import {gameManager} from "../Game/GameManager"; import {TextField} from "../Components/TextField"; import {TextInput} from "../Components/TextInput"; import {ClickButton} from "../Components/ClickButton"; import {GameSceneName} from "../Game/GameScene"; import Image = Phaser.GameObjects.Image; //todo: put this constants in a dedicated file export const LoginSceneName = "LoginScene"; enum LoginTextures { playButton = "play_button", icon = "icon" } export class LogincScene extends Phaser.Scene { private emailInput: TextInput; private textField: TextField; private playButton: ClickButton; private infoTextField: TextField; private logo: Image; constructor() { super({ key: LoginSceneName }); } preload() { this.load.image(LoginTextures.playButton, "resources/objects/play_button.png"); this.load.image(LoginTextures.icon, "resources/logos/tcm_full.png"); } create() { this.textField = new TextField(this, 10, 10, 'Enter your name:'); this.emailInput = new TextInput(this, 10, 50); let x = / 2; let y = / 2; this.playButton = new ClickButton(this, x, y, LoginTextures.playButton, this.login.bind(this)); this.logo = new Image(this, - 30, - 20, LoginTextures.icon); this.add.existing(this.logo); let infoText = "Commands: \n - Arrows or Z,Q,S,D to move\n - SHIFT to run"; this.infoTextField = new TextField(this, 10, - 60, infoText); } update(time: number, delta: number): void { } async login() { let email = this.emailInput.text; if (!email) return; gameManager.connect(email).then(() => { this.scene.start(GameSceneName); }); } }