import { arrayIntersect } from "../src/Services/ArrayHelper"; import { mapFetcher } from "../src/Services/MapFetcher"; describe("MapFetcher", () => { it("should return true on localhost ending URLs", async () => { expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("https://localhost")).toBeTrue(); expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("https://foo.localhost")).toBeTrue(); }); it("should return true on DNS resolving to a local domain", async () => { expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("")).toBeTrue(); }); it("should return true on an IP resolving to a local domain", async () => { expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("")).toBeTrue(); expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("")).toBeTrue(); }); it("should return false on an IP resolving to a global domain", async () => { expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("")).toBeFalse(); }); it("should return false on an DNS resolving to a global domain", async () => { expect(await mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("")).toBeFalse(); }); it("should throw error on invalid domain", async () => { await expectAsync( mapFetcher.isLocalUrl("") ).toBeRejected(); }); });