grégoire parant c7fdfed00c
Improve mobile camera shown (#1354)
- Add new store to send mobile size
 - Update style to show video for mobile size
2021-08-10 22:35:26 +02:00

56 lines
2.2 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import type {VideoPeer} from "../../WebRtc/VideoPeer";
import SoundMeterWidget from "../SoundMeterWidget.svelte";
import microphoneCloseImg from "../images/microphone-close.svg";
import reportImg from "./images/report.svg";
import blockSignImg from "./images/blockSign.svg";
import {videoFocusStore} from "../../Stores/VideoFocusStore";
import {showReportScreenStore} from "../../Stores/ShowReportScreenStore";
import {getColorByString, srcObject} from "./utils";
import {localStreamStore, obtainedMediaConstraintIsMobileStore} from "../../Stores/MediaStore";
import {onDestroy} from "svelte";
export let peer: VideoPeer;
let streamStore = peer.streamStore;
let name = peer.userName;
let statusStore = peer.statusStore;
let constraintStore = peer.constraintsStore;
function openReport(peer: VideoPeer): void {
showReportScreenStore.set({ userId:peer.userId, userName: peer.userName });
let isMobile : boolean|null;
const unsubscribe = obtainedMediaConstraintIsMobileStore.subscribe(value => {
console.log('unsubscribe => obtainedMediaConstraintIsMobileStore', value);
isMobile = value;
<div class="video-container">
{#if $statusStore === 'connecting'}
<div class="connecting-spinner"></div>
{#if $statusStore === 'error'}
<div class="rtc-error"></div>
{#if !$constraintStore || $ === false}
<i style="background-color: {getColorByString(name)};">{name}</i>
{#if $constraintStore && $ === false}
<img src={microphoneCloseImg} class="active" alt="Muted">
<button class="report" on:click={() => openReport(peer)}>
<img alt="Report this user" src={reportImg}>
<video class:mobile="{isMobile === true}" use:srcObject={$streamStore} autoplay playsinline on:click={() => videoFocusStore.toggleFocus(peer)}></video>
<img src={blockSignImg} class="block-logo" alt="Block" />
{#if $constraintStore && $ !== false}
<SoundMeterWidget stream={$streamStore}></SoundMeterWidget>