import {HtmlUtils} from "./HtmlUtils"; export type CoWebsiteStateChangedCallback = () => void; export class CoWebsiteManager { private static observers = new Array(); public static loadCoWebsite(url: string): void { const cowebsiteDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("cowebsite"); cowebsiteDiv.innerHTML = ''; const iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'cowebsite-iframe'; iframe.src = url; cowebsiteDiv.appendChild(iframe); //iframe.onload = () => { // onload can be long to trigger. Maybe we should display the website, whatever happens, after 1 second?; //} } /** * Just like loadCoWebsite but the div can be filled by the user. */ public static insertCoWebsite(callback: (cowebsite: HTMLDivElement) => void): void { const cowebsiteDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("cowebsite"); cowebsiteDiv.innerHTML = ''; callback(cowebsiteDiv); //iframe.onload = () => { // onload can be long to trigger. Maybe we should display the website, whatever happens, after 1 second?; //} } public static closeCoWebsite(): void { const cowebsiteDiv = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("cowebsite"); cowebsiteDiv.innerHTML = '';; } public static getGameSize(): {width: number, height: number} { const hasChildren = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail("cowebsite").children.length > 0; if (hasChildren === false) { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight } } if (window.innerWidth >= window.innerHeight) { return { width: window.innerWidth / 2, height: window.innerHeight } } else { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight / 2 } } } public static onStateChange(observer: CoWebsiteStateChangedCallback) { CoWebsiteManager.observers.push(observer); } private static fire(): void { for (const callback of CoWebsiteManager.observers) { callback(); } } }