David Négrier 96c5d92c46 Fixing disconnection taking ~15 seconds
Most of the time, sending a disconnect event to one of the players is enough (the player will close the connection
which will be shut for the other player).
However! In the rare case where the WebRTC connection is not yet established, if we close the connection on one of the player,
the other player will try connecting until a timeout happens (during this time, the circle with the name is displayed for nothing).

So now, we send disconnection event to every body (not only the people in the group, but also to the person leaving the group)
2020-06-05 13:07:18 +02:00

410 lines
16 KiB

import socketIO = require('');
import {Socket} from "";
import * as http from "http";
import {MessageUserPosition, Point} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserPosition"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.."
import {ExSocketInterface} from "../Model/Websocket/ExSocketInterface"; //TODO fix import by "_Model/.."
import Jwt, {JsonWebTokenError} from "jsonwebtoken";
import {SECRET_KEY, MINIMUM_DISTANCE, GROUP_RADIUS} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; //TODO fix import by "_Enum/..."
import {World} from "../Model/World";
import {Group} from "_Model/Group";
import {UserInterface} from "_Model/UserInterface";
import {SetPlayerDetailsMessage} from "_Model/Websocket/SetPlayerDetailsMessage";
import {MessageUserJoined} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserJoined";
import {MessageUserMoved} from "../Model/Websocket/MessageUserMoved";
import si from "systeminformation";
enum SockerIoEvent {
CONNECTION = "connection",
DISCONNECT = "disconnect",
JOIN_ROOM = "join-room", // bi-directional
USER_POSITION = "user-position", // bi-directional
USER_MOVED = "user-moved", // From server to client
USER_LEFT = "user-left", // From server to client
WEBRTC_SIGNAL = "webrtc-signal",
WEBRTC_OFFER = "webrtc-offer",
WEBRTC_START = "webrtc-start",
WEBRTC_DISCONNECT = "webrtc-disconect",
MESSAGE_ERROR = "message-error",
GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE = "group-create-update",
GROUP_DELETE = "group-delete",
SET_PLAYER_DETAILS = "set-player-details"
export class IoSocketController {
Io: socketIO.Server;
Worlds: Map<string, World> = new Map<string, World>();
sockets: Map<string, ExSocketInterface> = new Map<string, ExSocketInterface>();
constructor(server: http.Server) {
this.Io = socketIO(server);
// Authentication with token. it will be decoded and stored in the socket.
// Completely commented for now, as we do not use the "/login" route at all.
this.Io.use((socket: Socket, next) => {
if (!socket.handshake.query || !socket.handshake.query.token) {
return next(new Error('Authentication error'));
return next(new Error('Authentication error'));
Jwt.verify(socket.handshake.query.token, SECRET_KEY, (err: JsonWebTokenError, tokenDecoded: any) => {
if (err) {
return next(new Error('Authentication error'));
(socket as ExSocketInterface).token = tokenDecoded;
(socket as ExSocketInterface).userId = tokenDecoded.userId;
* @param token
searchClientByToken(token: string): ExSocketInterface | null {
let clients: Array<any> = Object.values(this.Io.sockets.sockets);
for (let i = 0; i < clients.length; i++) {
let client: ExSocketInterface = clients[i];
if (client.token !== token) {
return client;
return null;
private sendUpdateGroupEvent(group: Group): void {
// Let's get the room of the group. To do this, let's get anyone in the group and find its room.
// Note: this is suboptimal
let userId = group.getUsers()[0].id;
let client: ExSocketInterface = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId);
let roomId = client.roomId;, {
position: group.getPosition(),
groupId: group.getId()
private sendDeleteGroupEvent(uuid: string, lastUser: UserInterface): void {
// Let's get the room of the group. To do this, let's get anyone in the group and find its room.
let userId =;
let client: ExSocketInterface = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId);
let roomId = client.roomId;, uuid);
ioConnection() {
this.Io.on(SockerIoEvent.CONNECTION, (socket: Socket) => {
let client : ExSocketInterface = socket as ExSocketInterface;
this.sockets.set(client.userId, client);
// Let's log server load when a user joins
let srvSockets = this.Io.sockets.sockets;
console.log('A user joined (', Object.keys(srvSockets).length, ' connected users)');
si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('Current load: ', data.avgload));
si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('CPU: ', data.currentload, '%'));
// End log server load
/*join-rom event permit to join one room.
message :
userId : user identification
roomId: room identification
position: position of user in map
x: user x position on map
y: user y position on map
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.JOIN_ROOM, (message: any, answerFn): void => {
try {
let roomId = message.roomId;
if (typeof(roomId) !== 'string') {
socket.emit(SockerIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: 'Expected roomId as a string.'});
let position = this.hydratePositionReceive(message.position);
if (position instanceof Error) {
socket.emit(SockerIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: position.message});
let Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface);
if (Client.roomId === roomId) {
//leave previous room
//join new previous room
let world = this.joinRoom(Client, roomId, position);
//add function to refresh position user in real time.
let messageUserJoined = new MessageUserJoined(Client.userId,, Client.character, Client.position);, messageUserJoined);
// The answer shall contain the list of all users of the room with their positions:
let listOfUsers = Array.from(world.getUsers(), ([key, user]) => {
let player = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(;
return new MessageUserPosition(,, player.character, player.position);
} catch (e) {
console.error('An error occurred on "join_room" event');
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.USER_POSITION, (message: any): void => {
try {
let position = this.hydratePositionReceive(message);
if (position instanceof Error) {
socket.emit(SockerIoEvent.MESSAGE_ERROR, {message: position.message});
let Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface);
// sending to all clients in room except sender
Client.position = position;
// update position in the world
let world = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId);
if (!world) {
console.error("Could not find world with id '", Client.roomId, "'");
world.updatePosition(Client, position);, new MessageUserMoved(Client.userId, Client.position));
} catch (e) {
console.error('An error occurred on "user_position" event');
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, (data: any) => {
//send only at user
let client = this.sockets.get(data.receiverId);
if (client === undefined) {
console.warn("While exchanging a WebRTC signal: client with id ", data.receiverId, " does not exist. This might be a race condition.");
return client.emit(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_SIGNAL, data);
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_OFFER, (data: any) => {
//send only at user
let client = this.sockets.get(data.receiverId);
if (client === undefined) {
console.warn("While exchanging a WebRTC offer: client with id ", data.receiverId, " does not exist. This might be a race condition.");
client.emit(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_OFFER, data);
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.DISCONNECT, () => {
let Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface);
try {
//leave room
//leave webrtc room
//delete all socket information
delete Client.webRtcRoomId;
delete Client.roomId;
delete Client.token;
delete Client.position;
} catch (e) {
console.error('An error occurred on "disconnect"');
// Let's log server load when a user leaves
let srvSockets = this.Io.sockets.sockets;
console.log('A user left (', Object.keys(srvSockets).length, ' connected users)');
si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('Current load: ', data.avgload));
si.currentLoad().then(data => console.log('CPU: ', data.currentload, '%'));
// End log server load
// Let's send the user id to the user
socket.on(SockerIoEvent.SET_PLAYER_DETAILS, (playerDetails: SetPlayerDetailsMessage, answerFn) => {
let Client = (socket as ExSocketInterface); =;
Client.character = playerDetails.character;
searchClientByIdOrFail(userId: string): ExSocketInterface {
let client: ExSocketInterface|undefined = this.sockets.get(userId);
if (client === undefined) {
throw new Error("Could not find user with id " + userId);
return client;
leaveRoom(Client : ExSocketInterface){
// leave previous room and world
if(Client.roomId){, Client.userId);
//user leave previous world
let world : World|undefined = this.Worlds.get(Client.roomId);
//user leave previous room
delete Client.roomId;
private joinRoom(Client : ExSocketInterface, roomId: string, position: Point): World {
//join user in room
Client.roomId = roomId;
Client.position = position;
//check and create new world for a room
let world = this.Worlds.get(roomId)
if(world === undefined){
world = new World((user1: string, group: Group) => {
this.connectedUser(user1, group);
}, (user1: string, group: Group) => {
this.disConnectedUser(user1, group);
}, MINIMUM_DISTANCE, GROUP_RADIUS, (group: Group) => {
}, (groupUuid: string, lastUser: UserInterface) => {
this.sendDeleteGroupEvent(groupUuid, lastUser);
this.Worlds.set(roomId, world);
// Dispatch groups position to newly connected user
world.getGroups().forEach((group: Group) => {
Client.emit(SockerIoEvent.GROUP_CREATE_UPDATE, {
position: group.getPosition(),
groupId: group.getId()
//join world
world.join(Client, Client.position);
return world;
* @param socket
* @param roomId
joinWebRtcRoom(socket: ExSocketInterface, roomId: string) {
if (socket.webRtcRoomId === roomId) {
socket.webRtcRoomId = roomId;
//if two persons in room share
if (this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms[roomId].length < 2 /*|| this.Io.sockets.adapter.rooms[roomId].length >= 4*/) {
let clients: Array<ExSocketInterface> = (Object.values(this.Io.sockets.sockets) as Array<ExSocketInterface>)
.filter((client: ExSocketInterface) => client.webRtcRoomId && client.webRtcRoomId === roomId);
//send start at one client to initialise offer webrtc
//send all users in room to create PeerConnection in front
clients.forEach((client: ExSocketInterface, index: number) => {
let clientsId = clients.reduce((tabs: Array<any>, clientId: ExSocketInterface, indexClientId: number) => {
if (!clientId.userId || clientId.userId === client.userId) {
return tabs;
userId: clientId.userId,
initiator: index <= indexClientId
return tabs;
}, []);
client.emit(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_START, {clients: clientsId, roomId: roomId});
//Hydrate and manage error
hydratePositionReceive(message: any): Point | Error {
try {
if (!message.x || !message.y || !message.direction || message.moving === undefined) {
return new Error("invalid point message sent");
return new Point(message.x, message.y, message.direction, message.moving);
} catch (err) {
//TODO log error
return new Error(err);
/** permit to share user position
** users position will send in event 'user-position'
** The data sent is an array with information for each user :
userId: <string>,
roomId: <string>,
position: {
x : <number>,
y : <number>,
direction: <string>
//connected user
connectedUser(userId: string, group: Group) {
/*let Client = this.sockets.get(userId);
if (Client === undefined) {
let Client = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId);
this.joinWebRtcRoom(Client, group.getId());
//disconnect user
disConnectedUser(userId: string, group: Group) {
let Client = this.searchClientByIdOrFail(userId);, {
userId: userId
// Most of the time, sending a disconnect event to one of the players is enough (the player will close the connection
// which will be shut for the other player).
// However! In the rare case where the WebRTC connection is not yet established, if we close the connection on one of the player,
// the other player will try connecting until a timeout happens (during this time, the connection icon will be displayed for nothing).
// So we also send the disconnect event to the other player.
for (let user of group.getUsers()) {
Client.emit(SockerIoEvent.WEBRTC_DISCONNECT, {
//disconnect webrtc room
delete Client.webRtcRoomId;