import {derived, get, Readable, writable} from "svelte/store"; import {ScreenSharingLocalMedia, screenSharingLocalMedia} from "./ScreenSharingStore"; import { peerStore, screenSharingStreamStore} from "./PeerStore"; import type {RemotePeer} from "../WebRtc/SimplePeer"; import {LayoutMode} from "../WebRtc/LayoutManager"; export type DisplayableMedia = RemotePeer | ScreenSharingLocalMedia; export const layoutModeStore = writable(LayoutMode.Presentation); /** * A store that contains the layout of the streams */ function createLayoutStore(): Readable> { return derived([ screenSharingStreamStore, peerStore, screenSharingLocalMedia, ], ([ $screenSharingStreamStore, $peerStore, $screenSharingLocalMedia, ], set) => { const peers = new Map(); const addPeer = (peer: DisplayableMedia) => { peers.set(peer.uniqueId, peer); }; $screenSharingStreamStore.forEach(addPeer); $peerStore.forEach(addPeer); if ($screenSharingLocalMedia?.stream) { addPeer($screenSharingLocalMedia); } set(peers); }); } export const layoutStore = createLayoutStore();