#!/usr/bin/env python3 from datetime import datetime, timedelta from dateutil import parser import itertools import json import os import re import sys import requests import time import argparse import uuid argparser=argparse.ArgumentParser() argparser.add_argument('--server', required=True, help="Required: The name of your server (e.g. `mstdn.thms.uk`)") argparser.add_argument('--access-token', action="append", required=True, help="Required: The access token can be generated at https:///settings/applications, and must have read:search, read:statuses and admin:read:accounts scopes. You can supply this multiple times, if you want tun run it for multiple users.") argparser.add_argument('--reply-interval-in-hours', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Fetch remote replies to posts that have received replies from users on your own instance in this period") argparser.add_argument('--home-timeline-length', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Look for replies to posts in the API-Key owner's home timeline, up to this many posts") argparser.add_argument('--user', required = False, default='', help="Use together with --max-followings or --max-followers to tell us which user's followings/followers we should backfill") argparser.add_argument('--max-followings', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Backfill posts for new accounts followed by --user. We'll backfill at most this many followings' posts") argparser.add_argument('--max-followers', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Backfill posts for new accounts following --user. We'll backfill at most this many followers' posts") argparser.add_argument('--max-follow-requests', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Backfill posts of the API key owners pending follow requests. We'll backfill at most this many requester's posts") argparser.add_argument('--max-bookmarks', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Fetch remote replies to the API key owners Bookmarks. We'll fetch replies to at most this many bookmarks") argparser.add_argument('--max-favourites', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Fetch remote replies to the API key owners Favourites. We'll fetch replies to at most this many favourites") argparser.add_argument('--from-notifications', required = False, type=int, default=0, help="Backfill accounts of anyone appearing in your notifications, during the last hours") argparser.add_argument('--remember-users-for-hours', required=False, type=int, default=24*7, help="How long to remember users that you aren't following for, before trying to backfill them again.") argparser.add_argument('--http-timeout', required = False, type=int, default=5, help="The timeout for any HTTP requests to your own, or other instances.") argparser.add_argument('--backfill-with-context', required = False, type=int, default=1, help="If enabled, we'll fetch remote replies when backfilling profiles. Set to `0` to disable.") argparser.add_argument('--backfill-mentioned-users', required = False, type=int, default=1, help="If enabled, we'll backfill any mentioned users when fetching remote replies to timeline posts. Set to `0` to disable.") argparser.add_argument('--lock-hours', required = False, type=int, default=24, help="The lock timeout in hours.") argparser.add_argument('--lock-file', required = False, default=None, help="Location of the lock file") argparser.add_argument('--state-dir', required = False, default="artifacts", help="Directory to store persistent files and possibly lock file") argparser.add_argument('--on-done', required = False, default=None, help="Provide a url that will be pinged when processing has completed. You can use this for 'dead man switch' monitoring of your task") argparser.add_argument('--on-start', required = False, default=None, help="Provide a url that will be pinged when processing is starting. You can use this for 'dead man switch' monitoring of your task") argparser.add_argument('--on-fail', required = False, default=None, help="Provide a url that will be pinged when processing has failed. You can use this for 'dead man switch' monitoring of your task") def get_notification_users(server, access_token, known_users, max_age): since = datetime.now(datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo) - timedelta(hours=max_age) notifications = get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/notifications", since, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) notification_users = [] for notification in notifications: notificationDate = parser.parse(notification['created_at']) if(notificationDate >= since and notification['account'] not in