David Négrier bf070c33b5 Migrating front protobuf encode/decode to ts-proto lib
The ts-proto lib has the huge advantage of producing code the "Typescript" way and not the "Java" way.
In particular, for "oneof" types in protobuf, it is generating "ADT" that can be used to check if we forgot or not to deal with a type.
2022-01-03 15:52:46 +01:00

175 lines
6.5 KiB

import type { RoomConnection } from "../../Connexion/RoomConnection";
import { iframeListener } from "../../Api/IframeListener";
import type { GameMap } from "./GameMap";
import type { ITiledMapLayer, ITiledMapObject } from "../Map/ITiledMap";
import { GameMapProperties } from "./GameMapProperties";
interface Variable {
defaultValue: unknown;
readableBy?: string;
writableBy?: string;
* Stores variables and provides a bridge between scripts and the pusher server.
export class SharedVariablesManager {
private _variables = new Map<string, unknown>();
private variableObjects: Map<string, Variable>;
private roomConnection: RoomConnection,
private gameMap: GameMap,
serverVariables: Map<string, unknown>
) {
// We initialize the list of variable object at room start. The objects cannot be edited later
// (otherwise, this would cause a security issue if the scripting API can edit this list of objects)
this.variableObjects = SharedVariablesManager.findVariablesInMap(gameMap);
// Let's initialize default values
for (const [name, variableObject] of this.variableObjects.entries()) {
if (variableObject.readableBy && !this.roomConnection.hasTag(variableObject.readableBy)) {
// Do not initialize default value for variables that are not readable
this._variables.set(name, variableObject.defaultValue);
// Override default values with the variables from the server:
for (const [name, value] of serverVariables) {
this._variables.set(name, value);
roomConnection.variableMessageStream.subscribe(({ name, value }) => {
this._variables.set(name, value);
// On server change, let's notify the iframes
key: name,
value: value,
// When a variable is modified from an iFrame
iframeListener.registerAnswerer("setVariable", (event, source) => {
const key = event.key;
const object = this.variableObjects.get(key);
if (object === undefined) {
const errMsg =
'A script is trying to modify variable "' +
key +
'" but this variable is not defined in the map.' +
'There should be an object in the map whose name is "' +
key +
'" and whose type is "variable"';
throw new Error(errMsg);
if (object.writableBy && !this.roomConnection.hasTag(object.writableBy)) {
const errMsg =
'A script is trying to modify variable "' +
key +
'" but this variable is only writable for users with tag "' +
object.writableBy +
throw new Error(errMsg);
// Let's stop any propagation of the value we set is the same as the existing value.
if (JSON.stringify(event.value) === JSON.stringify(this._variables.get(key))) {
this._variables.set(key, event.value);
// Dispatch to the room connection.
this.roomConnection.emitSetVariableEvent(key, event.value);
// Dispatch to other iframes
iframeListener.dispatchVariableToOtherIframes(key, event.value, source);
private static findVariablesInMap(gameMap: GameMap): Map<string, Variable> {
const objects = new Map<string, Variable>();
for (const layer of gameMap.getMap().layers) {
this.recursiveFindVariablesInLayer(layer, objects);
return objects;
private static recursiveFindVariablesInLayer(layer: ITiledMapLayer, objects: Map<string, Variable>): void {
if (layer.type === "objectgroup") {
for (const object of layer.objects) {
if (object.type === "variable") {
if (object.template) {
'Warning, a variable object is using a Tiled "template". WorkAdventure does not support objects generated from Tiled templates.'
// We store a copy of the object (to make it immutable)
objects.set(, this.iTiledObjectToVariable(object));
} else if (layer.type === "group") {
for (const innerLayer of layer.layers) {
this.recursiveFindVariablesInLayer(innerLayer, objects);
private static iTiledObjectToVariable(object: ITiledMapObject): Variable {
const variable: Variable = {
defaultValue: undefined,
if ( {
for (const property of {
const value = property.value;
switch ( {
case GameMapProperties.DEFAULT:
variable.defaultValue = value;
case GameMapProperties.WRITABLE_BY:
if (typeof value !== "string") {
throw new Error(
'The writableBy property of variable "' + + '" must be a string'
if (value) {
variable.writableBy = value;
case GameMapProperties.READABLE_BY:
if (typeof value !== "string") {
throw new Error(
'The readableBy property of variable "' + + '" must be a string'
if (value) {
variable.readableBy = value;
return variable;
public close(): void {
get variables(): Map<string, unknown> {
return this._variables;