import { IframeResponseEventMap, isIframeResponseEventWrapper } from "./Api/Events/IframeEvent"; import type { WorkAdventureApi } from './iframe_api.d'; export const registeredCallbacks: { [K in keyof IframeResponseEventMap]?: { typeChecker: Function callback: Function } } = {} const importType = Promise.all([ import("./Api/iframe/popup"), import("./Api/iframe/chatmessage"), import("./Api/iframe/Sound"), import("./Api/iframe/zone-events"), import("./Api/iframe/Navigation"), import("./Api/iframe/CoWebsite"), import("./Api/iframe/Player"), import("./Api/iframe/Bubble") ]) export type WorkadventureImport = typeof importType declare global { interface Window { WA: WorkAdventureApi } let WA: WorkAdventureApi } async function populateWa(): Promise { const wa: Partial = {} for (const apiImport of await importType) { const classInstance = apiImport.default const commandPrototype = Object.getPrototypeOf(classInstance); const commandClassPropertyNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(commandPrototype).filter(name => name !== "constructor"); const importObject: Partial = {} for (const prop of commandClassPropertyNames) { const apiImportKey = prop as keyof typeof classInstance; if (typeof classInstance[apiImportKey] === "function") { importObject[apiImportKey as keyof WorkAdventureApi] = commandPrototype[apiImportKey] as never } } wa[classInstance.subObjectIdentifier] = importObject as never if (classInstance.addMethodsAtRoot) { Object.assign(wa, importObject) } } window.WA = Object.assign({}, wa) as WorkAdventureApi } populateWa() window.addEventListener('message', message => { if (message.source !== window.parent) { return; // Skip message in this event listener } const payload =; console.debug(payload); if (isIframeResponseEventWrapper(payload)) { const payloadData =; if (registeredCallbacks[payload.type] && registeredCallbacks[payload.type]?.typeChecker(payloadData)) { registeredCallbacks[payload.type]?.callback(payloadData) return } } // ... });