import Axios from "axios"; import {API_URL, START_ROOM_URL} from "../Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import {RoomConnection} from "./RoomConnection"; import {OnConnectInterface, PositionInterface, ViewportInterface} from "./ConnexionModels"; import {GameConnexionTypes, urlManager} from "../Url/UrlManager"; import {localUserStore} from "./LocalUserStore"; import {LocalUser} from "./LocalUser"; import {Room} from "./Room"; class ConnectionManager { private localUser!:LocalUser; private connexionType?: GameConnexionTypes private reconnectingTimeout: NodeJS.Timeout|null = null; private _unloading:boolean = false; get unloading () { return this._unloading; } constructor() { window.addEventListener('beforeunload', () => { this._unloading = true; if (this.reconnectingTimeout) clearTimeout(this.reconnectingTimeout) }) } /** * Tries to login to the node server and return the starting map url to be loaded */ public async initGameConnexion(): Promise { const connexionType = urlManager.getGameConnexionType(); this.connexionType = connexionType; if(connexionType === GameConnexionTypes.register) { const organizationMemberToken = urlManager.getOrganizationToken(); const data = await`${API_URL}/register`, {organizationMemberToken}).then(res =>; this.localUser = new LocalUser(data.userUuid, data.authToken, data.textures); localUserStore.saveUser(this.localUser); const organizationSlug = data.organizationSlug; const worldSlug = data.worldSlug; const roomSlug = data.roomSlug; const room = new Room('/@/'+organizationSlug+'/'+worldSlug+'/'+roomSlug + + window.location.hash); urlManager.pushRoomIdToUrl(room); return Promise.resolve(room); } else if (connexionType === GameConnexionTypes.organization || connexionType === GameConnexionTypes.anonymous || connexionType === GameConnexionTypes.empty) { const localUser = localUserStore.getLocalUser(); if (localUser && localUser.jwtToken && localUser.uuid && localUser.textures) { this.localUser = localUser; try { await this.verifyToken(localUser.jwtToken); } catch(e) { // If the token is invalid, let's generate an anonymous one. console.error('JWT token invalid. Did it expire? Login anonymously instead.'); await this.anonymousLogin(); } } else { await this.anonymousLogin(); } let roomId: string if (connexionType === GameConnexionTypes.empty) { roomId = START_ROOM_URL; } else { roomId = window.location.pathname + + window.location.hash; } return Promise.resolve(new Room(roomId)); } return Promise.reject(new Error('Invalid URL')); } private async verifyToken(token: string): Promise { await Axios.get(`${API_URL}/verify`, {params: {token}}); } public async anonymousLogin(isBenchmark: boolean = false): Promise { const data = await`${API_URL}/anonymLogin`).then(res =>; this.localUser = new LocalUser(data.userUuid, data.authToken, []); if (!isBenchmark) { // In benchmark, we don't have a local storage. localUserStore.saveUser(this.localUser); } } public initBenchmark(): void { this.localUser = new LocalUser('', 'test', []); } public connectToRoomSocket(roomId: string, name: string, characterLayers: string[], position: PositionInterface, viewport: ViewportInterface): Promise { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const connection = new RoomConnection(this.localUser.jwtToken, roomId, name, characterLayers, position, viewport); connection.onConnectError((error: object) => { console.log('An error occurred while connecting to socket server. Retrying'); reject(error); }); connection.onConnectingError((event: CloseEvent) => { console.log('An error occurred while connecting to socket server. Retrying'); reject(new Error('An error occurred while connecting to socket server. Retrying. Code: '+event.code+', Reason: '+event.reason)); }); connection.onConnect((connect: OnConnectInterface) => { resolve(connect); }); }).catch((err) => { // Let's retry in 4-6 seconds return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.reconnectingTimeout = setTimeout(() => { //todo: allow a way to break recursion? //todo: find a way to avoid recursive function. Otherwise, the call stack will grow indefinitely. this.connectToRoomSocket(roomId, name, characterLayers, position, viewport).then((connection) => resolve(connection)); }, 4000 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2000) ); }); }); } get getConnexionType(){ return this.connexionType; } } export const connectionManager = new ConnectionManager();