GRL78 95af568653
Link will now be white and underline + Click on the game to lose focus of input field (#1315)
* Link will now be white and underline
Click on the game to lose focus of input field

* Use bind:this instead of querySelector
Add isClickedInside and isClickedOutside to HtmlUtils to know if the user click inside/outside an element targeted
2021-07-27 14:28:35 +02:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

export class HtmlUtils {
public static getElementByIdOrFail<T extends HTMLElement>(id: string): T {
const elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement<T>(elem)) {
return elem;
throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with id '"+id+"'");
public static querySelectorOrFail<T extends HTMLElement>(selector: string): T {
const elem = document.querySelector<T>(selector);
if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement<T>(elem)) {
return elem;
throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with selector '"+selector+"'");
public static removeElementByIdOrFail<T extends HTMLElement>(id: string): T {
const elem = document.getElementById(id);
if (HtmlUtils.isHtmlElement<T>(elem)) {
return elem;
throw new Error("Cannot find HTML element with id '"+id+"'");
public static escapeHtml(html: string): string {
const text = document.createTextNode(html.replace(/(\r\n|\r|\n)/g,'<br/>'));
const p = document.createElement('p');
return p.innerHTML;
public static urlify(text: string, style: string = ""): string {
const urlRegex = /(https?:\/\/[^\s]+)/g;
text = HtmlUtils.escapeHtml(text);
return text.replace(urlRegex, (url: string) => {
const link = document.createElement('a');
link.href = url; = "_blank";
const text = document.createTextNode(url);
link.setAttribute("style", style);
return link.outerHTML;
public static isClickedInside(event: MouseEvent, target: HTMLElement): boolean {
return !!event.composedPath().find((et) => et === target);
public static isClickedOutside(event: MouseEvent, target: HTMLElement): boolean {
return !this.isClickedInside(event, target);
private static isHtmlElement<T extends HTMLElement>(elem: HTMLElement | null): elem is T {
return elem !== null;