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2013-05-05 13:34:34 +02:00
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<div id="title">
<a name="top"/>
<h1>Dokumentace k pluginu 'Twitter'<br />
<p>Dokumentaci k tomuto pluginu p<>elo<6C>il do <20>e<EFBFBD>tiny Vladim<69>r Ajgl (vlada [zavinac] ajgl [tecka] cz) dne 5.5.2013. Od t<> doby mohl b<>t plugin pozm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n nebo mohly b<>t roz<6F><7A><EFBFBD>en<65> jeho funkce. Zkontroluj pro jistotu i <a href="documentation_de.html">aktu<EFBFBD>ln<EFBFBD> n<>meckou dokumentaci</a>, <a href="documentation_en.html">anglickou dokumentaci</a> a <a href="ChangeLog">ChangeLog</a>.
<h2>Popis pluginu</h2>
Zobrazuje Tvoje nejnov<6F>j<EFBFBD><6A> p<><70>sp<73>vky z Twitteru
<div id="content">
<li><a href="#twitter_register">Spojen<EFBFBD> s Twitterem</a></li>
<li><a href="#twitter_client">Mikroblogovac<EFBFBD> klient</a></li>
<li><a href="#announce_twitter">Ozn<EFBFBD>men<EFBFBD> na Twitter</a></li>
<li><a href="#tweetbacks">Tweetbacky</a></li>
<a name="twitter_register"></a>
<h2>Spojen<EFBFBD> s Twitterem</h2>
<p>K propojen<65> blogu s Twitterem jsou pot<6F>eba n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> kroky:</p>
<li>Jako prvn<76> je t<>eba p<>ipravit vlastn<74> Twitter na spojen<65> s Tv<54>m blogem. Klikni tedy na tla<6C><61>tko &quot;Register App&quot;.<br>
V typu aplikace (Application Type) vyber &quot;Browser&quot; a do pol<6F><6C>ka &quot;Callback URL&quot; zadej Callback URL adresu, kter<65> se zobrazuje nad tla<6C><61>tkem &quot;Register App&quot;.<br>
Jako v<>choz<6F> typ p<><70>stupu (Default Access type) vyber &quot;Read &amp; Write&quot;.</li>
<li>Po ulo<6C>en<65> obdr<64><72><EFBFBD> od sv<73>ho Twitteru u<>ivatelsk<73> kl<6B><6C> &quot;Consumer key&quot; a heslo &quot;Consumer secret&quot;.</li>
<li>V blogu zadejt tento &quot;Consumer key&quot; a &quot;Consumer secret&quot; do nastaven<65> u<>ivatelsk<73>ho kontka a klini na Ulo<6C>it.</li>
<li>N<EFBFBD>sledn<EFBFBD> klikni na tla<6C><61>tko &quot;P<EFBFBD>ihl<EFBFBD>sit&quot; (Sign in) a umo<6D>ni t<>m pluginu ustavit spojen<65> s Twitterem.</li>
<li><span class="Stil1">D<EFBFBD>LE<EFBFBD>IT<EFBFBD>!</span> Pokud chce<63> zada v<>ce twitterov<6F>ch <20><>t<EFBFBD>, mus<75><73> se mezi jejich zad<61>n<EFBFBD>m odhl<68>sit z Twitteru.</li>
<p><a href="#top">nahoru</a></p>
<a name="twitter_client"></a>
<h2>Mikroblogovac<EFBFBD> klient</h2>
<p>Plugin obsahuje klienta pro Twitter, resp. pro slu<6C>bu Identica, kter<65> zobrazuje <20>asovou osu (Timeline) nastaven<65>ho u<>ivatele a um<75> zad<61>vat jej<65> aktualizace. Tento klient m<><6D>e b<>t vlo<6C>en bu<62> na Startovac<61> str<74>nce v Administra<72>n<EFBFBD> sekci, nebo jako polo<6C>ka "Tweeter" v menu v lev<65>m sloupci Administra<72>n<EFBFBD> sekce.</p>
<p><a href="#top">nahoru</a></p>
<a name="announce_twitter"></a>
<h2>Ozn<EFBFBD>men<EFBFBD> na Twitter</h2>