notification_users): notification_users.append(notification['account']) new_notification_users = filter_known_users(notification_users, known_users) log(f"Found {len(notification_users)} users in notifications, {len(new_notification_users)} of which are new") return new_notification_users def get_bookmarks(server, access_token, max): return get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/bookmarks", max, { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) def get_favourites(server, access_token, max): return get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/favourites", max, { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) def add_user_posts(server, access_token, followings, know_followings, all_known_users, seen_urls): for user in followings: if user['acct'] not in all_known_users and not user['url'].startswith(f"https://{server}/"): posts = get_user_posts(user, know_followings, server) if(posts != None): count = 0 failed = 0 for post in posts: try: if post['reblog'] == None and post['url'] != None and post['url'] not in seen_urls: added = add_post_with_context(post, server, access_token, seen_urls) if added is True: seen_urls.add(post['url']) count += 1 else: failed += 1 except Exception as ex: log(f"Error adding post {post}") raise log(f"Added {count} posts for user {user['acct']} with {failed} errors") if failed == 0: know_followings.add(user['acct']) all_known_users.add(user['acct']) def add_post_with_context(post, server, access_token, seen_urls): added = add_context_url(post['url'], server, access_token) if added is True: seen_urls.add(post['url']) if (post['replies_count'] or post['in_reply_to_id']) and arguments.backfill_with_context > 0: parsed_urls = {} parsed = parse_url(post['url'], parsed_urls) if parsed == None: return True known_context_urls = get_all_known_context_urls(server, [post],parsed_urls) add_context_urls(server, access_token, known_context_urls, seen_urls) return True return False def get_user_posts(user, know_followings, server): parsed_url = parse_user_url(user['url']) if parsed_url == None: # We are adding it as 'known' anyway, because we won't be able to fix this. know_followings.add(user['acct']) return None if(parsed_url[0] == server): log(f"{user['acct']} is a local user. Skip") know_followings.add(user['acct']) return None try: user_id = get_user_id(parsed_url[0], parsed_url[1]) except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting user ID for user {user['acct']}: {ex}") return None try: url = f"https://{parsed_url[0]}/api/v1/accounts/{user_id}/statuses?limit=40" response = get(url) if(response.status_code == 200): return response.json() elif response.status_code == 404: raise Exception( f"User {user['acct']} was not found on server {parsed_url[0]}" ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}" ) except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting posts for user {user['acct']}: {ex}") return None def get_new_follow_requests(server, access_token, max, known_followings): """Get any new follow requests for the specified user, up to the max number provided""" follow_requests = get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/follow_requests", max, { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) # Remove any we already know about new_follow_requests = filter_known_users(follow_requests, known_followings) log(f"Got {len(follow_requests)} follow_requests, {len(new_follow_requests)} of which are new") return new_follow_requests def filter_known_users(users, known_users): return list(filter( lambda user: user['acct'] not in known_users, users )) def get_new_followers(server, user_id, max, known_followers): """Get any new followings for the specified user, up to the max number provided""" followers = get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/{user_id}/followers", max) # Remove any we already know about new_followers = filter_known_users(followers, known_followers) log(f"Got {len(followers)} followers, {len(new_followers)} of which are new") return new_followers def get_new_followings(server, user_id, max, known_followings): """Get any new followings for the specified user, up to the max number provided""" following = get_paginated_mastodon(f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/{user_id}/following", max) # Remove any we already know about new_followings = filter_known_users(following, known_followings) log(f"Got {len(following)} followings, {len(new_followings)} of which are new") return new_followings def get_user_id(server, user = None, access_token = None): """Get the user id from the server, using a username""" headers = {} if user != None and user != '': url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/lookup?acct={user}" elif access_token != None: url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/verify_credentials" headers = { "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", } else: raise Exception('You must supply either a user name or an access token, to get an user ID') response = get(url, headers=headers) if response.status_code == 200: return response.json()['id'] elif response.status_code == 404: raise Exception( f"User {user} was not found on server {server}." ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}" ) def get_timeline(server, access_token, max): """Get all post in the user's home timeline""" url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/timelines/home" try: response = get_toots(url, access_token) if response.status_code == 200: toots = response.json() elif response.status_code == 401: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "Ensure your access token is correct" ) elif response.status_code == 403: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the read:statuses scope enabled for your access token." ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}" ) # Paginate as needed while len(toots) < max and 'next' in response.links: response = get_toots(response.links['next']['url'], access_token) toots = toots + response.json() except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting timeline toots: {ex}") raise log(f"Found {len(toots)} toots in timeline") return toots def get_toots(url, access_token): response = get( url, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) if response.status_code == 200: return response elif response.status_code == 401: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "It looks like your access token is incorrect." ) elif response.status_code == 403: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the read:statuses scope enabled for your access token." ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}" ) def get_active_user_ids(server, access_token, reply_interval_hours): """get all user IDs on the server that have posted a toot in the given time interval""" since = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=reply_interval_hours / 24 + 1) url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/admin/accounts" resp = get(url, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) if resp.status_code == 200: for user in resp.json(): last_status_at = user["account"]["last_status_at"] if last_status_at is not None: last_active = datetime.strptime(last_status_at, "%Y-%m-%d") if last_active > since: log(f"Found active user: {user['username']}") yield user["id"] elif resp.status_code == 401: raise Exception( f"Error getting user IDs on server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}. " "Ensure your access token is correct" ) elif resp.status_code == 403: raise Exception( f"Error getting user IDs on server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the admin:read:accounts scope enabled for your access token." ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting user IDs on server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}" ) def get_all_reply_toots( server, user_ids, access_token, seen_urls, reply_interval_hours ): """get all replies to other users by the given users in the last day""" replies_since = datetime.now() - timedelta(hours=reply_interval_hours) reply_toots = list( itertools.chain.from_iterable( get_reply_toots( user_id, server, access_token, seen_urls, replies_since ) for user_id in user_ids ) ) log(f"Found {len(reply_toots)} reply toots") return reply_toots def get_reply_toots(user_id, server, access_token, seen_urls, reply_since): """get replies by the user to other users since the given date""" url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/accounts/{user_id}/statuses?exclude_replies=false&limit=40" try: resp = get(url, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) except Exception as ex: log( f"Error getting replies for user {user_id} on server {server}: {ex}" ) return [] if resp.status_code == 200: toots = [ toot for toot in resp.json() if toot["in_reply_to_id"] is not None and toot["url"] not in seen_urls and datetime.strptime(toot["created_at"], "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ") > reply_since ] for toot in toots: log(f"Found reply toot: {toot['url']}") return toots elif resp.status_code == 403: raise Exception( f"Error getting replies for user {user_id} on server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the read:statuses scope enabled for your access token." ) raise Exception( f"Error getting replies for user {user_id} on server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}" ) def