David Négrier 34dc5a0bc6 Refactoring WorkAdventureAPI.
Simplifying a lot what was done (even if the new code is a bit less automated, it allows to list exactly the methods we want to see deprecated and to add a notification message)
2021-06-18 17:22:56 +02:00

46 lines
1.6 KiB

import type * as tg from "generic-type-guard";
import type { IframeEvent, IframeEventMap, IframeResponseEventMap } from '../Events/IframeEvent';
import {registeredCallbacks} from "../../registered_callbacks";
export function sendToWorkadventure(content: IframeEvent<keyof IframeEventMap>) {
window.parent.postMessage(content, "*")
type GuardedType<Guard extends tg.TypeGuard<unknown>> = Guard extends tg.TypeGuard<infer T> ? T : never
export function apiCallback<T extends keyof IframeResponseEventMap>(callbackData: IframeCallbackContribution<T>): IframeCallbackContribution<keyof IframeResponseEventMap> {
const iframeCallback = {
typeChecker: callbackData.typeChecker,
callback: callbackData.callback
} as IframeCallback<T>;
const newCallback = { [callbackData.type]: iframeCallback };
Object.assign(registeredCallbacks, newCallback)
return callbackData as unknown as IframeCallbackContribution<keyof IframeResponseEventMap>;
export interface IframeCallback<Key extends keyof IframeResponseEventMap, T = IframeResponseEventMap[Key], Guard = tg.TypeGuard<T>> {
typeChecker: Guard,
callback: (payloadData: T) => void
export interface IframeCallbackContribution<Key extends keyof IframeResponseEventMap> extends IframeCallback<Key> {
type: Key
* !! be aware that the implemented attributes (addMethodsAtRoot and subObjectIdentifier) must be readonly
export abstract class IframeApiContribution<T extends {
callbacks: Array<IframeCallbackContribution<keyof IframeResponseEventMap>>,
}> {
abstract callbacks: T["callbacks"]