David Négrier 34dc5a0bc6 Refactoring WorkAdventureAPI.
Simplifying a lot what was done (even if the new code is a bit less automated, it allows to list exactly the methods we want to see deprecated and to add a notification message)
2021-06-18 17:22:56 +02:00

17 lines
503 B

import { IframeApiContribution, sendToWorkadventure } from './IframeApiContribution';
class WorkadventureControlsCommands extends IframeApiContribution<WorkadventureControlsCommands> {
callbacks = []
disablePlayerControls(): void {
sendToWorkadventure({ 'type': 'disablePlayerControls', data: null });
restorePlayerControls(): void {
sendToWorkadventure({ 'type': 'restorePlayerControls', data: null });
export default new WorkadventureControlsCommands();