GRL 9e16bfc366 playGlobalMessage are receive as adminRoomMessage
Suppression of GlobalMessageManager and TypeMessage
Migrating message to svelte
2021-07-22 16:14:27 +02:00

57 lines
1.3 KiB

<script lang="ts">
import { fly } from "svelte/transition";
import {textMessageContentStore, textMessageVisibleStore} from "../../Stores/TypeMessageStore/TextMessageStore";
const text = $textMessageContentStore;
const NAME_BUTTON = 'Ok';
function closeTextMessage() {
function onKeyDown(e:KeyboardEvent) {
if (e.key === 'Escape') {
<svelte:window on:keydown={onKeyDown}/>
<div class="main-text-message nes-container is-rounded" transition:fly="{{ x: -1000, duration: 500 }}">
<div class="content-text-message">
<p> {text} </p>
<div class="footer-text-message">
<button type="button" class="nes-btn is-primary" on:click|preventDefault={closeTextMessage}>{NAME_BUTTON}</button>
<style lang="scss">
div.main-text-message {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
max-height: 25vh;
width: 80vw;
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: auto;
padding-bottom: 0;
pointer-events: auto;
background-color: #333333;
div.content-text-message {
flex: 1 1 auto;
max-height: calc(100% - 50px);
color: whitesmoke;
overflow: auto;
div.footer-text-message {
height: 50px;
text-align: center;