import {assertLogMessage} from "./utils/log"; const fs = require('fs'); const Docker = require('dockerode'); import { Selector } from 'testcafe'; import {login} from "./utils/roles"; import { findContainer, rebootBack, rebootPusher, resetRedis, rebootTraefik, startContainer, stopContainer, stopRedis, startRedis } from "./utils/containers"; import {getBackDump, getPusherDump} from "./utils/debug"; fixture `Modules` .page `http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Modules/with_modules.json`; test("Test that module loading works out of the box", async (t: TestController) => { await login(t, 'http://play.workadventure.localhost/_/global/maps.workadventure.localhost/tests/Modules/with_modules.json'); await assertLogMessage(t, 'Successfully loaded module: foo = bar'); t.ctx.passed = true; }).after(async t => { if (!t.ctx.passed) { console.log("Test 'Test that module loading works out of the box' failed. Browser logs:") try { console.log(await t.getBrowserConsoleMessages()); } catch (e) { console.error('Error while fetching browser logs (maybe linked to a closed iframe?)', e); try { console.log('Logs from main window:'); console.log(await t.switchToMainWindow().getBrowserConsoleMessages()); } catch (e) { console.error('Unable to retrieve logs', e); } } } });