import {readable, writable} from "svelte/store"; import type {RemotePeer, SimplePeer} from "../WebRtc/SimplePeer"; import {VideoPeer} from "../WebRtc/VideoPeer"; import {ScreenSharingPeer} from "../WebRtc/ScreenSharingPeer"; /** * A store that contains the list of (video) peers we are connected to. */ function createPeerStore() { let peers = new Map(); const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(peers); return { subscribe, connectToSimplePeer: (simplePeer: SimplePeer) => { peers = new Map(); set(peers); simplePeer.registerPeerConnectionListener({ onConnect(peer: RemotePeer) { if (peer instanceof VideoPeer) { update(users => { users.set(peer.userId, peer); return users; }); } }, onDisconnect(userId: number) { update(users => { users.delete(userId); return users; }); } }) } }; } /** * A store that contains the list of screen sharing peers we are connected to. */ function createScreenSharingPeerStore() { let peers = new Map(); const { subscribe, set, update } = writable(peers); return { subscribe, connectToSimplePeer: (simplePeer: SimplePeer) => { peers = new Map(); set(peers); simplePeer.registerPeerConnectionListener({ onConnect(peer: RemotePeer) { if (peer instanceof ScreenSharingPeer) { update(users => { users.set(peer.userId, peer); return users; }); } }, onDisconnect(userId: number) { update(users => { users.delete(userId); return users; }); } }) } }; } export const peerStore = createPeerStore(); export const screenSharingPeerStore = createScreenSharingPeerStore(); /** * A store that contains ScreenSharingPeer, ONLY if those ScreenSharingPeer are emitting a stream towards us! */ function createScreenSharingStreamStore() { let peers = new Map(); return readable>(peers, function start(set) { let unsubscribes: (()=>void)[] = []; const unsubscribe = screenSharingPeerStore.subscribe((screenSharingPeers) => { for (const unsubscribe of unsubscribes) { unsubscribe(); } unsubscribes = []; peers = new Map(); screenSharingPeers.forEach((screenSharingPeer: ScreenSharingPeer, key: number) => { if (screenSharingPeer.isReceivingScreenSharingStream()) { peers.set(key, screenSharingPeer); } unsubscribes.push(screenSharingPeer.streamStore.subscribe((stream) => { if (stream) { peers.set(key, screenSharingPeer); } else { peers.delete(key); } set(peers); })); }); set(peers); }); return function stop() { unsubscribe(); for (const unsubscribe of unsubscribes) { unsubscribe(); } }; }) } export const screenSharingStreamStore = createScreenSharingStreamStore();