import { Readable } from 'stream'; import { us_listen_socket_close, TemplatedApp, HttpResponse, HttpRequest } from 'uWebSockets.js'; import { stob } from './utils'; import { Handler } from './types'; const noOp = () => true; const handleBody = (res: HttpResponse, req: HttpRequest) => { const contType = req.getHeader('content-type'); res.bodyStream = function() { const stream = new Readable(); stream._read = noOp; // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/unbound-method this.onData((ab, isLast) => { // uint and then slicing is bit faster than slice and then uint stream.push(new Uint8Array(ab.slice((ab as any).byteOffset, ab.byteLength))); // eslint-disable-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any if (isLast) { stream.push(null); } }); return stream; }; res.body = () => stob(res.bodyStream()); if (contType.includes('application/json')) res.json = async () => JSON.parse(await res.body()); }; class BaseApp { _sockets = new Map(); ws!: TemplatedApp['ws']; get!: TemplatedApp['get']; _post!: TemplatedApp['post']; _put!: TemplatedApp['put']; _patch!: TemplatedApp['patch']; _listen!: TemplatedApp['listen']; post(pattern: string, handler: Handler) { if (typeof handler !== 'function') throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`); this._post(pattern, (res, req) => { handleBody(res, req); handler(res, req); }); return this; } put(pattern: string, handler: Handler) { if (typeof handler !== 'function') throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`); this._put(pattern, (res, req) => { handleBody(res, req); handler(res, req); }); return this; } patch(pattern: string, handler: Handler) { if (typeof handler !== 'function') throw Error(`handler should be a function, given ${typeof handler}.`); this._patch(pattern, (res, req) => { handleBody(res, req); handler(res, req); }); return this; } listen(h: string | number, p: Function | number = noOp, cb?: Function) { if (typeof p === 'number' && typeof h === 'string') { this._listen(h, p, socket => { this._sockets.set(p, socket); if (cb === undefined) { throw new Error('cb undefined'); } cb(socket); }); } else if (typeof h === 'number' && typeof p === 'function') { this._listen(h, socket => { this._sockets.set(h, socket); p(socket); }); } else { throw Error( 'Argument types: (host: string, port: number, cb?: Function) | (port: number, cb?: Function)' ); } return this; } close(port: null | number = null) { if (port) { this._sockets.has(port) && us_listen_socket_close(this._sockets.get(port)); this._sockets.delete(port); } else { this._sockets.forEach(app => { us_listen_socket_close(app); }); this._sockets.clear(); } return this; } } export default BaseApp;