get_all_known_context_urls(server, reply_toots,parsed_urls): """get the context toots of the given toots from their original server""" known_context_urls = set( filter( lambda url: not url.startswith(f"https://{server}/"), itertools.chain.from_iterable( get_toot_context(*parse_url(toot["url"] if toot["reblog"] is None else toot["reblog"]["url"],parsed_urls), toot["url"]) for toot in filter( lambda toot: toot_has_parseable_url(toot,parsed_urls), reply_toots ) ), ) ) log(f"Found {len(known_context_urls)} known context toots") return known_context_urls def toot_has_parseable_url(toot,parsed_urls): parsed = parse_url(toot["url"] if toot["reblog"] is None else toot["reblog"]["url"],parsed_urls) if(parsed is None) : return False return True def get_all_replied_toot_server_ids( server, reply_toots, replied_toot_server_ids, parsed_urls ): """get the server and ID of the toots the given toots replied to""" return filter( lambda x: x is not None, ( get_replied_toot_server_id(server, toot, replied_toot_server_ids, parsed_urls) for toot in reply_toots ), ) def get_replied_toot_server_id(server, toot, replied_toot_server_ids,parsed_urls): """get the server and ID of the toot the given toot replied to""" in_reply_to_id = toot["in_reply_to_id"] in_reply_to_account_id = toot["in_reply_to_account_id"] mentions = [ mention for mention in toot["mentions"] if mention["id"] == in_reply_to_account_id ] if len(mentions) == 0: return None mention = mentions[0] o_url = f"https://{server}/@{mention['acct']}/{in_reply_to_id}" if o_url in replied_toot_server_ids: return replied_toot_server_ids[o_url] url = get_redirect_url(o_url) if url is None: return None match = parse_url(url,parsed_urls) if match is not None: replied_toot_server_ids[o_url] = (url, match) return (url, match) log(f"Error parsing toot URL {url}") replied_toot_server_ids[o_url] = None return None def parse_user_url(url): match = parse_mastodon_profile_url(url) if match is not None: return match match = parse_pleroma_profile_url(url) if match is not None: return match match = parse_pixelfed_profile_url(url) if match is not None: return match log(f"Error parsing Profile URL {url}") return None def parse_url(url, parsed_urls): if url not in parsed_urls: match = parse_mastodon_url(url) if match is not None: parsed_urls[url] = match if url not in parsed_urls: match = parse_pleroma_url(url) if match is not None: parsed_urls[url] = match if url not in parsed_urls: match = parse_pixelfed_url(url) if match is not None: parsed_urls[url] = match if url not in parsed_urls: log(f"Error parsing toot URL {url}") parsed_urls[url] = None return parsed_urls[url] def parse_mastodon_profile_url(url): """parse a Mastodon Profile URL and return the server and username""" match = re.match( r"https://(?P.*)/@(?P.*)", url ) if match is not None: return (match.group("server"), match.group("username")) return None def parse_mastodon_url(url): """parse a Mastodon URL and return the server and ID""" match = re.match( r"https://(?P.*)/@(?P.*)/(?P.*)", url ) if match is not None: return (match.group("server"), match.group("toot_id")) return None def parse_pleroma_url(url): """parse a Pleroma URL and return the server and ID""" match = re.match(r"https://(?P.*)/objects/(?P.*)", url) if match is not None: server = match.group("server") url = get_redirect_url(url) if url is None: return None match = re.match(r"/notice/(?P.*)", url) if match is not None: return (server, match.group("toot_id")) return None return None def parse_pleroma_profile_url(url): """parse a Pleroma Profile URL and return the server and username""" match = re.match(r"https://(?P.*)/users/(?P.*)", url) if match is not None: return (match.group("server"), match.group("username")) return None def parse_pixelfed_url(url): """parse a Pixelfed URL and return the server and ID""" match = re.match( r"https://(?P.*)/p/(?P.*)/(?P.*)", url ) if match is not None: return (match.group("server"), match.group("toot_id")) return None def parse_pixelfed_profile_url(url): """parse a Pixelfed Profile URL and return the server and username""" match = re.match(r"https://(?P.*)/(?P.