<p>Plugin um<75> oznamovat nov<6F> p<><70>sp<73>vky blogu formou tweetu na Twitteru. Tweet bude sestaven z nadpisu p<><70>sp<73>vku. Nadpis bude voliteln<6C> dopln<6C>n o tagy (pokud je nainstalovan<61> plugin Freetag). Ozn<7A>men<65> bude naform<72>tov<6F>no pomoc<6F> nastaven<65>ho <20>et<65>zce s pou<6F>it<69>m z<>stupn<70>ch prom<6F>nn<6E>ch.</p>
<p>K dispozici jsou n<>sleduj<75>c<EFBFBD> z<>stupn<70> prom<6F>nn<6E>:
<li><strong>#title#</strong>: Bude nahrazen nadpisem p<><70>sp<73>vku. Pokud je zapnuto nastaven<65> "tagy", bude ozna<6E>en pomoc<6F> zadan<61>ch tag<61>.</li>
<li><strong>#author#</strong> nebo <strong>#autor#</strong>: Bude nahrazen jm<6A>nem autora p<><70>sp<73>vku.</li>
<li><strong>#link#</strong>: Bude nahrazen odkazem na p<><70>sp<73>vek.</li>
<li><strong>#tags#</strong>: Bude nahrazeno v<>emi zb<7A>vaj<61>c<EFBFBD>mi tagy, kter<65> je<6A>t<EFBFBD> nebyly zad<61>ny v nadpisu. Pokud je volba "tagy" u nadpisu vypnut<75>, bude tato prom<6F>nn<6E> nahrazena <strong>v<EFBFBD>emi</strong> tagy p<>i<EFBFBD>azen<65>mi k p<><70>sp<73>vku.</li>
<li>Nadpis p<><70>sp<73>vku je "<i>Tento <20>l<EFBFBD>nek je test</i>"</li>
<li>Autor se jmenuje "<i>Grischa Brockhaus</i>"</li>
<li>Jako form<72>t je nastaveno "<i>blog: #title# od #autor# #tags# #link#</i>"</li>
<li><i>test</i> a <i>p<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>sp<EFBFBD>vek</i> jsou zad<61>ny jako tagy.</li>
Z toho vytvo<76>en<65> tweet bude vypadat n<>sledovn<76>:
<p><code>blog: Tento <20>l<EFBFBD>nek je #test od Grischa Brockhaus #p<><70>sp<73>vek</code></p>
<p><i>Pozn<EFBFBD>mka</i>: V<>ele doporu<72>uji pou<6F><75>t TinyUrl jako zkracova<76> URL adres, proto<74>e takto vytvo<76>en<65> adresy jsou pro stroje jasn<73> identifikovateln<6C> a proto jsou po<70>adavky na Tweetbacky obvykle <20>sp<73><70>n<EFBFBD>. Nicm<63>n<EFBFBD> je mo<6D>n<EFBFBD> pou<6F><75>t i jin<69> zkracova<76>e URL adres p<>i pr<70>ci s t<>mto pluginem.</p>
<p><a href="#top">nahoru</a></p>
<a name="tweetbacks"></a>
<p>"Tweetbacky" je slovo slo<6C>en<65> ze slov "Tweets" a "Trackbacks" (odezvy). Tweetbacky jsou tedy odezvy, kter<65> byly vytvo<76>eny v Twitteru. Bohu<68>el pro n<> nen<65> k dispozici <20><>dn<64> automatick<63> n<>stroj jako v p<><70>pad<61> Odezev v blogu. Twitter tak<61> nepos<6F>l<EFBFBD> <20><>dn<64> ozn<7A>men<65> na blog, pokud je v n<>jak<61>m tweetu zm<7A>n<EFBFBD>n p<><70>sp<73>vek na tv<74>m blogu. Blog tud<75><64> mus<75> s<>m prohledat Twitter, aby na<6E>el Tweetbacky. To d<>l<EFBFBD> tak, <20>e prohled<65>v<EFBFBD> odkazy v posledn<64>ch tweetech.</p>
<p><a href="#top">nahoru</a></p>
<li>Shrnout v<>echny tweety vlastn<74>ka blogu za den/t<>den/cokoliv do jedin<69>ho p<><70>sp<73>vku na blogu a ten pak denn<6E>/t<>dn<64>/jakkoliv publikovat.</li>
<li>Odkaz "zkontrolovat tweetbacky" by m<>l p<>idat nov<6F> tweetbacky okam<61>it<69></li>
<li>Spojit p<><70>stup k twitteru s p<><70>stupem do s9y. Pouze auto<74>i s9y napojen<65> na <20><>et twitter by mohli vytv<74><76>et tweety apod.</li>
<li>Ozn<EFBFBD>men<EFBFBD>/p<>ihla<6C>ovac<61> informace ke Twitteru pro ka<6B>d<EFBFBD>ho autora, ne centr<74>ln<6C> na blogu</li>
<h2>Historie verz<72> (ChangeLog)</h2>
1.51 (mattsches)
* Switched tweetback search to API 1.1
