switch($name) {
case 'services':
$propbag->add('type', 'multiselect');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_SERVICES);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_SERVICES_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', 'twitter^facebook');
$propbag->add('select_values', array('twitter' => 'twitter', 'facebook' => 'facebook', 'linkedin' => 'linkedin', 'pinterest' => 'pinterest', 'xing' => 'xing', 'whatsapp' => 'whatsapp', 'mail' => 'mail', 'info' => 'info', 'addthis' => 'addthis', 'tumblr' => 'tumblr', 'flattr' => 'flattr', 'diaspora' => 'diaspora', 'reddit' => 'reddit', 'stumbleupon' => 'stumbleupon', 'threema' => 'threema', 'weibo' => 'weibo', 'tencent-weibo' => 'tencent-weibo', 'qzone' => 'qzone', 'print' => 'print', 'telegram' => 'telegram', 'vk' => 'vk', 'flipboard' => 'flipboard'));
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
case 'theme':
$propbag->add('type', 'select');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_THEME);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_THEME_DESC);
$propbag->add('select_values', array('standard' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_THEME_STD, 'white' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_THEME_WHITE, 'grey' => PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_THEME_GREY));
$propbag->add('default', 'standard');
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
case 'overview':
$propbag->add('type', 'boolean');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_OVERVIEW);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_OVERVIEW_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', true);
case 'twitter_via':
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_TWITTERVIA);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_TWITTERVIA_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', 'none');
case 'lang':
$propbag->add('type', 'select');
$propbag->add('name', INSTALL_LANG);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_LANG_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', 'en');
$propbag->add('select_values', array('bg' => 'bg', 'de' => 'de', 'en' => 'en', 'es' => 'es', 'fi' => 'fi', 'hr' => 'hr', 'hu' => 'hu', 'ja' => 'ja', 'ko' => 'ko', 'no' => 'no', 'pl' => 'pl', 'pt' => 'pt', 'ro' => 'ro', 'ru' => 'ru', 'sk' => 'sk', 'sl' => 'sl', 'sr' => 'sr', 'sv' => 'sv', 'tr' => 'tr', 'zh' => 'zh'));
2016-06-25 03:44:07 +02:00
case 'backend':
$propbag->add('type', 'string');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_BACKEND);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_BACKEND_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', '');
2016-08-12 15:53:45 +02:00
case 'social_image':
$propbag->add('type', 'media');
$propbag->add('name', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_IMAGE);
$propbag->add('description', PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_IMAGE_DESC);
$propbag->add('default', '');
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
return true;
function performConfig(&$bag) {
// remove googleplus from config
$services = $this->get_config('services');
if (strpos($services, 'googleplus') !== false) {
$services = preg_replace('/\^?googleplus/', '', $services);
$this->set_config('services', $services);
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
function event_hook($event, &$bag, &$eventData, $addData = null) {
global $serendipity;
$hooks = &$bag->get('event_hooks');
if (isset($hooks[$event])) {
switch($event) {
case 'frontend_display:html:per_entry':
if ($serendipity['view'] != 'entry') {
if (! serendipity_db_bool($this->get_config('overview', true))) {
// We are in overview mode and the user opted to not show the button
return true;
// when sharing on the frontpage, at least the twitter button is using the page title instead of the entry title, so we set that manually
$hardcoded_title = ' data-title="' . $eventData['title'] .'"';
$twitter_via = $this->get_config('twitter_via', 'none');
if ($twitter_via != 'none') {
$twitter_via_tag = ' data-twitter-via="' . str_replace('@', '', $twitter_via) .'"';
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
2016-06-25 03:44:07 +02:00
$backend = $this->get_config('backend', '');
if ($backend != 'none') {
$backend_tag = ' data-backend-url="' . $backend .'"';
$theme = $this->get_config('theme');
$lang = $this->get_config('lang', 'en');
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
$services = $this->get_config('services');
# remove googleplus from services
if (strpos($services, 'googleplus') !== false) {
$services = preg_replace('/\^?googleplus/', '', $services);
$services = '&quot;' . str_replace('^', '&quot;,&quot;', $services) . '&quot;';
if (strpos($services, 'info') !== false) {
// the info button looks strange if not at the end, hardcode that position
$services = str_replace(',&quot;info&quot;', '', $services) . ',&quot;info&quot;';
2016-06-25 03:44:07 +02:00
$eventData['display_dat'] = '<div class="shariff" data-url="' . $eventData['rdf_ident'] .'" data-services="[' . $services . ']" data-lang="' . $lang .'" data-theme="' . $theme . '" data-mail-url=""'. $hardcoded_title . $twitter_via_tag . $backend_tag . '></div>';
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
case 'css':
$eventData .= file_get_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . '/shariff.complete.css');
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
case 'frontend_footer':
// this script should go into the JS hook, but it has to be at the bottom to work, and the js hook places it at the top
