David Négrier c9fa9b9a92 Migrating away from the notion of public/private URL in WorkAdventure Github repository
The notion of public/private repositories (with /_/ and /@/ URLs) is specific to the SAAS version of WorkAdventure.
It would be better to avoid leaking the organization/world/room structure of the private SAAS URLs inside the WorkAdventure Github project.

Rather than sending http://admin_host/api/map?organizationSlug=...&worldSlug=...&roomSlug=...., we are now sending /api/map&playUri=...
where playUri is the full URL of the current game.
This allows the backend to act as a complete router.
The front (and the pusher) will be able to completely ignore the specifics of URL building (with /@/ and /_/ URLs, etc...)
Those details will live only in the admin server, which is way cleaner (and way more powerful).
2021-07-15 17:07:47 +02:00

102 lines
4.1 KiB

import { ADMIN_API_URL, ALLOW_ARTILLERY, SECRET_KEY } from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import { uuid } from "uuidv4";
import Jwt from "jsonwebtoken";
import { TokenInterface } from "../Controller/AuthenticateController";
import { adminApi, AdminBannedData } from "../Services/AdminApi";
class JWTTokenManager {
public createJWTToken(userUuid: string) {
return Jwt.sign({ userUuid: userUuid }, SECRET_KEY, { expiresIn: "200d" }); //todo: add a mechanic to refresh or recreate token
public async getUserUuidFromToken(token: unknown, ipAddress?: string, roomUrl?: string): Promise<string> {
if (!token) {
throw new Error("An authentication error happened, a user tried to connect without a token.");
if (typeof token !== "string") {
throw new Error("Token is expected to be a string");
if (token === "test") {
return uuid();
} else {
throw new Error(
"In order to perform a load-testing test on this environment, you must set the ALLOW_ARTILLERY environment variable to 'true'"
return new Promise<string>((resolve, reject) => {
Jwt.verify(token, SECRET_KEY, {}, (err, tokenDecoded) => {
const tokenInterface = tokenDecoded as TokenInterface;
if (err) {
console.error("An authentication error happened, invalid JsonWebToken.", err);
reject(new Error("An authentication error happened, invalid JsonWebToken. " + err.message));
if (tokenDecoded === undefined) {
console.error("Empty token found.");
reject(new Error("Empty token found."));
//verify token
if (!this.isValidToken(tokenInterface)) {
reject(new Error("Authentication error, invalid token structure."));
//verify user in admin
let promise = new Promise((resolve) => resolve());
if (ipAddress && roomUrl) {
promise = this.verifyBanUser(tokenInterface.userUuid, ipAddress, roomUrl);
.then(() => {
.then(() => {
.catch((err) => {
//anonymous user
if (err.response && err.response.status && err.response.status === 404) {
.catch((err) => {
} else {
private verifyBanUser(userUuid: string, ipAddress: string, roomUrl: string): Promise<AdminBannedData> {
return adminApi
.verifyBanUser(userUuid, ipAddress, roomUrl)
.then((data: AdminBannedData) => {
if (data && data.is_banned) {
throw new Error("User was banned");
return data;
.catch((err) => {
throw err;
private isValidToken(token: object): token is TokenInterface {
return !(typeof (token as TokenInterface).userUuid !== "string");
export const jwtTokenManager = new JWTTokenManager();