* Added empty $entries, $validated_entries, $highest_ids checks to avoid foreach errors
* Some extended whitespace, tabs and other minors cleanup
* Bump version to propagate new .htaccess in Spartacus sync and mirrors
* Static PHP5 fixes
2013-05-05 13:34:34 +02:00
1.47 (brockhaus)
* Added API token functionality for announcing articles via
1.46 (brockhaus)
* Check tweetbacks (search) converted to API 1.1 (optional). You need to choose an OAuth acc handling the search.
* Already implemented OAuth function will call API 1.1 instead of API 1.0 now.
* Sitebar plugin, PHP version, optional uses Twitter API 1.1 with OAuth now.
* Tweeter hides URL shortener functionality now if URL shortener is set to "uncompressed".
* Added new URL shortener:
1.43 (brockhaus)
* Announce article: check for real URL lenght, as twitter makes it longer sometimes.
* Tweeter: Count chars directly after a short URL was added. Counts URLs as twitter URL length always.
* Article announcement with "uncompressed" urls did not work very well.
1.42 (brockhaus)
* Followme widget hat a " too much (thanks to Matthias Mees)
* Auto tagging of article announcements was still not working correctly always
1.41 (brockhaus)
* Auto tagging of article announcements was not working correctly always
1.40 (brockhaus)
* PHP 5 required (garvin)
* Simplyfied twitter oauth connect. The plugin uses one client for all blogs (you only have to connect). Can be overridden with an own client still.
* Tweeter: Doesn't show timeline changer anymore, if timeline is switched off in configuration. Was too confusing.
* Added geo location to announcement tweets: If the geotag plugin is installed and geo coords are added when publishing, the plugin will send them to twitter and / or identica. To see them, you have to enable location based tweets/dents in your profile.
1.39 (brockhaus)
* Fixed Tweetback check, removed backtweet completely (as the service is gone)
* Fixed shortener and added version, removed and (not working any longer).
* Tweeter: Supports more than one twitter account now
* Article announce: Was able to announce to first twitter acc only, no matter what was configured.
* Added optional twitter followme widget to the sidebar plugin
1.38: Link shortener lookup creation patch by danst0, deprecate border=0
1.37: If url truncation fails, silently discard
1.36: Changed twitter link to new API, thanks to matthias2
* Added missing blank before 'class' parameter, thanks to shadowm
* Patch by danst0: Try to properly detect tweetbacks if the
twittersearch says so
* Allow to utilize linktrimmer plugin by danst0 (TODO:
Needs some work, see 'TODO' in classes/UrlShortener.php)
* Properly convert twitter INT to string, to prevent Status-IDs like
* Added German translation for the new option for default setting of "Announce article"
* Added new option for default setting of "Announce article"
* Fix bad Twitter link to a tweet in PHP mode
* Improve XHTML
* When twitter username contains a "_" properly update
cache reference for Tweet display (only when using "PHP" format)
1.27 (brockhaus)
* Tweeter was showing invalid status links in twitter mode.
