import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image; import Rectangle = Phaser.GameObjects.Rectangle; import { addLoader } from "../Components/Loader"; import { gameManager } from "../Game/GameManager"; import { ResizableScene } from "./ResizableScene"; import { EnableCameraSceneName } from "./EnableCameraScene"; import { localUserStore } from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import type { CompanionResourceDescriptionInterface } from "../Companion/CompanionTextures"; import { getAllCompanionResources } from "../Companion/CompanionTexturesLoadingManager"; import { touchScreenManager } from "../../Touch/TouchScreenManager"; import { PinchManager } from "../UserInput/PinchManager"; import { selectCompanionSceneVisibleStore } from "../../Stores/SelectCompanionStore"; import { waScaleManager } from "../Services/WaScaleManager"; import { isMobile } from "../../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; export const SelectCompanionSceneName = "SelectCompanionScene"; export class SelectCompanionScene extends ResizableScene { private selectedCompanion!: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite; private companions: Array = new Array(); private companionModels: Array = []; private saveZoom: number = 0; private currentCompanion = 0; private pointerClicked: boolean = false; private pointerTimer: number = 0; constructor() { super({ key: SelectCompanionSceneName, }); } preload() { getAllCompanionResources(this.load).forEach((model) => { this.companionModels.push(model); }); //this function must stay at the end of preload function addLoader(this); } create() { selectCompanionSceneVisibleStore.set(true); waScaleManager.saveZoom(); waScaleManager.zoomModifier = isMobile() ? 2 : 1; if (touchScreenManager.supportTouchScreen) { new PinchManager(this); } // input events this.input.keyboard.on("keyup-ENTER", this.selectCompanion.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on("keydown-RIGHT", this.moveToRight.bind(this)); this.input.keyboard.on("keydown-LEFT", this.moveToLeft.bind(this)); if (localUserStore.getCompanion()) { const companionIndex = this.companionModels.findIndex( (companion) => === localUserStore.getCompanion() ); if (companionIndex > -1 || companionIndex < this.companions.length) { this.currentCompanion = companionIndex; this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[companionIndex]; } } localUserStore.setCompanion(null); gameManager.setCompanion(null); this.createCurrentCompanion(); this.updateSelectedCompanion(); } update(time: number, delta: number): void { // pointerTimer is set to 250 when pointerdown events is trigger // After 250ms, pointerClicked is set to false and the pointerdown events can be trigger again this.pointerTimer -= delta; if (this.pointerTimer <= 0) { this.pointerClicked = false; } } public selectCompanion(): void { localUserStore.setCompanion(this.companionModels[this.currentCompanion].name); gameManager.setCompanion(this.companionModels[this.currentCompanion].name); this.closeScene(); } public closeScene() { // next scene this.scene.stop(SelectCompanionSceneName); waScaleManager.restoreZoom(); gameManager.tryResumingGame(EnableCameraSceneName); this.scene.remove(SelectCompanionSceneName); selectCompanionSceneVisibleStore.set(false); } private createCurrentCompanion(): void { for (let i = 0; i < this.companionModels.length; i++) { const companionResource = this.companionModels[i]; const [middleX, middleY] = this.getCompanionPosition(); const companion = this.physics.add.sprite(middleX, middleY,, 0); this.setUpCompanion(companion, i); this.anims.create({ key:, frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers(, { start: 0, end: 2 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1, }); companion.setInteractive().on("pointerdown", () => { if (this.pointerClicked) { return; } //To not trigger two time the pointerdown events : // We set a boolean to true so that pointerdown events does nothing when the boolean is true // We set a timer that we decrease in update function to not trigger the pointerdown events twice this.pointerClicked = true; this.pointerTimer = 250; this.currentCompanion = i; this.moveCompanion(); }); this.companions.push(companion); } this.selectedCompanion = this.companions[this.currentCompanion]; } public onResize(): void { this.moveCompanion(); } private updateSelectedCompanion(): void { this.selectedCompanion?.anims.pause(); const companion = this.companions[this.currentCompanion];[this.currentCompanion].name); this.selectedCompanion = companion; } private moveCompanion() { for (let i = 0; i < this.companions.length; i++) { const companion = this.companions[i]; this.setUpCompanion(companion, i); } this.updateSelectedCompanion(); } public moveToRight() { if (this.currentCompanion === this.companions.length - 1) { return; } this.currentCompanion += 1; this.moveCompanion(); } public moveToLeft() { if (this.currentCompanion === 0) { return; } this.currentCompanion -= 1; this.moveCompanion(); } private defineSetupCompanion(num: number) { const deltaX = 30; const deltaY = 2; let [companionX, companionY] = this.getCompanionPosition(); let companionVisible = true; let companionScale = 1.5; let companionOpactity = 1; if (this.currentCompanion !== num) { companionVisible = false; } if (num === this.currentCompanion + 1) { companionY -= deltaY; companionX += deltaX; companionScale = 0.8; companionOpactity = 0.6; companionVisible = true; } if (num === this.currentCompanion + 2) { companionY -= deltaY; companionX += deltaX * 2; companionScale = 0.8; companionOpactity = 0.6; companionVisible = true; } if (num === this.currentCompanion - 1) { companionY -= deltaY; companionX -= deltaX; companionScale = 0.8; companionOpactity = 0.6; companionVisible = true; } if (num === this.currentCompanion - 2) { companionY -= deltaY; companionX -= deltaX * 2; companionScale = 0.8; companionOpactity = 0.6; companionVisible = true; } return { companionX, companionY, companionScale, companionOpactity, companionVisible }; } /** * Returns pixel position by on column and row number */ private getCompanionPosition(): [number, number] { return [ / 2, / 3]; } private setUpCompanion(companion: Phaser.Physics.Arcade.Sprite, numero: number) { const { companionX, companionY, companionScale, companionOpactity, companionVisible } = this.defineSetupCompanion(numero); companion.setBounce(0.2); companion.setCollideWorldBounds(true); companion.setVisible(companionVisible); companion.setScale(companionScale, companionScale); companion.setAlpha(companionOpactity); companion.setX(companionX); companion.setY(companionY); } }