David Négrier 482a344f45 Autoload tiles
This commit adds a listener in the preload function that will be triggered as soon as the map is loaded.
This function will load the resources from the map (tilesets) defined in the map.
That way, we don't have to define manually the list of tiles that have to be loaded (at the expense of a slight delay in loading since we must wait for the map to be loaded to start loading the tiles).
2020-04-15 19:23:06 +02:00

114 lines
2.1 KiB

* Tiled Map Interface
* Represents the interface for the Tiled exported data structure (JSON). Used
* when loading resources via Resource loader.
export interface ITiledMap {
width: number;
height: number;
layers: ITiledMapLayer[];
nextobjectid: number;
* Map orientation (orthogonal)
orientation: string;
properties: {[key: string]: string};
* Render order (right-down)
renderorder: string;
tileheight: number;
tilewidth: number;
tilesets: ITiledTileSet[];
version: number;
export interface ITiledMapLayer {
data: number[]|string;
height: number;
name: string;
opacity: number;
properties: {[key: string]: string};
encoding: string;
compression?: string;
* Type of layer (tilelayer, objectgroup)
type: string;
visible: boolean;
width: number;
x: number;
y: number;
* Draw order (topdown (default), index)
draworder: string;
objects: ITiledMapObject[];
export interface ITiledMapObject {
id: number;
* Tile object id
gid: number;
height: number;
name: string;
properties: {[key: string]: string};
rotation: number;
type: string;
visible: boolean;
width: number;
x: number;
y: number;
* Whether or not object is an ellipse
ellipse: boolean;
* Polygon points
polygon: {x: number, y: number}[];
* Polyline points
polyline: {x: number, y: number}[];
export interface ITiledTileSet {
firstgid: number;
image: string;
imageheight: number;
imagewidth: number;
margin: number;
name: string;
properties: {[key: string]: string};
spacing: number;
tilecount: number;
tileheight: number;
tilewidth: number;
transparentcolor: string;
terrains: ITiledMapTerrain[];
tiles: {[key: string]: { terrain: number[] }};
* Refers to external tileset file (should be JSON)
source: string;
export interface ITiledMapTerrain {
name: string;
tile: number;