*)", url) if match is not None: return (match.group("server"), match.group("username")) return None def get_redirect_url(url): """get the URL given URL redirects to""" try: resp = requests.head(url, allow_redirects=False, timeout=5,headers={ 'User-Agent': 'FediFetcher (https://go.thms.uk/mgr)' }) except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting redirect URL for URL {url}. Exception: {ex}") return None if resp.status_code == 200: return url elif resp.status_code == 302: redirect_url = resp.headers["Location"] log(f"Discovered redirect for URL {url}") return redirect_url else: log( f"Error getting redirect URL for URL {url}. Status code: {resp.status_code}" ) return None def get_all_context_urls(server, replied_toot_ids): """get the URLs of the context toots of the given toots""" return filter( lambda url: not url.startswith(f"https://{server}/"), itertools.chain.from_iterable( get_toot_context(server, toot_id, url) for (url, (server, toot_id)) in replied_toot_ids ), ) def get_toot_context(server, toot_id, toot_url): """get the URLs of the context toots of the given toot""" url = f"https://{server}/api/v1/statuses/{toot_id}/context" try: resp = get(url) except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting context for toot {toot_url}. Exception: {ex}") return [] if resp.status_code == 200: try: res = resp.json() log(f"Got context for toot {toot_url}") return (toot["url"] for toot in (res["ancestors"] + res["descendants"])) except Exception as ex: log(f"Error parsing context for toot {toot_url}. Exception: {ex}") return [] elif resp.status_code == 429: reset = datetime.strptime(resp.headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') log(f"Rate Limit hit when getting context for {toot_url}. Waiting to retry at {resp.headers['x-ratelimit-reset']}") time.sleep((reset - datetime.now()).total_seconds() + 1) return get_toot_context(server, toot_id, toot_url) log( f"Error getting context for toot {toot_url}. Status code: {resp.status_code}" ) return [] def add_context_urls(server, access_token, context_urls, seen_urls): """add the given toot URLs to the server""" count = 0 failed = 0 for url in context_urls: if url not in seen_urls: added = add_context_url(url, server, access_token) if added is True: seen_urls.add(url) count += 1 else: failed += 1 log(f"Added {count} new context toots (with {failed} failures)") def add_context_url(url, server, access_token): """add the given toot URL to the server""" search_url = f"https://{server}/api/v2/search?q={url}&resolve=true&limit=1" try: resp = get(search_url, headers={ "Authorization": f"Bearer {access_token}", }) except Exception as ex: log( f"Error adding url {search_url} to server {server}. Exception: {ex}" ) return False if resp.status_code == 200: log(f"Added context url {url}") return True elif resp.status_code == 403: log( f"Error adding url {search_url} to server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the read:search scope enabled for your access token." ) return False elif resp.status_code == 429: reset = datetime.strptime(resp.headers['x-ratelimit-reset'], '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ') log(f"Rate Limit hit when adding url {search_url}. Waiting to retry at {resp.headers['x-ratelimit-reset']}") time.sleep((reset - datetime.now()).total_seconds() + 1) return add_context_url(url, server, access_token) else: log( f"Error adding url {search_url} to server {server}. Status code: {resp.status_code}" ) return False def get_paginated_mastodon(url, max, headers = {}, timeout = 0, max_tries = 5): """Make a paginated request to mastodon""" if(isinstance(max, int)): furl = f"{url}?limit={max}" else: furl = url response = get(furl, headers, timeout, max_tries) if response.status_code != 200: if response.status_code == 401: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "Ensure your access token is correct" ) elif response.status_code == 403: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}. " "Make sure you have the correct scopes enabled for your access token." ) else: raise Exception( f"Error getting URL {url}. Status code: {response.status_code}" ) result = response.json() if(isinstance(max, int)): while len(result) < max and 'next' in response.links: response = get(response.links['next']['url'], headers, timeout, max_tries) result = result + response.json() else: while parser.parse(result[-1]['created_at']) >= max and 'next' in response.links: response = get(response.links['next']['url'], headers, timeout, max_tries) result = result + response.json() return result def get(url, headers = {}, timeout = 0, max_tries = 5): """A simple wrapper to make a get request while providing our user agent, and respecting rate limits""" h = headers.copy() if 'User-Agent' not in h: h['User-Agent'] = 'FediFetcher (https://go.thms.uk/mgr)' if timeout == 0: timeout = arguments.http_timeout response = requests.get( url, headers= h, timeout=timeout) if response.status_code == 429: if max_tries > 0: reset = parser.parse(response.headers['x-ratelimit-reset']) now = datetime.now(datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo) wait = (reset - now).total_seconds() + 1 log(f"Rate Limit hit requesting {url}. Waiting {wait} sec to retry at {response.headers['x-ratelimit-reset']}") time.sleep(wait) return