import 'phaser'; import GameConfig = Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig; import {DEBUG_MODE, JITSI_URL, RESOLUTION} from "./Enum/EnvironmentVariable"; import {cypressAsserter} from "./Cypress/CypressAsserter"; import {LoginScene} from "./Phaser/Login/LoginScene"; import {ReconnectingScene} from "./Phaser/Reconnecting/ReconnectingScene"; import {SelectCharacterScene} from "./Phaser/Login/SelectCharacterScene"; import {EnableCameraScene} from "./Phaser/Login/EnableCameraScene"; import {FourOFourScene} from "./Phaser/Reconnecting/FourOFourScene"; import WebGLRenderer = Phaser.Renderer.WebGL.WebGLRenderer; import {OutlinePipeline} from "./Phaser/Shaders/OutlinePipeline"; import {CustomizeScene} from "./Phaser/Login/CustomizeScene"; import {CoWebsiteManager} from "./WebRtc/CoWebsiteManager"; import {connectionManager} from "./Connexion/ConnectionManager"; import {ResizableScene} from "./Phaser/Login/ResizableScene"; import {MenuScene} from "./Phaser/Login/MenuScene"; //CoWebsiteManager.loadCoWebsite(''); connectionManager.init(); // Load Jitsi if the environment variable is set. if (JITSI_URL) { const jitsiScript = document.createElement('script'); jitsiScript.src = 'https://' + JITSI_URL + '/external_api.js'; document.head.appendChild(jitsiScript); } const {width, height} = CoWebsiteManager.getGameSize(); const config: GameConfig = { title: "WorkAdventure", width: width / RESOLUTION, height: height / RESOLUTION, parent: "game", scene: [LoginScene, SelectCharacterScene, EnableCameraScene, ReconnectingScene, FourOFourScene, CustomizeScene, MenuScene], zoom: RESOLUTION, physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { debug: DEBUG_MODE } }, callbacks: { postBoot: game => { // FIXME: we should fore WebGL in the config. const renderer = game.renderer as WebGLRenderer; renderer.addPipeline(OutlinePipeline.KEY, new OutlinePipeline(game)); } } }; cypressAsserter.gameStarted(); const game = new Phaser.Game(config); window.addEventListener('resize', function (event) { const {width, height} = CoWebsiteManager.getGameSize(); game.scale.resize(width / RESOLUTION, height / RESOLUTION); // Let's trigger the onResize method of any active scene that is a ResizableScene for (const scene of game.scene.getScenes(true)) { if (scene instanceof ResizableScene) { scene.onResize(event); } } }); CoWebsiteManager.onStateChange(() => { const {width, height} = CoWebsiteManager.getGameSize(); game.scale.resize(width / RESOLUTION, height / RESOLUTION); });