import {get, writable} from "svelte/store"; import {peerStore} from "./PeerStore"; import {visibilityStore} from "./VisibilityStore"; /** * A store that contains "true" if the webcam should be stopped for privacy reasons - i.e. if the the user left the the page while not in a discussion. */ function createPrivacyShutdownStore() { let privacyEnabled = false; const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(privacyEnabled); visibilityStore.subscribe((isVisible) => { if (!isVisible && get(peerStore).size === 0) { privacyEnabled = true; set(true); } if (isVisible) { privacyEnabled = false; set(false); } }); peerStore.subscribe((peers) => { if (peers.size === 0 && get(visibilityStore) === false) { privacyEnabled = true; set(true); } }); return { subscribe, }; } export const privacyShutdownStore = createPrivacyShutdownStore();