David Négrier 8eebed1829 Removing pipeline related code
This code is broken since Phaser 3.50 and we are facing weird issues with MacOS memory leaks and crashes.
Removing this code will remove one potential suspect.
2021-01-27 11:18:07 +01:00

125 lines
4 KiB

import 'phaser';
import GameConfig = Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig;
import {DEBUG_MODE, JITSI_URL, RESOLUTION} from "./Enum/EnvironmentVariable";
import {cypressAsserter} from "./Cypress/CypressAsserter";
import {LoginScene} from "./Phaser/Login/LoginScene";
import {ReconnectingScene} from "./Phaser/Reconnecting/ReconnectingScene";
import {SelectCharacterScene} from "./Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene";
import {EnableCameraScene} from "./Phaser/Login/EnableCameraScene";
import WebGLRenderer = Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer;
import {OutlinePipeline} from "./Phaser/Shaders/OutlinePipeline";
import {CustomizeScene} from "./Phaser/Login/CustomizeScene";
import {ResizableScene} from "./Phaser/Login/ResizableScene";
import {EntryScene} from "./Phaser/Login/EntryScene";
import {coWebsiteManager} from "./WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager";
import {MenuScene} from "./Phaser/Menu/MenuScene";
import {localUserStore} from "./Connexion/LocalUserStore";
import {ErrorScene} from "./Phaser/Reconnecting/ErrorScene";
// Load Jitsi if the environment variable is set.
if (JITSI_URL) {
const jitsiScript = document.createElement('script');
jitsiScript.src = 'https://' + JITSI_URL + '/external_api.js';
const {width, height} = coWebsiteManager.getGameSize();
const valueGameQuality = localUserStore.getGameQualityValue();
const fps : Phaser.Types.Core.FPSConfig = {
* The minimum acceptable rendering rate, in frames per second.
min: valueGameQuality,
* The optimum rendering rate, in frames per second.
target: valueGameQuality,
* Use setTimeout instead of requestAnimationFrame to run the game loop.
forceSetTimeOut: true,
* Calculate the average frame delta from this many consecutive frame intervals.
deltaHistory: 120,
* The amount of frames the time step counts before we trust the delta values again.
panicMax: 20,
* Apply delta smoothing during the game update to help avoid spikes?
smoothStep: false
// the ?phaserMode=canvas parameter can be used to force Canvas usage
const params = new URLSearchParams(;
const phaserMode = params.get("phaserMode");
let mode: number;
switch (phaserMode) {
case 'auto':
case null:
mode = Phaser.AUTO;
case 'canvas':
mode = Phaser.CANVAS;
case 'webgl':
mode = Phaser.WEBGL;
throw new Error('phaserMode parameter must be one of "auto", "canvas" or "webgl"');
const config: GameConfig = {
type: mode,
title: "WorkAdventure",
width: width / RESOLUTION,
height: height / RESOLUTION,
parent: "game",
scene: [EntryScene, LoginScene, SelectCharacterScene, EnableCameraScene, ReconnectingScene, ErrorScene, CustomizeScene, MenuScene],
fps: fps,
dom: {
createContainer: true
physics: {
default: "arcade",
arcade: {
debug: DEBUG_MODE,
callbacks: {
postBoot: game => {
// Commented out to try to fix MacOS bug
/*const renderer = game.renderer;
if (renderer instanceof WebGLRenderer) {
renderer.pipelines.add(OutlinePipeline.KEY, new OutlinePipeline(game));
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) {
const {width, height} = coWebsiteManager.getGameSize();
game.scale.resize(width / RESOLUTION, height / RESOLUTION);
// Let's trigger the onResize method of any active scene that is a ResizableScene
for (const scene of game.scene.getScenes(true)) {
if (scene instanceof ResizableScene) {
coWebsiteManager.onStateChange(() => {
const {width, height} = coWebsiteManager.getGameSize();
game.scale.resize(width / RESOLUTION, height / RESOLUTION);