{ local env = std.extVar("env"), local namespace = env.DEPLOY_REF, local tag = namespace, local url = namespace+".test.workadventu.re", // develop branch does not use admin because of issue with SSL certificate of admin as of now. local adminUrl = if namespace == "master" || namespace == "develop" || std.startsWith(namespace, "admin") then "https://"+url else null, "$schema": "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thecodingmachine/deeployer/master/deeployer.schema.json", "version": "1.0", "containers": { "back1": { "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-back:"+tag, "host": { "url": "api1-"+url, "containerPort": 8080 }, "ports": [8080, 50051], "env": { "SECRET_KEY": "tempSecretKeyNeedsToChange", "ADMIN_API_TOKEN": env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN, "JITSI_ISS": env.JITSI_ISS, "JITSI_URL": env.JITSI_URL, "SECRET_JITSI_KEY": env.SECRET_JITSI_KEY, "TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET": env.TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET, "REDIS_HOST": "redis", } + (if adminUrl != null then { "ADMIN_API_URL": adminUrl, } else {}) }, "back2": { "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-back:"+tag, "host": { "url": "api2-"+url, "containerPort": 8080 }, "ports": [8080, 50051], "env": { "SECRET_KEY": "tempSecretKeyNeedsToChange", "ADMIN_API_TOKEN": env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN, "JITSI_ISS": env.JITSI_ISS, "JITSI_URL": env.JITSI_URL, "SECRET_JITSI_KEY": env.SECRET_JITSI_KEY, "TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET": env.TURN_STATIC_AUTH_SECRET, "REDIS_HOST": "redis", } + (if adminUrl != null then { "ADMIN_API_URL": adminUrl, } else {}) }, "pusher": { "replicas": 2, "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-pusher:"+tag, "host": { "url": "pusher-"+url, }, "ports": [8080], "env": { "SECRET_KEY": "tempSecretKeyNeedsToChange", "ADMIN_API_TOKEN": env.ADMIN_API_TOKEN, "JITSI_ISS": env.JITSI_ISS, "JITSI_URL": env.JITSI_URL, "API_URL": "back1:50051,back2:50051", "SECRET_JITSI_KEY": env.SECRET_JITSI_KEY, } + (if adminUrl != null then { "ADMIN_API_URL": adminUrl, } else {}) }, "front": { "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-front:"+tag, "host": { "url": "play-"+url, }, "ports": [80], "env": { "PUSHER_URL": "//pusher-"+url, "UPLOADER_URL": "//uploader-"+url, "ADMIN_URL": "//"+url, "JITSI_URL": env.JITSI_URL, "SECRET_JITSI_KEY": env.SECRET_JITSI_KEY, "TURN_SERVER": "turn:coturn.workadventu.re:443,turns:coturn.workadventu.re:443", "JITSI_PRIVATE_MODE": if env.SECRET_JITSI_KEY != '' then "true" else "false", "START_ROOM_URL": "/_/global/maps-"+url+"/Floor0/floor0.json" //"GA_TRACKING_ID": "UA-10196481-11" } }, "uploader": { "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-uploader:"+tag, "host": { "url": "uploader-"+url, "containerPort": 8080 }, "ports": [8080], "env": { } }, "maps": { "image": "thecodingmachine/workadventure-maps:"+tag, "host": { "url": "maps-"+url }, "ports": [80] }, "redis": { "image": "redis:6", "ports": [6379] } }, "config": { k8sextension(k8sConf):: k8sConf + { back1+: { deployment+: { spec+: { template+: { metadata+: { annotations+: { "prometheus.io/port": "8080", "prometheus.io/scrape": "true" } } } } }, ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["api1-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, back2+: { deployment+: { spec+: { template+: { metadata+: { annotations+: { "prometheus.io/port": "8080", "prometheus.io/scrape": "true" } } } } }, ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["api2-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, pusher+: { deployment+: { spec+: { template+: { metadata+: { annotations+: { "prometheus.io/port": "8080", "prometheus.io/scrape": "true" } } } } }, ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["pusher-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, front+: { ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["play-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, uploader+: { ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["uploader-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, maps+: { ingress+: { spec+: { tls+: [{ hosts: ["maps-"+url], secretName: "certificate-tls" }] } } }, } } }