import { HtmlUtils } from "./HtmlUtils"; import { Subject } from "rxjs"; import { waScaleManager } from "../Phaser/Services/WaScaleManager"; import { coWebsites, coWebsitesNotAsleep, jitsiCoWebsite, mainCoWebsite } from "../Stores/CoWebsiteStore"; import { get } from "svelte/store"; import { embedScreenLayout, highlightedEmbedScreen } from "../Stores/EmbedScreensStore"; import { isMediaBreakpointDown } from "../Utils/BreakpointsUtils"; import { LayoutMode } from "./LayoutManager"; import type { CoWebsite } from "./CoWebsite/CoWesbite"; import type CancelablePromise from "cancelable-promise"; export enum iframeStates { closed = 1, loading, // loading an iframe can be slow, so we show some placeholder until it is ready opened, } const cowebsiteDomId = "cowebsite"; // the id of the whole container. const gameOverlayDomId = "game-overlay"; const cowebsiteBufferDomId = "cowebsite-buffer"; // the id of the container who contains cowebsite iframes. const cowebsiteAsideHolderDomId = "cowebsite-aside-holder"; const cowebsiteLoaderDomId = "cowebsite-loader"; const cowebsiteCloseButtonId = "cowebsite-close"; const cowebsiteFullScreenButtonId = "cowebsite-fullscreen"; const cowebsiteOpenFullScreenImageId = "cowebsite-fullscreen-open"; const cowebsiteCloseFullScreenImageId = "cowebsite-fullscreen-close"; const cowebsiteSwipeButtonId = "cowebsite-swipe"; const cowebsiteSlotBaseDomId = "cowebsite-slot-"; const animationTime = 500; //time used by the css transitions, in ms. interface TouchMoveCoordinates { x: number; y: number; } class CoWebsiteManager { private openedMain: iframeStates = iframeStates.closed; private _onResize: Subject = new Subject(); public onResize = this._onResize.asObservable(); private cowebsiteDom: HTMLDivElement; private resizing: boolean = false; private gameOverlayDom: HTMLDivElement; private cowebsiteBufferDom: HTMLDivElement; private cowebsiteAsideHolderDom: HTMLDivElement; private cowebsiteLoaderDom: HTMLDivElement; private previousTouchMoveCoordinates: TouchMoveCoordinates | null = null; //only use on touchscreens to track touch movement private loaderAnimationInterval: { interval: NodeJS.Timeout | undefined; trails: number[] | undefined; }; private resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver((entries) => { this.resizeAllIframes(); }); public getMainState() { return this.openedMain; } get width(): number { return this.cowebsiteDom.clientWidth; } set width(width: number) { = width + "px"; } get maxWidth(): number { let maxWidth = 75 * window.innerWidth; if (maxWidth !== 0) { maxWidth = Math.round(maxWidth / 100); } return maxWidth; } get height(): number { return this.cowebsiteDom.clientHeight; } set height(height: number) { = height + "px"; } get maxHeight(): number { let maxHeight = 60 * window.innerHeight; if (maxHeight !== 0) { maxHeight = Math.round(maxHeight / 100); } return maxHeight; } get verticalMode(): boolean { return window.innerWidth < window.innerHeight; } get isFullScreen(): boolean { return this.verticalMode ? this.height === window.innerHeight : this.width === window.innerWidth; } constructor() { this.cowebsiteDom = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteDomId); this.gameOverlayDom = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(gameOverlayDomId); this.cowebsiteBufferDom = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteBufferDomId); this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteAsideHolderDomId); this.cowebsiteLoaderDom = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteLoaderDomId); this.loaderAnimationInterval = { interval: undefined, trails: undefined, }; this.holderListeners(); this.transitionListeners(); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.cowebsiteDom); this.resizeObserver.observe(this.gameOverlayDom); const buttonCloseCoWebsite = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteCloseButtonId); buttonCloseCoWebsite.addEventListener("click", () => { const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (!coWebsite) { throw new Error("Undefined main co-website on closing"); } if (coWebsite.isClosable()) { this.closeCoWebsite(coWebsite); } else { this.unloadCoWebsite(coWebsite).catch((err) => { console.error("Cannot unload co-website on click on close button", err); }); } }); const buttonFullScreenFrame = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteFullScreenButtonId); buttonFullScreenFrame.addEventListener("click", () => { buttonFullScreenFrame.blur(); this.fullscreen(); }); const buttonSwipe = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteSwipeButtonId); highlightedEmbedScreen.subscribe((value) => { if (!value || value.type !