1.26 (Garvinhicking)
* Changed tweetid db storage from 15 to 20 chars, because it
was already overflowing. Thanks to Matthias2.
1.25 (Garvinhicking)
* When announcing with freetag tags, properly shorten out spaces
in tags, without stripping characters (thanks to danst0)
1.24 (garvinhicking)
* Fix for returning September instead of October in dates
* XHTML compliant <ul><li/></ul>
1.23: (rasch,garvinhicking)
* Twitters OAuth authentication
1.21: Fix parse error
* Only show option to suppress announces when configured.
1.18 (brockhaus)
* FIX: Tweet This buttons always requestet short urls again
instead of fetching them from local DB. Slowed the blog
down a lot!
1.17 (brockhaus)
* FIX: In some s9y installations the plugin continiously
saved the same tweetbacks again and again.
* removed snipr service as it doesn't support creating
shorturls w/o an account anymore.
1.16 (brockhaus)
* Finaly found the problem producing the white page / 500
error. Thanks to a sandbox installation given to me by
Silvio Kunze. THANKS!
* Updated the sidebar plugins default css a little to make
it look nicer.
1.15 (garvin)
* removed depreciated split() code.
1.14 (brockhaus)
* Overworked the tweetback moderation again. Now it should
work as intended.
* FIX: Reported warnings while saving, if backtweet was used
straiht from the beginning. (cmscritic reported this)
* FIX: Backtweet search didn't save the last highest ID.
For luck this was only a little performance problem.
1.13 (brockhaus)
* Better tweetback png check urls (contributed by ruben)
* The old tweetback search is optionaly only executed in full
article view.
* Tweetback moderation did not work as configured.
1.1x (brockhaus)
* Optionaly add short url to each articles footer.
1.12 (brockhaus)
* Added support! Now the search for tweetbacks
is a lot more efficient and even produces more search
results by supporting user short urls.
* One global search for tweetbacks using backtweets instead of
one for each article. Huge performance win and *all* articles
will be checked.
* The event plugin now emits CSS for the sidebar plugin to
look good. The sidebar plugin can't do it itself.
* Sidebar plugins cachefile deleted after saving
configuration in order to reflect new settings.
* Tweetbacks will be loaded oldest first, so they are in
correct order if more than one is found.
* Added optional moderation of tweetbacks.
* 2 different tweet filters: Filter all tweets starting with @
or containung @ (sidebar)
1.11 (brockhaus)
* FIX: Tweet backup didn't work anymore because of int
overflow in the database. :-(
* FIX: Sidebar was not realy stackable with different accs.
(only one cachefile was defined)
* FIX: First time loading of sidebar with installed event
plugin reported wrong "Twitter not accessable".
* Optional: Sidebar plugin displays only tweets/dents to
all (only for PHP version available)
* Disable backup, if in identica mode (this was never
* Password inputs are now displayed as such with newest s9y
version from CVS.
1.10 (brockhaus)
* Extended Article Attributes: special tags, announce yes/no
* Doesn't announce future entries anymore.
* If an article is deleted, the tweetback history is
deleted, too.
* default announce format now doesn't change after
upgrading (sorry yellowled ;))
* Exchanged " this" buttons with "IDENT THIS".
Looks nicer near the "TWEET THIS" button.
1.09 (brockhaus)
FIX: dent_this URL smartified didn't work..
* Nicer dent_this buttons.
1.08 (brockhaus)
* TweetThis buttons may now be added via template. The plugin
emits only url_tweetthis and url_dentthis. In that way
textlinks are possible, too.
* TweetThis target=_blank optional
1.07 (brockhaus)
FIX: JS Version of sidebar plugin didn't work.
