import {gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager"; import {TextField} from "../Components/TextField"; import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image; import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle; import {PLAYER_RESOURCES, PlayerResourceDescriptionInterface} from "../Entity/Character"; import {GameSceneInitInterface} from "../Game/GameScene"; import {StartMapInterface} from "../../Connection"; import {EnableCameraSceneName} from "./EnableCameraScene"; import {CustomizeSceneName} from "./CustomizeScene"; //todo: put this constants in a dedicated file export const SelectCharacterSceneName = "SelectCharacterScene"; enum LoginTextures { playButton = "play_button", icon = "icon", mainFont = "main_font", customizeButton = "customize_button", customizeButtonSelected = "customize_button_selected" } export class SelectCharacterScene extends Phaser.Scene { private readonly nbCharactersPerRow = 4; private textField!: TextField; private pressReturnField!: TextField; private logo!: Image; private customizeButton!: Image; private customizeButtonSelected!: Image; private selectedRectangle!: Rectangle; private selectedRectangleXPos = 0; // Number of the character selected in the rows private selectedRectangleYPos = 0; // Number of the character selected in the columns private selectedPlayer!: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite|null; // null if we are selecting the "customize" option private players: Array = new Array(); constructor() { super({ key: SelectCharacterSceneName }); } preload() { this.load.image(LoginTextures.playButton, "resources/objects/play_button.png"); this.load.image(LoginTextures.icon, "resources/logos/tcm_full.png"); // Note: arcade.png from the Phaser 3 examples at: this.load.bitmapFont(LoginTextures.mainFont, 'resources/fonts/arcade.png', 'resources/fonts/arcade.xml'); //add player png PLAYER_RESOURCES.forEach((playerResource: PlayerResourceDescriptionInterface) => { this.load.spritesheet(, playerResource.img, {frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 32} ); }); this.load.image(LoginTextures.customizeButton, 'resources/objects/customize.png'); this.load.image(LoginTextures.customizeButtonSelected, 'resources/objects/customize_selected.png'); } create() { this.textField = new TextField(this, / 2, 50, 'Select your character'); this.textField.setOrigin(0.5).setCenterAlign() this.pressReturnField = new TextField(this, / 2, 256, 'Press enter to start'); this.pressReturnField.setOrigin(0.5).setCenterAlign() const rectangleXStart = / 2 - (this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32 + 16; this.selectedRectangle = this.add.rectangle(rectangleXStart, 90, 32, 32).setStrokeStyle(2, 0xFFFFFF); this.logo = new Image(this, - 30, - 20, LoginTextures.icon); this.add.existing(this.logo); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-ENTER', () => { return this.nextScene(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-RIGHT', () => { if (this.selectedRectangleXPos < this.nbCharactersPerRow - 1) { this.selectedRectangleXPos++; } this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-LEFT', () => { if (this.selectedRectangleXPos > 0) { this.selectedRectangleXPos--; } this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-DOWN', () => { if (this.selectedRectangleYPos < Math.ceil(PLAYER_RESOURCES.length / this.nbCharactersPerRow)) { this.selectedRectangleYPos++; } this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-UP', () => { if (this.selectedRectangleYPos > 0) { this.selectedRectangleYPos--; } this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); /*create user*/ this.createCurrentPlayer(); if (window.localStorage) { const playerNumberStr: string = window.localStorage.getItem('selectedPlayer') ?? '0'; const playerNumber: number = Number(playerNumberStr); this.selectedRectangleXPos = playerNumber % this.nbCharactersPerRow; this.selectedRectangleYPos = Math.floor(playerNumber / this.nbCharactersPerRow); this.updateSelectedPlayer(); } } update(time: number, delta: number): void { this.pressReturnField.setVisible(!!(Math.floor(time / 500) % 2)); } private nextScene(): void { if (this.selectedPlayer !== null) { gameManager.setCharacterUserSelected(this.selectedPlayer.texture.key); this.scene.start(EnableCameraSceneName); } else { this.scene.start(CustomizeSceneName); } // Do we have a start URL in the address bar? If so, let's redirect to this address /*const instanceAndMapUrl = this.findMapUrl(); if (instanceAndMapUrl !== null) { const [mapUrl, instance] = instanceAndMapUrl; const key = gameManager.loadMap(mapUrl, this.scene, instance); this.scene.start(key, { startLayerName: window.location.hash ? window.location.hash.substr(1) : undefined } as GameSceneInitInterface); return { mapUrlStart: mapUrl, startInstance: instance }; } else { // If we do not have a map address in the URL, let's ask the server for a start map. return gameManager.loadStartMap().then((startMap: StartMapInterface) => { const key = gameManager.loadMap(window.location.protocol + "//" + startMap.mapUrlStart, this.scene, startMap.startInstance); this.scene.start(key); return startMap; }).catch((err) => { console.error(err); throw err; }); }*/ } /** * Returns the map URL and the instance from the current URL */ private findMapUrl(): [string, string]|null { const path = window.location.pathname; if (!path.startsWith('/_/')) { return null; } const instanceAndMap = path.substr(3); const firstSlash = instanceAndMap.indexOf('/'); if (firstSlash === -1) { return null; } const instance = instanceAndMap.substr(0, firstSlash); return [window.location.protocol+'//'+instanceAndMap.substr(firstSlash+1), instance]; } createCurrentPlayer(): void { for (let i = 0; i { this.selectedRectangleXPos = col; this.selectedRectangleYPos = row; this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); this.players.push(player); } this.customizeButton = new Image(this, / 2, 90 + 32 * 4 + 6, LoginTextures.customizeButton); this.customizeButton.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); this.add.existing(this.customizeButton); this.customizeButtonSelected = new Image(this, / 2, 90 + 32 * 4 + 6, LoginTextures.customizeButtonSelected); this.customizeButtonSelected.setOrigin(0.5, 0.5); this.customizeButtonSelected.setVisible(false); this.add.existing(this.customizeButtonSelected); this.customizeButton.setInteractive().on("pointerdown", () => { this.selectedRectangleYPos = Math.ceil(PLAYER_RESOURCES.length / this.nbCharactersPerRow); this.updateSelectedPlayer(); }); this.selectedPlayer = this.players[0];[0].name); } /** * Returns pixel position by on column and row number */ private getCharacterPosition(x: number, y: number): [number, number] { return [ / 2 + 16 + (x - this.nbCharactersPerRow / 2) * 32, y * 32 + 90 ]; } private updateSelectedPlayer(): void { this.selectedPlayer?.anims.pause(); // If we selected the customize button if (this.selectedRectangleYPos === Math.ceil(PLAYER_RESOURCES.length / this.nbCharactersPerRow)) { this.selectedPlayer = null; this.selectedRectangle.setVisible(false); this.customizeButtonSelected.setVisible(true); this.customizeButton.setVisible(false); return; } this.customizeButtonSelected.setVisible(false); this.customizeButton.setVisible(true); const [x, y] = this.getCharacterPosition(this.selectedRectangleXPos, this.selectedRectangleYPos); this.selectedRectangle.setVisible(true); this.selectedRectangle.setX(x); this.selectedRectangle.setY(y); this.selectedRectangle.setSize(32, 32); const playerNumber = this.selectedRectangleXPos + this.selectedRectangleYPos * this.nbCharactersPerRow; const player = this.players[playerNumber];[playerNumber].name); this.selectedPlayer = player; if (window.localStorage) { window.localStorage.setItem('selectedPlayer', String(playerNumber)); } } }