== "cowebsite") { = "none"; return; } = "block"; }); buttonSwipe.addEventListener("click", () => { const highlightedEmbed = get(highlightedEmbedScreen); if (highlightedEmbed?.type === "cowebsite") { this.goToMain(highlightedEmbed.embed); } }); } public getCoWebsiteBuffer(): HTMLDivElement { return this.cowebsiteBufferDom; } public getDevicePixelRatio(): number { //on chrome engines, movementX and movementY return global screens coordinates while other browser return pixels //so on chrome-based browser we need to adjust using 'devicePixelRatio' return window.navigator.userAgent.includes("Firefox") ? 1 : window.devicePixelRatio; } private holderListeners() { const movecallback = (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => { let x, y; if (event.type === "mousemove") { x = (event as MouseEvent).movementX / this.getDevicePixelRatio(); y = (event as MouseEvent).movementY / this.getDevicePixelRatio(); } else { const touchEvent = (event as TouchEvent).touches[0]; const last = { x: touchEvent.pageX, y: touchEvent.pageY }; const previous = this.previousTouchMoveCoordinates as TouchMoveCoordinates; this.previousTouchMoveCoordinates = last; x = last.x - previous.x; y = last.y - previous.y; } if (this.verticalMode) { const tempValue = this.height + y; if (tempValue < this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetHeight) { this.height = this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetHeight; } else if (tempValue > this.maxHeight) { this.height = this.maxHeight; } else { this.height = tempValue; } } else { const tempValue = this.width - x; if (tempValue < this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetWidth) { this.width = this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetWidth; } else if (tempValue > this.maxWidth) { this.width = this.maxWidth; } else { this.width = tempValue; } }; }; this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => { if (this.isFullScreen) return; const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (!coWebsite) { this.closeMain(); return; } const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "none"; } this.resizing = true; document.addEventListener("mousemove", movecallback); }); document.addEventListener("mouseup", (event) => { if (!this.resizing || this.isFullScreen) return; document.removeEventListener("mousemove", movecallback); const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (!coWebsite) { this.resizing = false; this.closeMain(); return; } const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "flex"; } this.resizing = false; }); this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.addEventListener("touchstart", (event) => { if (this.isFullScreen) return; const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (!coWebsite) { this.closeMain(); return; } const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "none"; } this.resizing = true; const touchEvent = event.touches[0]; this.previousTouchMoveCoordinates = { x: touchEvent.pageX, y: touchEvent.pageY }; document.addEventListener("touchmove", movecallback); }); document.addEventListener("touchend", (event) => { if (!this.resizing || this.isFullScreen) return; this.previousTouchMoveCoordinates = null; document.removeEventListener("touchmove", movecallback); const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (!coWebsite) { this.closeMain(); this.resizing = false; return; } const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "flex"; } this.resizing = false; }); } private transitionListeners() { this.cowebsiteDom.addEventListener("transitionend", (event) => { if (this.cowebsiteDom.classList.contains("loading")) {; } if (this.cowebsiteDom.classList.contains("closing")) { this.cowebsiteDom.classList.remove("closing"); if (this.loaderAnimationInterval.interval) { clearInterval(this.loaderAnimationInterval.interval); } this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails = undefined; } }); } public displayMain() { const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (coWebsite) { const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "block"; } } this.loadMain(coWebsite?.getWidthPercent()); this.openMain();; } public hideMain() { const coWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (coWebsite) { const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = "none"; } } this.cowebsiteDom.classList.add("closing"); this.cowebsiteDom.classList.remove("opened"); this.openedMain = iframeStates.closed;; } private closeMain(): void { this.toggleFullScreenIcon(true); this.cowebsiteDom.classList.add("closing"); this.cowebsiteDom.classList.remove("opened"); this.openedMain = iframeStates.closed; this.resetStyleMain();; } private loadMain(openingWidth?: number): void { this.loaderAnimationInterval.interval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails) { this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails = [0, 1, 2]; } for (let trail = 1; trail < this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails.length + 1; trail++) { for (let state = 0; state < 4; state++) { // const newState = this.loaderAnimationInterval.frames + trail -1; const stateDom = this.cowebsiteLoaderDom.querySelector( `#trail-${trail}-state-${state}` ) as SVGPolygonElement; if (!stateDom) { continue; } = this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails[trail - 1] !== 0 && this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails[trail - 1] >= state ? "visible" : "hidden"; } } this.loaderAnimationInterval.trails = => trail === 3 ? 0 : trail + 1 ); }, 200); if (!this.verticalMode && openingWidth) { let newWidth = 50; if (openingWidth > 100) { newWidth = 100; } else if (openingWidth > 1) { newWidth = openingWidth; } newWidth = Math.round((newWidth * this.maxWidth) / 100); if (newWidth < this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetWidth) { newWidth = this.cowebsiteAsideHolderDom.offsetWidth; } this.width = newWidth; } this.cowebsiteDom.classList.add("opened"); this.openedMain = iframeStates.loading; } private openMain(): void { this.cowebsiteDom.addEventListener("transitionend", () => { this.resizeAllIframes(); }); this.openedMain = iframeStates.opened; } public resetStyleMain() { = ""; = ""; } public getCoWebsites(): CoWebsite[] { return get(coWebsites); } public getCoWebsiteById(coWebsiteId: string): CoWebsite | undefined { return get(coWebsites).find((coWebsite: CoWebsite) => { return coWebsite.getId() === coWebsiteId; }); } private getCoWebsiteByPosition(position: number): CoWebsite | undefined { let i = 0; return get(coWebsites).find((coWebsite: CoWebsite) => { if (i === position) { return coWebsite; } i++; return false; }); } private getMainCoWebsite(): CoWebsite | undefined { return get(mainCoWebsite); } private getPositionByCoWebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite): number { return get(coWebsites).findIndex((currentCoWebsite) => { return currentCoWebsite.getId() === coWebsite.getId(); }); } private getSlotByCowebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite): HTMLDivElement | undefined { const index = this.getPositionByCoWebsite(coWebsite); if (index === -1) { return undefined; } let id = cowebsiteSlotBaseDomId; if (index === 0) { id += "main"; } else { id += coWebsite.getId(); } const slot = HtmlUtils.getElementById(id); return slot; } private setIframeOffset(coWebsite: CoWebsite) { const coWebsiteSlot = this.getSlotByCowebsite(coWebsite); if (!coWebsiteSlot) { return; } const bounding = coWebsiteSlot.getBoundingClientRect(); const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (iframe) { = + "px"; = bounding.left + "px"; = bounding.right - bounding.left + "px"; = bounding.bottom - + "px"; } } public resizeAllIframes() { const mainCoWebsite = this.getCoWebsiteByPosition(0); const mainIframe = mainCoWebsite?.getIframe(); const highlightEmbed = get(highlightedEmbedScreen); get(coWebsites).forEach((coWebsite: CoWebsite) => { const iframe = coWebsite.getIframe(); if (!iframe) { return; } const notMain = !mainCoWebsite || (mainCoWebsite && mainIframe && !==; const notHighlighEmbed = !highlightEmbed || (highlightEmbed && (highlightEmbed.type !== "cowebsite" || (highlightEmbed.type === "cowebsite" && highlightEmbed.embed.getId() !== coWebsite.getId()))); if (iframe.classList.contains("main") && notMain) { iframe.classList.remove("main"); } if (iframe.classList.contains("highlighted") && notHighlighEmbed) { iframe.classList.remove("highlighted"); iframe.classList.add("pixel"); = "-1px"; = "-1px"; } if (notMain && notHighlighEmbed) { iframe.classList.add("pixel"); = "-1px"; = "-1px"; } this.setIframeOffset(coWebsite); }); if (mainIframe) { mainIframe.classList.add("main"); mainIframe.classList.remove("pixel"); } if (highlightEmbed && highlightEmbed.type === "cowebsite") { const highlightEmbedIframe = highlightEmbed.embed.getIframe(); if (highlightEmbedIframe) { highlightEmbedIframe.classList.add("highlighted"); highlightEmbedIframe.classList.remove("pixel"); } } } private removeHighlightCoWebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite) { const highlighted = get(highlightedEmbedScreen); if (highlighted && highlighted.type === "cowebsite" && highlighted.embed.getId() === coWebsite.getId()) { highlightedEmbedScreen.removeHighlight(); } } private removeCoWebsiteFromStack(coWebsite: CoWebsite) { this.removeHighlightCoWebsite(coWebsite); coWebsites.remove(coWebsite); if (get(coWebsites).length < 1) { this.closeMain(); } coWebsite.unload().catch((err) => { console.error("Cannot unload cowebsite on remove from stack"); }); } public goToMain(coWebsite: CoWebsite) { const mainCoWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); coWebsites.remove(coWebsite); coWebsites.add(coWebsite, 0); if ( isMediaBreakpointDown("lg") && get(embedScreenLayout) === LayoutMode.Presentation && mainCoWebsite && mainCoWebsite.getId() !== coWebsite.getId() && mainCoWebsite.getState() !== "asleep" ) { highlightedEmbedScreen.toggleHighlight({ type: "cowebsite", embed: mainCoWebsite, }); } this.resizeAllIframes(); } public searchJitsi(): CoWebsite | undefined { return get(jitsiCoWebsite); } public addCoWebsiteToStore(coWebsite: CoWebsite, position: number | undefined) { const coWebsitePosition = position === undefined ? get(coWebsites).length : position; coWebsites.add(coWebsite, coWebsitePosition); } public generateUniqueId() { let id = undefined; do { id = "cowebsite-iframe-" + (Math.random() + 1).toString(36).substring(7); } while (this.getCoWebsiteById(id)); return id; } public loadCoWebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite): CancelablePromise { if (get(coWebsitesNotAsleep).length < 1) { coWebsites.remove(coWebsite); coWebsites.add(coWebsite, 0); this.loadMain(coWebsite.getWidthPercent()); } // Check if the main is hide if (this.getMainCoWebsite() && this.openedMain === iframeStates.closed) { this.displayMain(); } const coWebsiteLloading = coWebsite .load() .then(() => { const mainCoWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (mainCoWebsite && mainCoWebsite.getId() === coWebsite.getId()) { this.openMain(); setTimeout(() => {; }, animationTime); } this.resizeAllIframes(); }) .catch((err) => { console.error("Error on co-website loading => ", err); this.removeCoWebsiteFromStack(coWebsite); }); return coWebsiteLloading; } public unloadCoWebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite): Promise { this.removeHighlightCoWebsite(coWebsite); return coWebsite .unload() .then(() => { coWebsites.remove(coWebsite); const mainCoWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (mainCoWebsite) { this.removeHighlightCoWebsite(mainCoWebsite); this.goToMain(mainCoWebsite); this.resizeAllIframes(); } else { this.closeMain(); } coWebsites.add(coWebsite, get(coWebsites).length); }) .catch(() => { console.error(); }); } public closeCoWebsite(coWebsite: CoWebsite): void { if (get(coWebsites).length === 1) {; } this.removeCoWebsiteFromStack(coWebsite); const mainCoWebsite = this.getMainCoWebsite(); if (mainCoWebsite) { this.removeHighlightCoWebsite(mainCoWebsite); this.goToMain(mainCoWebsite); this.resizeAllIframes(); } else { this.closeMain(); } } public closeCoWebsites(): void { get(coWebsites).forEach((coWebsite: CoWebsite) => { this.closeCoWebsite(coWebsite); }); } public getGameSize(): { width: number; height: number } { if (this.openedMain === iframeStates.closed) { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight, }; } if (!this.verticalMode) { return { width: window.innerWidth - this.width, height: window.innerHeight, }; } else { return { width: window.innerWidth, height: window.innerHeight - this.height, }; } } private fire(): void {; waScaleManager.applyNewSize(); waScaleManager.refreshFocusOnTarget(); } private fullscreen(): void { if (this.isFullScreen) { this.toggleFullScreenIcon(true); this.resetStyleMain();; //we don't trigger a resize of the phaser game since it won't be visible anyway. } else { this.toggleFullScreenIcon(false); this.verticalMode ? (this.height = window.innerHeight) : (this.width = window.innerWidth); //we don't trigger a resize of the phaser game since it won't be visible anyway. } } private toggleFullScreenIcon(visible: boolean) { const openFullscreenImage = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteOpenFullScreenImageId); const closeFullScreenImage = HtmlUtils.getElementByIdOrFail(cowebsiteCloseFullScreenImageId); if (visible) { = "visible"; = "inline"; = "none"; } else { = "hidden"; = "none"; = "inline"; } } } export const coWebsiteManager = new CoWebsiteManager();