2020-09-28 18:52:54 +02:00

221 lines
6.5 KiB

import { readdirSync, statSync } from 'fs';
import { join, relative } from 'path';
import { Readable } from 'stream';
import { us_listen_socket_close, TemplatedApp, HttpResponse, HttpRequest } from 'uWebSockets.js';
//import { watch } from 'chokidar';
import { wsConfig } from './livereload';
import sendFile from './sendfile';
import formData from './formdata';
import loadroutes from './loadroutes';
import { graphqlPost, graphqlWs } from './graphql';
import { stob } from './utils';
import { SendFileOptions, Handler } from './types';
const contTypes = ['application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'multipart/form-data'];
const noOp = () => true;
const handleBody = (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => {
const contType = req.getHeader('content-type');
res.bodyStream = function() {
const stream = new Readable();
stream._read = noOp;
this.onData((ab, isLast) => {
// uint and then slicing is bit faster than slice and then uint
stream.push(new Uint8Array(ab.slice(ab.byteOffset, ab.byteLength)));
if (isLast) {
return stream;
res.body = () => stob(res.bodyStream());
if (contType.indexOf('application/json') > -1)
res.json = async () => JSON.parse(await res.body());
if ( => contType.indexOf(t) > -1).indexOf(true) > -1)
res.formData = formData.bind(res, contType);
class BaseApp {
_staticPaths = new Map();
//_watched = new Map();
_sockets = new Map();
__livereloadenabled = false;
ws!: TemplatedApp['ws'];
get!: TemplatedApp['get'];
_post!: TemplatedApp['post'];
_put!: TemplatedApp['put'];
_patch!: TemplatedApp['patch'];
_listen!: TemplatedApp['listen'];
file(pattern: string, filePath: string, options: SendFileOptions = {}) {
if (this._staticPaths.has(pattern)) {
if (options.failOnDuplicateRoute)
throw Error(
`Error serving '${filePath}' for '${pattern}', already serving '${
}' file for this pattern.`
else if (!options.overwriteRoute) return this;
if (options.livereload && !this.__livereloadenabled) {'/__sifrrLiveReload', wsConfig);
this.file('/livereload.js', join(__dirname, './livereloadjs.js'));
this.__livereloadenabled = true;
this._staticPaths.set(pattern, [filePath, options]);
this.get(pattern, this._serveStatic);
return this;
folder(prefix: string, folder: string, options: SendFileOptions, base: string = folder) {
// not a folder
if (!statSync(folder).isDirectory()) {
throw Error('Given path is not a directory: ' + folder);
// ensure slash in beginning and no trailing slash for prefix
if (prefix[0] !== '/') prefix = '/' + prefix;
if (prefix[prefix.length - 1] === '/') prefix = prefix.slice(0, -1);
// serve folder
const filter = options ? options.filter || noOp : noOp;
readdirSync(folder).forEach(file => {
// Absolute path
const filePath = join(folder, file);
// Return if filtered
if (!filter(filePath)) return;
if (statSync(filePath).isDirectory()) {
// Recursive if directory
this.folder(prefix, filePath, options, base);
} else {
this.file(prefix + '/' + relative(base, filePath), filePath, options);
/*if (options && {
if (!this._watched.has(folder)) {
const w = watch(folder);
w.on('unlink', filePath => {
const url = '/' + relative(base, filePath);
this._staticPaths.delete(prefix + url);
w.on('add', filePath => {
const url = '/' + relative(base, filePath);
this.file(prefix + url, filePath, options);
this._watched.set(folder, w);
return this;
_serveStatic(res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) {
const options = this._staticPaths.get(req.getUrl());
if (typeof options === 'undefined') {
res.writeStatus('404 Not Found');
} else sendFile(res, req, options[0], options[1]);
post(pattern: string, handler: Handler) {
if (typeof handler !== 'function')
throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`);
this._post(pattern, (res, req) => {
handleBody(res, req);
handler(res, req);
return this;
put(pattern: string, handler: Handler) {
if (typeof handler !== 'function')
throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`);
this._put(pattern, (res, req) => {
handleBody(res, req);
handler(res, req);
return this;
patch(pattern: string, handler: Handler) {
if (typeof handler !== 'function')
throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`);
this._patch(pattern, (res, req) => {
handleBody(res, req);
handler(res, req);
return this;
graphql(route: string, schema, graphqlOptions: any = {}, uwsOptions = {}, graphql) {
const handler = graphqlPost(schema, graphqlOptions, graphql);, handler);, graphqlWs(schema, graphqlOptions, uwsOptions, graphql));
// this.get(route, handler);
if (graphqlOptions && graphqlOptions.graphiqlPath)
this.file(graphqlOptions.graphiqlPath, join(__dirname, './graphiql.html'));
return this;
load(dir: string, options) {, dir, options);
return this;
listen(h: string | number, p: Function | number = noOp, cb?: Function) {
if (typeof p === 'number' && typeof h === 'string') {
this._listen(h, p, socket => {
this._sockets.set(p, socket);
if (cb === undefined) {
throw new Error('cb undefined');
} else if (typeof h === 'number' && typeof p === 'function') {
this._listen(h, socket => {
this._sockets.set(h, socket);
} else {
throw Error(
'Argument types: (host: string, port: number, cb?: Function) | (port: number, cb?: Function)'
return this;
close(port: null | number = null) {
//this._watched.forEach(v => v.close());
if (port) {
this._sockets.has(port) && us_listen_socket_close(this._sockets.get(port));
} else {
this._sockets.forEach(app => {
return this;
export default BaseApp;