import { GameScene } from "./GameScene"; import { connectionManager } from "../../Connexion/ConnectionManager"; import type { Room } from "../../Connexion/Room"; import { MenuScene, MenuSceneName } from "../Menu/MenuScene"; import { LoginSceneName } from "../Login/LoginScene"; import { SelectCharacterSceneName } from "../Login/SelectCharacterScene"; import { EnableCameraSceneName } from "../Login/EnableCameraScene"; import { localUserStore } from "../../Connexion/LocalUserStore"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; import { requestedCameraState, requestedMicrophoneState } from "../../Stores/MediaStore"; import { helpCameraSettingsVisibleStore } from "../../Stores/HelpCameraSettingsStore"; /** * This class should be responsible for any scene starting/stopping */ export class GameManager { private playerName: string | null; private characterLayers: string[] | null; private companion: string | null; private startRoom!: Room; private scenePlugin!: Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin; currentGameSceneName: string | null = null; constructor() { this.playerName = localUserStore.getName(); this.characterLayers = localUserStore.getCharacterLayers(); this.companion = localUserStore.getCompanion(); } public async init(scenePlugin: Phaser.Scenes.ScenePlugin): Promise { this.scenePlugin = scenePlugin; this.startRoom = await connectionManager.initGameConnexion(); this.loadMap(this.startRoom); if (!this.playerName) { return LoginSceneName; } else if (!this.characterLayers || !this.characterLayers.length) { return SelectCharacterSceneName; } else { return EnableCameraSceneName; } } public setPlayerName(name: string): void { this.playerName = name; localUserStore.setName(name); } public setCharacterLayers(layers: string[]): void { this.characterLayers = layers; localUserStore.setCharacterLayers(layers); } getPlayerName(): string | null { return this.playerName; } getCharacterLayers(): string[] { if (!this.characterLayers) { throw "characterLayers are not set"; } return this.characterLayers; } setCompanion(companion: string | null): void { this.companion = companion; } getCompanion(): string | null { return this.companion; } public loadMap(room: Room) { const roomID = room.key; const gameIndex = this.scenePlugin.getIndex(roomID); if (gameIndex === -1) { const game: Phaser.Scene = new GameScene(room, room.mapUrl); this.scenePlugin.add(roomID, game, false); } } public goToStartingMap(): void { console.log("starting " + (this.currentGameSceneName || this.startRoom.key)); this.scenePlugin.start(this.currentGameSceneName || this.startRoom.key); this.scenePlugin.launch(MenuSceneName); if ( !localUserStore.getHelpCameraSettingsShown() && (!get(requestedMicrophoneState) || !get(requestedCameraState)) ) { helpCameraSettingsVisibleStore.set(true); localUserStore.setHelpCameraSettingsShown(); } } public gameSceneIsCreated(scene: GameScene) { this.currentGameSceneName = scene.scene.key; const menuScene: MenuScene = scene.scene.get(MenuSceneName) as MenuScene; menuScene.revealMenuIcon(); } /** * Temporary leave a gameScene to go back to the loginScene for example. * This will close the socket connections and stop the gameScene, but won't remove it. */ leaveGame(targetSceneName: string, sceneClass: Phaser.Scene): void { if (this.currentGameSceneName === null) throw "No current scene id set!"; const gameScene: GameScene = this.scenePlugin.get(this.currentGameSceneName) as GameScene; gameScene.cleanupClosingScene(); this.scenePlugin.stop(this.currentGameSceneName); this.scenePlugin.sleep(MenuSceneName); if (!this.scenePlugin.get(targetSceneName)) { this.scenePlugin.add(targetSceneName, sceneClass, false); }; } /** * follow up to leaveGame() */ tryResumingGame(fallbackSceneName: string) { if (this.currentGameSceneName) { this.scenePlugin.start(this.currentGameSceneName); this.scenePlugin.wake(MenuSceneName); } else {; } } public getCurrentGameScene(): GameScene { if (this.currentGameSceneName === null) throw "No current scene id set!"; return this.scenePlugin.get(this.currentGameSceneName) as GameScene; } } export const gameManager = new GameManager();