get(url, headers, timeout, max_tries - 1) raise Exception(f"Maximum number of retries exceeded for rate limited request {url}") return response def log(text): print(f"{datetime.now()} {datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo}: {text}") class OrderedSet: """An ordered set implementation over a dict""" def __init__(self, iterable): self._dict = {} if isinstance(iterable, dict): for item in iterable: if isinstance(iterable[item], str): self.add(item, parser.parse(iterable[item])) else: self.add(item, iterable[item]) else: for item in iterable: self.add(item) def add(self, item, time = None): if item not in self._dict: if(time == None): self._dict[item] = datetime.now(datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo) else: self._dict[item] = time def pop(self, item): self._dict.pop(item) def get(self, item): return self._dict[item] def update(self, iterable): for item in iterable: self.add(item) def __contains__(self, item): return item in self._dict def __iter__(self): return iter(self._dict) def __len__(self): return len(self._dict) def toJSON(self): return json.dump(self._dict, f, default=str) if __name__ == "__main__": start = datetime.now() log(f"Starting FediFetcher") arguments = argparser.parse_args() runId = uuid.uuid4() if(arguments.on_start != None and arguments.on_start != ''): try: get(f"{arguments.on_start}?rid={runId}") except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting callback url: {ex}") if arguments.lock_file is None: arguments.lock_file = os.path.join(arguments.state_dir, 'lock.lock') LOCK_FILE = arguments.lock_file if( os.path.exists(LOCK_FILE)): log(f"Lock file exists at {LOCK_FILE}") try: with open(LOCK_FILE, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: lock_time = parser.parse(f.read()) if (datetime.now() - lock_time).total_seconds() >= arguments.lock_hours * 60 * 60: os.remove(LOCK_FILE) log(f"Lock file has expired. Removed lock file.") else: log(f"Lock file age is {datetime.now() - lock_time} - below --lock-hours={arguments.lock_hours} provided.") if(arguments.on_fail != None and arguments.on_fail != ''): try: get(f"{arguments.on_fail}?rid={runId}") except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting callback url: {ex}") sys.exit(1) except Exception: log(f"Cannot read logfile age - aborting.") if(arguments.on_fail != None and arguments.on_fail != ''): try: get(f"{arguments.on_fail}?rid={runId}") except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting callback url: {ex}") sys.exit(1) with open(LOCK_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(f"{datetime.now()}") try: SEEN_URLS_FILE = os.path.join(arguments.state_dir, "seen_urls") REPLIED_TOOT_SERVER_IDS_FILE = os.path.join(arguments.state_dir, "replied_toot_server_ids") KNOWN_FOLLOWINGS_FILE = os.path.join(arguments.state_dir, "known_followings") RECENTLY_CHECKED_USERS_FILE = os.path.join(arguments.state_dir, "recently_checked_users") seen_urls = OrderedSet([]) if os.path.exists(SEEN_URLS_FILE): with open(SEEN_URLS_FILE, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: seen_urls = OrderedSet(f.read().splitlines()) replied_toot_server_ids = {} if os.path.exists(REPLIED_TOOT_SERVER_IDS_FILE): with open(REPLIED_TOOT_SERVER_IDS_FILE, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: replied_toot_server_ids = json.load(f) known_followings = OrderedSet([]) if os.path.exists(KNOWN_FOLLOWINGS_FILE): with open(KNOWN_FOLLOWINGS_FILE, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: known_followings = OrderedSet(f.read().splitlines()) recently_checked_users = OrderedSet({}) if os.path.exists(RECENTLY_CHECKED_USERS_FILE): with open(RECENTLY_CHECKED_USERS_FILE, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f: recently_checked_users = OrderedSet(json.load(f)) # Remove any users whose last check is too long in the past from the list for user in list(recently_checked_users): lastCheck = recently_checked_users.get(user) userAge = datetime.now(lastCheck.tzinfo) - lastCheck if(userAge.total_seconds() > arguments.remember_users_for_hours * 60 * 60): recently_checked_users.pop(user) parsed_urls = {} all_known_users = OrderedSet(list(known_followings) + list(recently_checked_users)) for token in arguments.access_token: if arguments.reply_interval_in_hours > 0: """pull the context toots of toots user replied to, from their original server, and add them to the local server.""" user_ids = get_active_user_ids(arguments.server, token, arguments.reply_interval_in_hours) reply_toots = get_all_reply_toots( arguments.server, user_ids, token, seen_urls, arguments.reply_interval_in_hours ) known_context_urls = get_all_known_context_urls(arguments.server, reply_toots,parsed_urls) seen_urls.update(known_context_urls) replied_toot_ids = get_all_replied_toot_server_ids( arguments.server, reply_toots, replied_toot_server_ids, parsed_urls ) context_urls = get_all_context_urls(arguments.server, replied_toot_ids) add_context_urls(arguments.server, token, context_urls, seen_urls) if arguments.home_timeline_length > 0: """Do the same with any toots on the key owner's home timeline """ timeline_toots = get_timeline(arguments.server, token, arguments.home_timeline_length) known_context_urls = get_all_known_context_urls(arguments.server, timeline_toots,parsed_urls) add_context_urls(arguments.server, token, known_context_urls, seen_urls) # Backfill any post authors, and any mentioned users if arguments.backfill_mentioned_users > 0: mentioned_users = [] cut_off = datetime.now(datetime.now().astimezone().tzinfo) - timedelta(minutes=60) for toot in timeline_toots: these_users = [] toot_created_at = parser.parse(toot['created_at']) if len(mentioned_users) < 10 or (toot_created_at > cut_off and len(mentioned_users) < 30): these_users.append(toot['account']) if(len(toot['mentions'])): these_users += toot['mentions'] if(toot['reblog'] != None): these_users.append(toot['reblog']['account']) if(len(toot['reblog']['mentions'])): these_users += toot['reblog']['mentions'] for user in these_users: if user not in mentioned_users and user['acct'] not in all_known_users: mentioned_users.append(user) add_user_posts(arguments.server, token, filter_known_users(mentioned_users, all_known_users), recently_checked_users, all_known_users, seen_urls) if arguments.max_followings > 0: log(f"Getting posts from last {arguments.max_followings} followings") user_id = get_user_id(arguments.server, arguments.user, token) followings = get_new_followings(arguments.server, user_id, arguments.max_followings, all_known_users) add_user_posts(arguments.server, token, followings, known_followings, all_known_users, seen_urls) if arguments.max_followers > 0: log(f"Getting posts from last {arguments.max_followers} followers") user_id = get_user_id(arguments.server, arguments.user, token) followers = get_new_followers(arguments.server, user_id, arguments.max_followers, all_known_users) add_user_posts(arguments.server, token, followers, recently_checked_users, all_known_users, seen_urls) if arguments.max_follow_requests > 0: log(f"Getting posts from last {arguments.max_follow_requests} follow requests") follow_requests = get_new_follow_requests(arguments.server, token, arguments.max_follow_requests, all_known_users) add_user_posts(arguments.server, token, follow_requests, recently_checked_users, all_known_users, seen_urls) if arguments.from_notifications > 0: log(f"Getting notifications for last {arguments.from_notifications} hours") notification_users = get_notification_users(arguments.server, token, all_known_users, arguments.from_notifications) add_user_posts(arguments.server, token, notification_users, recently_checked_users, all_known_users, seen_urls) if arguments.max_bookmarks > 0: log(f"Pulling replies to the last {arguments.max_bookmarks} bookmarks") bookmarks = get_bookmarks(arguments.server, token, arguments.max_bookmarks) known_context_urls = get_all_known_context_urls(arguments.server, bookmarks,parsed_urls) add_context_urls(arguments.server, token, known_context_urls, seen_urls) if arguments.max_favourites > 0: log(f"Pulling replies to the last {arguments.max_favourites} favourites") favourites = get_favourites(arguments.server, token, arguments.max_favourites) known_context_urls = get_all_known_context_urls(arguments.server, favourites,parsed_urls) add_context_urls(arguments.server, token, known_context_urls, seen_urls) with open(KNOWN_FOLLOWINGS_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(list(known_followings)[-10000:])) with open(SEEN_URLS_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write("\n".join(list(seen_urls)[-10000:])) with open(REPLIED_TOOT_SERVER_IDS_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: json.dump(dict(list(replied_toot_server_ids.items())[-10000:]), f) with open(RECENTLY_CHECKED_USERS_FILE, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: recently_checked_users.toJSON() os.remove(LOCK_FILE) if(arguments.on_done != None and arguments.on_done != ''): try: get(f"{arguments.on_done}?rid={runId}") except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting callback url: {ex}") log(f"Processing finished in {datetime.now() - start}.") except Exception as ex: os.remove(LOCK_FILE) log(f"Job failed after {datetime.now() - start}.") if(arguments.on_fail != None and arguments.on_fail != ''): try: get(f"{arguments.on_fail}?rid={runId}") except Exception as ex: log(f"Error getting callback url: {ex}") raise