// lib/app.ts import {IoSocketController} from "./Controller/IoSocketController"; //TODO fix import by "_Controller/..." import {AuthenticateController} from "./Controller/AuthenticateController"; //TODO fix import by "_Controller/..." import express from "express"; import {Application, Request, Response} from 'express'; import bodyParser = require('body-parser'); import * as http from "http"; import {MapController} from "./Controller/MapController"; import {PrometheusController} from "./Controller/PrometheusController"; import {AdminController} from "./Controller/AdminController"; import {DebugController} from "./Controller/DebugController"; class App { public app: Application; public server: http.Server; public ioSocketController: IoSocketController; public authenticateController: AuthenticateController; public mapController: MapController; public prometheusController: PrometheusController; private adminController: AdminController; private debugController: DebugController; constructor() { this.app = express(); //config server http this.server = http.createServer(this.app); this.config(); this.crossOrigin(); //TODO add middleware with access token to secure api //create socket controllers this.ioSocketController = new IoSocketController(this.server); this.authenticateController = new AuthenticateController(this.app); this.mapController = new MapController(this.app); this.prometheusController = new PrometheusController(this.app, this.ioSocketController); this.adminController = new AdminController(this.app); this.debugController = new DebugController(this.app, this.ioSocketController); } // TODO add session user private config(): void { this.app.use(bodyParser.json()); this.app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: false})); } private crossOrigin(){ this.app.use((req: Request, res: Response, next) => { res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*"); // update to match the domain you will make the request from // Request methods you wish to allow res.setHeader('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, OPTIONS, PUT, PATCH, DELETE'); // Request headers you wish to allow res.setHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Origin, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Accept"); next(); }); } } export default new App().server;