* !Group linking for timeline (PHP version only)
* Announcing of articles may now freely formated with more
infos like autor and stuff
* TweetThis / IdenticaThis button below articles.
There is a new configuration tab for this!
1.06 (brockhaus)
* Tweetbacks in non UTF8 blogs were saved as UTF8 and didn't
look good..
* Warning inside of the sidebar plugins configuration if the
event plugin was not installed yet. Too many people were
confused about "missing options".
* Removed debug output on static pages. Thanks yellowled for
* "check tweetback" link now apears on entries without footer,
too. (thanks RobLen for reporting the problem).
1.05 (brockhaus)
FIX: Lost PHP4 compatibility while tweetback checking :-/
1.04 (brockhaus)
FIX: Code cleanup prevented plugin to search for tweetbacks on
new articles. The "check tweetback" link didn't work for
the same reason. :-(
1.03 (brockhaus)
* Tabbed configuration
* Mutliple accounts (twitter, Easy changing
of accounts in Backend Tweeter Client
* Cleaned up code a lot
* Removed "needs PHP5" in description for tweet backup, as
it doesn't anymore.
* Article announcement now possible using twitter and/or identica
* added as URL shortener
* Fix: Tweetbacks containing "&" where saved with "&amp;"
* Fix: "ignore my tweeds" while tweetback adding didn't work,
if the acc was written in wrong case.
* Fix: Tweetback fetching PNG produced problems on *some* static
page installations.
* Doesn't save or load corrupted short urls anymore. "Error" short
urls will be deleted when saving configuration.
* Removed "Umlaut" counting, because it doesn't seem, that twitter
counts that strict (also they say so in the API doc)
* Retweet, Reply and DM links.
1.02 (brockhaus)
* Made it better working with non UTF-8 blogs.
(announcement and twittertweeter were involved)
* Some PHP installations had a strtotime function not able
to evaluate twitter time strings. Now they are "reparsed"
to something working. (tweeter showing "42 years ago" for
* Completed German translation (I hope ;))
* Changed requirements for sidebar plugin down to php 4.0.1
* "check tweetbacks" was only visible for logged in users.
But the URL itself was executable for anyone. (well, the
URL was very hard to guess at least.. ;-))
* Optional save profile url or web url given by the twitter
user as tweetback url instead of the url of the tweet.
* Decide, if you want tweetbacks to be saved as comments or
* Counts chars no matter if they produce more than
one char while sending the update. (German Umlaute i.e.)
* It was impossible to tweet "&".
1.01 (brockhaus)
* Fix: json class was included twice
* Fix: HTTP_Request class was not found always
* added It has the same benefits like
but it's URLs are shorter.
* added
* PHP version didn't work if the event plugin was not
installed, too. It always (false) reported, that twitter
is not accessible at the moment.
1.0 (brockhaus)
* Added JSON Class for PHP4 jsondecode().
* Added optional "follow me" link below tweets in sidebar
* Added class and div tags to the sidebar plugin in order
design it more easy using css.
* Removed local blogger.js (and configuration), as it was
already outdated!
* PHP Version: Made HTML code more compatible to the twitter
JS widget.
* PHP Version: Replaced written links with an html link
* PHP Version: Added links to the userprofile where @name
is found.
* Replaced simplexml with json code in order to make it
PHP4 compatible
* Caching Dateformat was dependend on the visitors country
who triggered the caching! Japanese Dates shown up at my
German blog.. :)
* Caching of twitter timeline is done in the background, if
event_twitter is installed, too. This won't block the blog
when twitter is blocked (for maintenance i.e.)
* Tweetback check functionality.
* Announce articles on twitter.
* Implemented db cache for shorturls
* Merged TwitterTweeter plugin into the event plugin,
cleaned it up and enhanced it a little.
Remove block level element in blogger.js for JS compatibility
Use utf8-decoding, when charset is not UTF-8
* Support for (more Services are now easy to implement)
* Allow creating backups of your tweets.
<li>verze 1.0</li>