echo '<script src="' . $serendipity['serendipityHTTPPath'] . 'plugins/serendipity_event_social/shariff.min.js' . '"></script>';
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
case 'frontend_header':
if ($serendipity['view'] != 'entry') {
return true;
// Facebook & Twitter can profit from having the og-properties set
if (strpos($this->get_config('services'), 'facebook') !== false || strpos($this->get_config('services'), 'twitter') !== false) {
// we iterate over the internal smarty object to see which entry we are printing. This is hacky and should be improved
$entry = (current($eventData['smarty']->tpl_vars['entries']->value)['entries'][0]);
2016-08-12 15:53:45 +02:00
$blogURL = 'http' . ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] ? 's' : '') . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
echo '<!--serendipity_event_shariff-->' . "\n";
echo '<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />' . "\n";
echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . serendipity_specialchars($entry['title']) . '" />' . "\n";
# get desciption from serendipity_event_metadesc, if set; take first 200 chars from body otherwise
$meta_description = strip_tags($entry['properties']['meta_description']);
if (empty($meta_description)) {
# /\s+/: multiple newline and whitespaces
$meta_description = trim(preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', substr(strip_tags($entry['body']), 0, 200))) . '...';
echo '<meta property="og:description" content="' . serendipity_specialchars($meta_description) . '" />' . "\n";
echo '<meta property="og:type" content="article" />' . "\n";
echo '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . $serendipity['blogTitle'] . '" />' . "\n";
2016-08-12 15:53:45 +02:00
echo '<meta property="og:url" content="'. $blogURL . serendipity_specialchars($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '" />' . "\n";
// set default image from plugin configuration
$social_image = $this->get_config('social_image', '');
if (isset($entry['properties']) && isset($entry['properties']['entry_image'])) {
// if entry_image is set, use this image instead (first priority)
$social_image = $entry['properties']['entry_image'];
} else if (isset($entry['properties']) && isset($entry['properties']['timeline_image'])) {
// if timeline_image from timeline theme is set, use this image (second priority)
$social_image = $entry['properties']['timeline_image'];
2016-09-08 00:05:42 +02:00
} else if (isset($entry['properties']) && isset($entry['properties']['ep_featuredImage'])) {
// if ep_featuredImage from photo theme is set, use this image (third priority)
2016-09-08 00:05:42 +02:00
$social_image = $entry['properties']['ep_featuredImage'];
} else {
// Fourth priority:
// This is searching for the first image in an entry to use as facebook article image.
// A better approach would be to register in the entry editor when an image was added
if (preg_match_all('@<img.*src=["\'](.+)["\']@imsU', $entry['body'] . $entry['extended'], $images)) {
2016-09-07 23:24:55 +02:00
foreach ($images[1] as $im) {
if (strpos($im, '/emoticons/') === false) {
$social_image = $im;
2016-09-07 23:24:55 +02:00
if (! preg_match('/^http/i', $social_image)) {
$social_image = $blogURL . $social_image;
2016-08-12 15:53:45 +02:00
if ($social_image != $blogURL && $social_image != $blogURL . 'none') {
echo '<meta property="og:image" content="' . $social_image . '" />' . "\n";
case 'backend_display':
if (isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']['entry_image'])) {
$entry_image = $serendipity['POST']['properties']['entry_image'];
} elseif (!empty($eventData['properties']['entry_image'])) {
$entry_image = $eventData['properties']['entry_image'];
} else {
$entry_image = '';
<div class="social_entry_image adv_opts_box form_field">
<div class="clearfix form_area media_choose" id="ep_column_entry_image">
<label for="properties_entry_image"><?php echo PLUGIN_EVENT_SOCIAL_ENTRY_IMAGE; ?>:</label>
<textarea data-configitem="properties_entry_image" name="serendipity[properties][entry_image]" class="change_preview" id="properties_entry_image" style="width: 100%"><?php echo serendipity_specialchars($entry_image); ?></textarea>
<button class="customfieldMedia" type="button" name="insImage" title="<?php echo MEDIA ; ?>"><span class="icon-picture" aria-hidden="true"></span><span class="visuallyhidden"><?php echo MEDIA ; ?></span></button>
<figure id="properties_entry_image_preview">
<figcaption><?php echo PREVIEW; ?></figcaption>
<img src="<?php echo $entry_image; ?>" alt=""/>
return true;
case 'backend_publish':
case 'backend_save':
if (!isset($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !is_array($serendipity['POST']['properties']) || !isset($eventData['id'])) {
return true;
$entry_image = $serendipity['POST']['properties']['entry_image'];
// don't change anything if entry_image is not set
if (!isset($entry_image)) {
return true;
// delete old entry, if any
$q = "DELETE FROM {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties WHERE entryid = " . (int)$eventData['id'] . " AND property = 'entry_image'";
// save new entry
if (!empty($entry_image)) {
$q = "INSERT INTO {$serendipity['dbPrefix']}entryproperties (entryid, property, value) VALUES (" . (int)$eventData['id'] . ", 'entry_image', '" . serendipity_db_escape_string($entry_image) . "')";
2016-06-21 14:08:20 +02:00
return false;
} else {
return false;
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2016-06-21 16:58:42 +02:00